1:30 LRN Newscast March 28

Four men are behind bars after firing shots at a Monroe Police vehicle and the Police Chief Vic Zordan says they’ve had enough of repeat offenders. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (32)…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Pollster John Couvillon of JMC Analytics asked 600 likely voters last week who they would vote for governor in 2023 among eight different potential candidates and 14-percent of his respondents said they would support Baton Rouge Mayor Sharon Weston Broome, who is well-liked by Democrats in Baton Rouge…

Cut 5 (08) “…build on that”

A survey by personal finance website Wallet Hub-dot-com has ranked Louisiana as the nation’s most stressed state. Louisiana ranks fifth-worst in hours worked, fourth in divorce rate and percentage of adults in poor health, second in people living in poverty, and no state has a higher overall crime rate. Affordable housing and job security are also big problems in the Bayou State says analyst Jill Gonzales.

Cut 10 (12) “…very rampant there.”

State lawmakers will hold a veto session as there will be an effort to override the governor’s veto of the Congressional District map approved in the redistricting session. House Speaker Clay Schexnayder says the override session will begin at noon on Wednesday…

Cut 12 (07) “…regular session.”

Governor John Bel Edwards vetoed two new congressional maps approved by lawmakers. The maps maintain one majority-minority district while Edwards and Democrats believe the maps should have two Black majority districts because of an increase in the Black population.