9:30 LRN Newscast Mar 2

Many have criticized the Biden Administration saying their clean energy policies have limited gas and oil production thus causing inflation at the gas pump. In an exclusive interview with Louisiana Radio Network, Bharat Ramamurti (Rom-ah-more-tee) Deputy Director of the National Economic Council says the president is all for the U-S producing more oil and gas …

Cut 9 (12)  “…is incorrect.”

A new report from U.L.-Lafayette indicates recovery of Louisiana jobs from the pandemic will be a slow process. ULL economics professor Gary Wagner says record-high inflation is adversely affecting employers’ ability to fill needed jobs, and he doesn’t see that changing anytime soon…:

Cut 6 (11)  “…recover all those jobs.”

The Lake Providence Police Department is closed for business, Police Chief Leroy Threats says he received a call from Mayor Jerry Bell that there’s no funding for the department. Mayor Bell says the department overspent and while Chief Threats says otherwise. The East Carroll Parish Sheriff’s Department will respond to calls in the meantime.

Now that Fat Tuesday has come and gone, it’s time to get ready for Fish Fridays. David Grubb has more…

Cut 3 (34) “…I’m David Grubb.”