4:30 LRN Newscast February 25

Louisiana U-S Senator John Kennedy says it’s time to expel Russian President Vladimir Putin from the international community for attacking Ukraine. Kennedy says it’s time to stand up to Putin’s aggression…:

CUT 06(06)      “…that’s Hitler.”

Kennedy is calling for a stop to all exports to Russia and the U-S should not only sanction Russian banks and government officials but also rich business leaders who keep Putin in power.

A Louisiana native and veteran military commander says Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was whole un-necessary and will put the world in turmoil. Major General Ron Richard (USMC-Retired) says Putin’s seeming worries of Ukraine joining NATO were never really going to happen…:

CUT 12(12)      “…to be a member.”


Baton Rouge Police are investigating a fatal drive-by shooting this afternoon very near the city’s Mall of Louisiana; an area not known for violent crime. BRPD reports several people were hit by gunfire and two persons are dead.

It’s the final weekend before Mardi Gras, which means big fun and hopefully big revenues for Louisiana. David Grubb has more…:

CUT 02(33)      “…David Grubb.”

As part of his anti-litter campaign, Governor Edwards is asking all parade-goers this weekend to please pick up your own trash and dispose of it properly. If you can haul away your beads and cups, you can haul away your trash.