8:30 LRN Newscast February 3

The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee will discuss redrawing the state’s Congressional district lines today. Black lawmakers have submitted proposals to create a second majority-minority congressional district in an effort to get two African-Americans in Louisiana’s U-S House delegation. But Slidell Senator and Chairwoman of the committee Sharon Hewitt says that would result in taking black voters out of District Two, Troy Carter’s district…
cut 6 (12) “…minority district”

A cold front will push through Louisiana bringing heavy rounds of rain and the possibility of winter precipitation north of I-20. State Climatologist Barry Keim says temperatures will drop after the front moves through…
cut 14 (11) “….into Louisiana”

This week, a special task force appointed by Governor Edwards approved a Climate Action Plan for Louisiana, designed to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. Harry Vorhoff chairs the Climate Initiatives Task Force and says the plan has 28 strategies and 84 specific actions to attain that goal. He says a lot of the state’s emissions come from the energy and chemical industries, and their concerns were kept in mind…:
Cut 7 (08) “…or no-carbon market.”
But the Louisiana Chemical Association supports innovation and not regulation in an effort to reduce emissions.

Louisiana may have its first reported case of a neurodegenerative disease that attacks white-tailed deer. Samples from an adult buck hunter-harvested in Tensas Parish showed signs of Chronic Wasting Disease or CWD. Dr. Jim LaCour says LDWF has been preparing for CWD to make its way from neighboring states into Louisiana.
Cut 11 (10) “…not totally unexpected.”