2:30 LRN Newscast February 1

We expect to find out more information today on what Governor John Bel Edwards’ knew about Ronald Greene’s death, a black motorist who died while in State Police custody.
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At 5:00 today, the Louisiana Legislature begins a redistricting session. Democrats have filed bills to create a second-minority majority Congressional district, while the Republicans are pushing for minor changes to the state’s Congressional district map.

The federal government is sending Louisiana 111-million dollars to plug and restore abandoned oil and gas wells. The money comes from the one-trillion dollar infrastructure bill and the first allocation is for 47-million dollars. Senator Bill Cassidy says he’s heard from communities across Louisiana about the environmental and safety hazards of orphan wells…
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The state Department of Natural Resources estimates there are 46-hundred abandoned wells in Louisiana and cleanup is likely to cost 400-million dollars.

The Louisiana Workforce Commission launched a new program today that would provide qualified applicants with free truck driver training…
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That’s L-W-C Secretary Ava Cates who says the five-week classes begin in mid-February and they hope to ease the state’s driver shortage.