6:30 LRN Newscsat

As the state reports more probable cases of the Omicron variant, Pfizer says the third dose of its vaccine may offer more protection to the variant as opposed to only two doses. LSU Health Shreveport infectious disease specialist Doctor John Vanchiere….
Cut 10 (12) “…Omicron variant.”
The state health department reported 16 more cases of the omicron variant yesterday.

U-S Labor Secretary Martin Walsh says the recently approved federal infrastructure bill will mean 380-million dollars for Louisiana that will go towards airports, electric vehicle charging stations, and broadband. The pandemic highlighted the digital divide in rural areas. Walsh says it’s important to close that gap.
Cut 8 (10) “…to information.”

For the 9th straight year, Louisiana is among places listed as the Ten Worst Judicial Hellholes in the USA. More from Kevin Gallagher…:
Cut 1 (33) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”