11:30 LRN Newscast Dec 6

The first case of the COVID-19  Omicron variant has been detected in Louisiana and State Health Officer Dr. Joe Kanter stresses vaccinations and boosters.

Cut 1 (31) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”


Hurricane victims from 2020 and 2021 continue to struggle with insurance companies on getting paid for their storm damage claims. Houma Senator Mike Fesi says many of his constituents can’t even get a call back.

 Cut 6 (11) “..biggest complaint.” 

Fesi says expects a lot of legislation will be considered in the 2022 regular session on how they can force insurance companies to provide timely claims.


The Senate Select Committee on State Police Oversight is holding its first meeting today and will hear from LSP Superintendent Colonel Lamar Davis. Baton Rouge Senator Franklin Foil says their primary goal will be to determine if legislation needs to be enacted to reduce excessive force among police officers and as a legislative branch, they have oversight authority.

Cut 21 (10) “…their policies.”


Congressman Troy Carter is proposing legislation that would erase student loan debt equal to that of any SBA loans taken out to recover from a disaster since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s called the ‘No Double Debt for Disaster Survivors Act”.

Cut 13 (07) “…have a restart.”

Stats show that the nation has nearly 43-million borrowers owing one-point-five-nine billion dollars in federal student loans.