3:30 pm LRN Newscast Nov 23

President Biden orders 50 million barrels of oil to be released from the strategic reserve in an effort to reduce energy costs. LSU Center for Energy Studies, Executive Director David Dismukes says the move is a classic example of do-nothing politics…:

CUT 03(11)      “…past January.”

The barrels of oil to be released will not hit the market until mid to late December, so any lower price you may see when pumping gas may be closer to Christmas.

You’re going to be hearing a lot about this: a state Department of Health proposal to require kids have the COVID vaccine to get into schools. Among those strongly opposed to the idea is state Attorney General Jeff Landry, who accuses Governor Edwards of overreach for supporting a mandate for kids 16 and older to have the shots…:

CUT 12(09)      “…parents, not bureaucrats.”


The cruise business is ramping back up in New Orleans as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ease. More from Dave Brannen…:

CUT 02(34)      “…Brannen.”

Deputies in Ouachita parish are seeking a man who fakes being disabled while burglarizing cars in the Monroe area. The guy gets around in a wheelchair, but has been caught on video walking and even running from some of the cars and trucks he’s broken into. The Ouachita sheriff’s Office will gladly take tips that help catch this low-life.