3:30 pm LRN Newwscast Nov 18

The Public Service Commission is looking at ways to help prevent massive power outages like the ones that plagued the state in February and then again with Hurricane Ida. District 2 Commissioner Craig Greene says they want to research such options like burying power lines underground, to see if it reduces outages…:

CUT 06(09)      “…into resiliency.”

Other members say whatever is done, it must be with an eye on not costing rate payers a ton of money.

U.S. Senator John Kennedy was in rare form on the Senate floor; railing against the Biden White House for the steep increases in the cost of …just about everything…:

CUT 12(09)      “…figure that out.”

Kennedy calls trying to fix inflation with more spending is an idea that simply won’t work.


If you prefer celestial events to getting some shuteye, then you’re invited to jump out of bed for a near-total lunar eclipse early tomorrow morning. More from Dave Brannen…:

CUT 01(29)      “…Brannen.”

A West Baton Rouge Parish deputy hopes fellow lawmen can help him catch the persons who shot and killed his pet pig, Mr. Willie. Sgt. Ryan Polansky says a nearby video camera caught images of a man and woman in a white Nissan sedan before and after the animal was killed. He advises the culprits to turn themselves in.