11:30 Newscast, May 7th, 2015

Lawmakers have started talking about the various bills to increase revenue to close a $1.6 billion dollar budget shortfall. Before debate began, House Speaker Chuck Kleckley explained how important today is for lawmakers..:
CUT 1 (12) “state forward”
Among the bills that could generate revenue are a cigarette tax hike and a reduction in tax credits and tax exemptions that businesses receive. They are looking for more money to spend next year to try to stay away from cutting higher ed and healthcare.

Governor Bobby Jindal has reportedly set a self-imposed deadline on when he’ll make a decision about whether or not to run for president. Jindal now says he’ll make an announcement at the end of June. Previously he said he would announce after the session ends June 11th.

State Police announce the arrest of 34 individuals over the last two months following numerous criminal investigations by their Insurance Fraud/Auto Theft Unit. These people were involved in committing insurance fraud, including staged or “jump-in” crashes and falsifying documents to make injury claims. Sgt. Nick Manale says some think these crimes are harmless, but that is far from the truth…:
CUT 3 (07) “across the state”
It is reported that intentional or staged crashes costs the insurance industry billions of dollars each year in fraudulent claims.

It appears that the first shot has been fired in Louisiana’s governor’s race. Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne issued a statement calling US Senator David an absentee Senator after he missed a budget vote in the Senate. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says this is expected…:
CUT 6 (09) “one another”