5:30 LRN Newscast Nov 2

More information is being released about an officer-involved shooting when Houma police responded to a domestic disturbance late Monday afternoon. State Police now say, 36-year-old Johnny McGee had a raised screwdriver, refused commands, and was shot by an officer who tried to put distance between himself and McGee. McGee died later at the hospital from his injuries. An investigation into the incident is ongoing

The CDC approves use of the Pfizer vaccine among 5 to 11-year-olds.  The vaccine rate among 12 to 18-year-olds in the state is 35-percent Dr. Ben Springgate with LSU Health New Orleans says he thinks a third of the new age group will be vaccinated ASAP, as, for the rest, parents will speak with their pediatrician first.

Cut 3 (10) “….other people.”

No mayor in the modern history of New Orleans has lost re-election and LaToya Cantrell’s bid for a second-term won’t apparently change that.  Dr. Edward Chervenak, Director of the UNO Survey Research Center, says Cantrell’s approval rating is running high based on a telephone survey of 605 likely voters in Orleans Parish

Cut 6 (05) “…job approval rating.” 

Senator Bill Cassidy says in the infrastructure bill waiting to be passed, there is three-point-five-billion-dollars for flood mitigation that would go hand in hand with addressing flooding issues in Louisiana.

Cut 14 (10) “…entire community.” 

Cassidy is among those on Capitol Hill reintroducing bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program for five years, which includes guardrails on drastic increases on flood insurance premiums.