A recent InsuranceQuotes-dot-com study shows Louisiana is the fifth most expensive state for car insurance. Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says the biggest reason for the state’s high auto insurance rates is the state’s litigation rate…
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They say rates in Louisiana are 33-percent higher than the national average.
Supporters of Planned Parenthood from across the state will gather at the Capitol this morning to support reproductive heath care access in Louisiana. Spokeswoman Raegan Carter says they believe families deserve access to healthcare no matter who they are or where they live…
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Carter says basic health care rights are the foundation of freedom and opportunity for women and families.
As legislators enter the fourth week of this legislative session, many say lawmakers are still not close to finding a solution to the state’s $1.6 billion dollar budget shortfall. Jeremy Alford of Lapolitics-dot-com says it’s a misconception that Governor Bobby Jindal is not staying involved in what’s going on at the Capitol because he’s making it very clear to legislators that the budget will have to be balanced in a revenue neutral way…
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Alford believes a plan will start to take shape about two weeks from the end of the session.
To celebrate National Tourism Week, Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne is touring the state to celebrate the tourism industry in Louisiana. Dardenne says almost 29 million people visited Louisiana last year, which is a new record, and those tourists spent over $11 billion in the state…
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The tour runs through Saturday.