3:30 pm LRN Newscast Sept 29

Good medical news for Louisiana; COVID-19 numbers are down overall for the state, with fewer people hospitalized this week than we’ve seen in months. The bad news? There’s still plenty of the virus going around. State Health Officer Dr. Joe Kanter says it’s not a good time to let one’s guard down…:

CUT 13             (11)      “…throughout this surge”

Governor Edwards’ mask mandate remains in effect for another four weeks.

Parents of Louisiana public school kids now have a new option in dealing with the chances of their child getting coronavirus. Currently, if a kid is exposed to the virus school officials mandatorily quarantine them. Under the new policy, parents of kids who may have been exposed are notified, and they get to decide whether or not to quarantine their children. In addition a no-cost COVID screening will be provided to the student in question.


FEMA’s Blue Roof program for those with roof damage from Hurricanes Ida and Nicholas has been extended through October 15th. The deadline to apply WAS set for tomorrow. The Blue Roof tarps are installed free, but you must give FEMA workers right of entry into your home. For information call 888-766-3258.

Autopsy results of 20-month-old Burreaux the Baton Rouge Zoo giraffe named after LSU Heisman winner Joe Borrow, indicate the young calf died of shock. Brooke Thorington has more…:

CUT 01             (32)      “…Thorington”