11:30 LRN Newscast Sept 28

Thirty days after Hurricane Ida, the Louisiana Public Service Commission reports nearly eight thousand customers are without power as a result of the Category 4 storm. Entergy Louisiana VP of Distribution Operations John Hawkins says some of their customers are still not able to accept power because of damage to their homes…

Cut 3 10) “…their lives.”

Gas prices usually decline in the fall, but that’s not the case this year. According to the Louisiana Triple-A, the statewide price for a regular gallon of gasoline is $2.90, about eight cents higher than a month ago. Triple-A fuel analyst Don Redman says the big culprit in keeping pump prices high is the price of crude oil…

Cut 9 (09) “…of the year” 

He says 16-percent of crude production in the Gulf of Mexico is still shut down because of Ida and Nicholas.

More and more Blue Roofs are being installed on homes after Hurricane Ida’s devastation, but as Dave Brannen reports, the application deadline is Thursday.

Cut 1 (33) “…I’m Dave Brannen.”

Governor Edwards will have a 1 pm press conference this today, he will give updates on hurricane Ida recovery and COVID. He’s also expected to make an announcement concerning the statewide mask mandate which expires on Wednesday.