07:30 Newscast April 29, 2015

The granddaughter of Saints owner Tom Benson made an appearance at the state capitol Tuesday in support of the state’s film tax program. Rita Benson Leblanc says it’s paramount Louisiana differentiate itself when attracting major events. She says the state’s film tax program helps major events like the Super Bowl with their visual and media elements…

cut 8 (09) “networks themselves”

The bill was amended to put a $200 million dollar cap on the program and other cap bills were also approved in committee.

Legislation that would allow a domestic abuse victim to immediately move out an apartment or rented home without facing a penalty for violating the lease was approved by a senate committee. Cashuana Hill, executive director of the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Center, says this legislation is needed, because there are numerous cases where a domestic abuse victim is evicted from their home, because the apartment complex has a policy against domestic violence…

cut 14 (05) “for that abuse”

The bill will now be heard on the Senate floor.
The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office says one person is under arrest and they are looking for 10 others as part of a million dollar theft scam involving Comcast Cable customers. Spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick says the scheme involved out of state cable contractors who would use real Comcast customers information to open up fake accounts in order to get commission…

cut 10 (09) “they would make a commission”

Chadwick says the now former Comcast employee involved in this scheme is in jail and booked with 107 counts of identity theft and one count of criminal conspiracy.

The US Supreme Court begins hearing a case today challenging the constitutionality of Oklahoma’s lethal injection procedure. The case wants to end the use of midazolam as a sedative in Oklahoma’s lethal injection protocol. Loyola Law Professor Dane Ciolino says protocols changed when the makers of sodium thiopental and pentobarbital refused to sell to states that use it for corporal punishment…

cut 4 (08) “in the alternative”

There are questions in midazolam’s effectiveness as a sedative.