06:30 Newscast April 29, 2015

A senate committee approves legislation that would allow a domestic abuse victim to immediately move out an apartment or rented home without facing a penalty for violating the lease. Baton Rouge Senator Sharon Weston Broome says her legislation also has a provision in cases where the victim doesn’t want to leave the home…

cut 13 (10)  “is evicted”

The measure now heads to the Senate floor.

Rita Benson Leblanc made an appearance at the state capitol Tuesday in support of the state’s film tax program. During testimony, LeBlanc identified herself as a former sports executive who said the film tax credit program helped New Orleans get the Super Bowl in 2013…

cut 7 (11)  “in that”

The bill was amended to put a $200 million dollar cap on the program and it now heads to the House floor.

The US Supreme Court begins hearing a case today challenging the constitutionality of Oklahoma’s lethal injection procedure. The case argues to end the use of midazolam as a sedative in Oklahoma’s lethal injection protocol. Midazolam, which is also part of Louisiana’s protocol, is an anti-anxiety drug that has no pain relieving properties and there are questions in its effectiveness as a sedative. Loyola Law Professor Dane Ciolino says this case raises the issue of whether midazolam does what states claim that it does…

cut 5  (11)  “of serious pain”

This lawsuit was filed after four apparently botched executions that made national headlines last year.