6:30 LRN Newscast

Forecasters are keeping a close eye on a tropical wave in the Caribbean that’s expected to become a named storm in the next 48 hours and move into the Gulf of Mexico this weekend….
cut 7 (11) “…Gulf Coast”
State Climatologist Barry Keim says this system has the potential to impact Louisiana Sunday night into Monday.

Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin says he will not enact a coronavirus emergency plan for the fall elections. Ardoin says that means no expanded absentee-by-mail voting or expanded early voting…
cut 11 (06) “….work out”
Ardoin says an emergency election plan is not needed since COVID vaccines are widely available.

The Biden Administration announces it will comply with a federal court ruling requiring it to restart oil and gas lease sales. Matt Doyle has the story.
Cut 1 (30) ā€œā€¦Iā€™m Matt Doyle.ā€