A measure by Gonzales state Representative Eddie Lambert would set a limit on the size of live crawfish that would be sold to people or restaurants. Lambert says he filed the bill after hearing complaints about small crawfish from both wholesalers and consumers…
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The measure would make it illegal for vendors, farmers, and harvesters to sell crawfish that are smaller than three and a half inches for people to eat.
The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission begins their “Buckle Up in Your Truck” campaign today in an effort to get more pickup drivers to use their seat belts. Executive Director Lt. Col. John LeBlanc says even though Louisiana’s seat belt compliance rate rose to a record 84-percent in 2014, pickup truck drivers lag behind…
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LeBlanc says you can expect to see increased patrols to make sure you are buckled up, no matter what kind of vehicle you’re in.
The Department of Health and Hospitals is issuing early reminders about the importance of taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family from West Nile. They believe this will be a big mosquito season because of all the rain we’ve gotten in April. DHH State Epidemiologist Raoult Ratard says get rid of all standing water…
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Ratard says standing water serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that may be infected with West Nile. In 2014, Louisiana reported 61 cases of West Nile and Ratard says residents who are at least 65 years old are at higher risk for complications but everyone is at risk for infection.