6:30 LRN Newscast June 21

Starting at 12 PM today Louisianans who’ve received at least one COVID shot can register to win up to a million dollars through the state’s vaccine lottery program.
Cut 1 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle.”

The LSU Board of Supervisors has approved a resolution that asks the state health department to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory before students can attend public schools, colleges and universities. State law requires students to be vaccinated against several diseases, but the COVID vaccine was approved by the FDA on an emergency basis.

Researchers at LSU- Health New Orleans have created a compound that mimics a protective chemical in our brain and retina of the eye and discover it can also protect the lungs against COVID. Director of the Neuroscience Center Dr. Nicolas Bazan (rhymes with Tarzan) experimented with compound.
Cut 10 (12) “…they do.”
The therapy still has to undergo clinical research.

Real Reform Louisiana Executive Director Eric Holl delivered tiki torches to the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry headquarters because auto insurance rates are on the rise. Holl says LABI President Stephen Waguespack told KEEL Radio in Shreveport a year ago he would grab a tiki torch and go to the Capitol if rates did not go down as a result of legislation that changed the way civil courts handle car crash cases
Cut 14 (06) “…regular people.”
LABI President Stephen Waguespack says with jury trials finally resuming, the impact of the law can finally be felt.