1:30 LRN Newscast June 11

A progressive advocacy group recommends that this fall people vote against a tax swap proposal passed by the legislature. Matt Doyle has more…

Cut 2 (29) …I’m Matt Doyle”  

It’s free fishing weekend in Louisiana and LDWF spokesperson Gabe Giffin says it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce the sport to someone who’s never been and possibly recruit a new fishing buddy.

Cut 5  (07) “…every day.”

You won’t need a fishing license this weekend in Louisiana.

A tense exchange between two lawmakers ended in threats, tears, and the removal of a bill. On Wednesday Bogalusa Representative Malinda White and Shreveport Representative Alan Seabaugh had a heated exchange over her bill to define domestic abuse. White who has previously shared she’s a victim of domestic abuse herself was visibly emotional over the withdrawal of her bill.

Cut 10 (13) “…House Bill 159.”

The Advocate newspaper reports retired Oregon State Coach Pat Casey is unlikely to become the next coach at LSU.  Tiger Rag Editor Ron Higgins says but another name to watch in the school’s search for a new coach is former LSU catcher and current Ole Miss head coach Mike Bianco.

Cut 15 (11) “…a lot”