President Joe Biden was in Lake Charles and New Orleans yesterday as he pushes for his two-trillion dollar American Jobs Plan that seeks to rebuild roads, bridges, and water systems like the Carrollton Plant in New Orleans that has century-old turbines. In Lake Charles, officials say a new I-10 bridge is needed. Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter on his meeting with the President…
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Meanwhile, the Louisiana House approved spending 300-million dollars in federal coronavirus aid on water infrastructure projects around the state…
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That’s House Appropriations Chairman Jerome Zeringue who also says another 90-million will be used to expand broadband.
The LSU Board of Supervisors has named William Tate the Fourth as the new LSU system president and chancellor. He becomes the first black person to lead LSU after spending the last 10 months as the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at the University of South Carolina. Tate is expected to start his new job on July 2nd…
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Moms with preschool-age children saw their stress levels during the pandemic rise and twice as many of the mothers reported they lost sleep during the COVID-19 outbreak than before it. That’s according to a study conducted by LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Doctor Chelsea Kracht (Krok) says having fathers or other family members take on some of the childcare and housework would help moms balance the demands of their career and personal lives…
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