Lake Charles Mayor Nic Hunter met briefly with President Joe Biden yesterday during his visit to Louisiana to promote his jobs and infrastructure plan. Biden vowed that if his plan is passed a new I-10 bridge over the Calcasieu River would be built. Hunter says that’s great, but this isn’t the first time they’ve heard that promise…
Cut 4 (12)“…bridge.”
The Louisiana House approved next fiscal year’s 36-billion dollar budget and agreed on how to spend 800 million dollars in federal American Rescue Act funds. Appropriations Chairman Jerome Zeringue highlighted the increased investment in higher education.
Cut 13 (10) “…institutions.”
The proposed spending plans still need Senate approval.
LSU is the first school in the SEC to select a Black president. Brooke Thorington has more on the historic appointment of William Tate IV.
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Brooke Thorington”