President Biden was in Lake Charles touting his American Jobs Plans to rebuild infrastructure today. Congressman Steve Scalise says the President is promoting a budget-busting tax hike that will force middle-class jobs overseas. But Biden says his plan would result in over 16-million American jobs and is willing to meet with GOP lawmakers to find common ground.
The LA Wallet now offers the ability to store a copy of your COVID vaccine card. In addition to your driver’s license Governor Edwards says it’s optional and free of charge.
The LA Wallet app is free and available for download on the Apple App and Google Play stores.
Four women have filed EEOC complaints alleging they suffered sexual harassment and discrimination at LSU Health Shreveport. Their attorney Allison Jones says her clients wanted to address the situation privately, but the LSU Board of Supervisors held an executive session where politicians were invited, but the media and accusers were barred.
They are calling for Chancellor G.E. Ghali to be removed.
House Labor approves legislation prohibiting employers from retaliating against employees for sharing salary information with each other, and from asking about applicants’ previous wage history. Baton Rouge Representative Barbara Carpenter says in 2013 the Legislature passed legislation allowing state employees to share salary information and it narrowed the gender pay gap.
Carpenter says 19 states have passed similar pay transparency laws.