530 PM LRN News/Legislative Report

The House gives approval to legislation that would establish a flat corporate income tax rate for in the state of six percent. Currently, there’s a tiered system wherein companies pay less than 6% on La. taxable income under 50,000 dollars.

While ultimately voting for the legislation Alexandria Representative Lance Harris noted…


Bill author and Columbia Rep Niel Riser argued this change would pay dividends as a business grows…


The House passed companion legislation that balanced out the revenue losses by eliminating businesses’ ability to write off federal taxes on their state tax bill. The change will need voter approval.

Your state ID won’t be turned into a vaccine passport under legislation now heading to the House floor. Gonzales Representative Kathy Edmonston’s bill bans the Office of Motor Vehicles from putting a person’s vaccine status on their driver’s license or requiring vaccination to receive an ID.

Cut 10, 8 seconds, information

But there’s question as to whether the bill is actually needed as a spokesperson for the OMV told a House committee that the office is currently not authorized by the Legislature to put someone’s vaccine status on a driver’s license or require vaccination to receive one.

Legislation lowering personal state income tax rates in exchange for eliminating the ability to deduct federal taxes gets temporarily shelved after hitting the House floor.

House Education will hear a bill Tuesday morning banning the teaching of what is labeled “critical race theory” in Louisiana schools.