11:30 LRN Newscast April 23

The restaurant industry continues to face hurdles with the pandemic but instead of a lack of customers, it’s employees. Louisiana Restaurant Association President Stan Harris says members are having trouble finding enough workers.

Cut 7 (11)  “…currently.”

Harris says boosted unemployment benefits are hurting the industry.

House Health and Welfare advances legislation expanding the state medical marijuana program to include smoke-able “raw” marijuana. Bill author, Houma Representative, and Republican Tanner Magee says our neighbors in Mississippi and Arkansas have OK’d the sale, and we need to catch up or our state’s program could collapse…

Cut 10 (08) “..relief.”

The final vote in committee was 12-1, and the bill now heads to the House floor. Governor Edwards says he is inclined to support the bill.

Voters in southeast Louisiana will elect a new Congressman in the 2nd district on Saturday. Jim Shannon looks at the race between Karen Carter Peterson and Troy Carter…

Cut 1 (30) “ …I’m Jim Shannon” 

A wife of one of the crew members presumed dead from the Seacor lift boat that capsized April 13th files a $25-millon lawsuit against the ship’s owners. Hannah Daspit, spouse of Dylan Daspit, is suing for gross negligence. Her husband is one of seven crew members still unaccounted for. Six out of the 19 crew members were rescued alive the same day the boat capsized during hurricane-force winds.