1:30 LRN Newscast April 5

Of the 834,000 Louisianans who’ve completed their vaccine series, only 126 have tested positive for COVID-19 so far. Matt Doyle has the story.

Cut 2 (30) …I’m Matt Doyle.”  

More than 2-million vaccine doses have now been administered in Louisiana. The department of health reports 1,259 new cases of COVID-19 in the state. Those numbers reflect Good Friday and the weekend update of numbers. The state also says less than 300 are hospitalized with COVID and report 4 new fatalities.

A Legislative Auditor’s report finds that approximately 98-thousand individuals received $405 million in unemployment benefits and it appears they were not eligible in Louisiana from the end of March until the end of 2020. Auditor Chris Magee says the Workforce Commission reported benefit filings rose more than two-hundred thousand percent from pre-pandemic levels which led to the oversite.

Cut 4 (11) “…improper payments.” 

In a poll of 781 Louisiana adults, roughly half of the state’s residents approve of Louisiana’s response to the pandemic. LSU Public Policy Research Lab Director Mike Henderson says the 2021 Louisiana survey shows a divide among party lines.

Cut 12 (11)   “…handled it.”