1130 AM LRN News

Former LSU and current Oregon State President F. King Alexander submitted his resignation. King Alexander came under fire for his role in the system-wide failure to address sexual misconduct cases during his time at LSU. OSU Board Chairwoman Rani Borkar…


The CDC revises social distancing guidelines for schools to 3-feet instead of six. Brooke Thorington has more from a Louisiana Congressman who led the charge for revision.

Cut 2 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 

There was a nine percent drop in the total number of abortions performed in Louisiana from 2019 to 2020 according to the Louisiana Department of Health. Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Ben Clapper says this puts the state’s abortion rate at a 12-year low.

Cut 3 (06)  “…abortions”  

Clapper says it’s the result of a culture shift and legislative changes. Planned Parenthood argues the decrease is largely driven by increased access to contraception.

It was a year ago today that the Stay at Home order went into effect. Several Phases later the restaurant industry is now operating at 75-percent capacity, but many did not survive. Louisiana Restaurant Association President Stan Harris says anywhere from 20 to 25-percent of restaurants and bars have closed in the last year.

Cut 6 (08) “…business.”