LRN Newscast 07:30 August 8

Louisiana Governor and potential Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal is back in Iowa today, even though polls show he does not have much support to receive the republican nomination. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says visits like today to early primary states will help Jindal decide whether to run or not….
cut 8 (10) “…see Jindal continue”
Jindal says he will not decide on a potential presidential run, until after the November election.

Louisiana State Police announce photographs from non-fatal crash scenes are now available for purchase on their website. Sergeant James Anderson says the website is l-s-p-dot-org….
cut 11 (06) “…then and there”
Attorneys and insurance firms are the main clientele for crash scene photos.

The LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans received a five-point-six million dollar grant from the National Cancer Institute to build a regional cancer trials network. Eric Gill on what this means for the state…
cut 1 (35) “….reporting”

Numbers from the Commerce Departement indicate personal spending rose from an average of 28-thousand dollars per person in Louisiana in 2007 to nearly 32-thousand in 2012. That 32-thousand figure is the 15th lowest in the country.