10:30 LRN Newscast

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon is encouraging residents to file a claim if they sustained damage from last month’s winter storms. Slips and falls, roof damage and burst pipes are some of the circumstances that should be covered by your homeowners’ insurance. Donelon says one estimate says last month’s winter storms will cost the industry 18-billion dollars…
Cut 15 (07)“….weather.”

Funds are now available to help tenants and landlords who have experienced financial hardship from the pandemic.  Executive Director of Louisiana Housing Corporation Keith Cunningham says priority is given to households where at least one member has been unemployed for more than 90 days due to COVID…

Cut 6 (10) “…considered.”

For more information visit LA State Rent-dot com

Visit LAStateRent.com for more information.

The state’s cattle industry took a beating from last month’s historic winter storms. LSU AgCenter regional livestock specialist Jason Holmes estimates many cattle farmers lost at least a couple head, mostly calves, due to the stress of the event and the frigid temperatures. He says it came at a rough time…

Cut 8 (07) “…the ground”

Baton Rouge newborn Lexa Dennis is the youngest ever to receive Zolgensma (zol·gens·ma.), the most expensive gene-drug therapy in the world at $2.1 million. Pediatric Neurologist Dr. Charlotte Hollman says Lexa has Spinal Muscular Atrophy,  a debilitating and often fatal disease and she was given the life-saving medication at just four days old at Woman’s Hospital.

Cut 10 (06) “…opportunity.”

She went home 11 days later.