With the State Department of Education to receive one-billion in CARES funding, one lawmaker is urging them to use part of the funds to help close the digital divide.
Cut 2 (31) …I’m Jeff Palermo.”
Governor Edwards says the state is in critical need of blood donations after last week’s winter storms caused disruptions.
Each state agency is legally obligated to reveal how many sexual harassment complaints it has each year and if those complaints result in disciplinary action, however, Attorney General Jeff Landry chose not to disclose in a report due February 15th that one of his top deputies Pat Magee received a salary cut and had to undergo mandatory training after a sexual harassment complaint, claiming Magee was reprimanded for inappropriate behavior.
Many parents struggle with getting their children to eat healthy, Pediatrician and Mom Dr. Candice Jones says if possible, children should be breastfed for the first six months of life and then begin introducing them to nutritious pureed food gradually, one new food group at a time.
She suggests introducing vegetables and fruits via a smoothie made with low-fat yogurt.