10:30 LRN Newscast Jan 14

Julia Letlow, the wife of the late Congressman-elect Luke Letlow, has announced she will run for Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District seat. The seat was left vacant when Luke Letlow died from COVID-19 before he was to be sworn-in. Julia Letlow announced her candidacy on K-W-C-L Radio just like her husband did last March…

Cut 3 (09)  “..so proud”

It remains to be seen who else will run. Qualifying is next week.

Being a smoker is an expensive habit in Louisiana despite having one of the cheapest prices for a pack of cigarettes according to the financial website WalletHub. Analyst for WalletHub Jill Gonzales says on average smokers make 20-percent less than nonsmokers, which includes healthcare-related costs due to smoking.

Cut 9 (10) “…nonsmokers.”

The U.S. House voted 232 to 197 Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump with Incitement of Insurrection. The Louisiana Republican Congressional Delegation voted against impeachment, including Metairie Congressman Steve Scalise, who says impeachment will only serve to further divide the nation.

Cut 13 (05) “…ground.”
Scalise says the earliest the Senate could take up Trump’s trial would be January 20th, the day he leaves the Oval Office.

As expected, Louisiana’s House delegation voted along party lines. New Orleans Congressman Cedric Richmond laid out the Democrats case against the President…
cut 16 (13) “…insurrection”

Overall, Ten Republicans voted in favor of impeachment and four Republicans chose not to vote. All Democratic members of the House voted in favor of impeachment.