6:30 LRN Newscast Jan 2

Louisiana’s top public health expert has been encouraged by the COVID vaccine rollout distribution so far. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 1 (31) “…I’m Jeff Palermo.”

The funeral for the late Congressman-elect Luke Letlow who passed away Tuesday from COVID-related complications will be today. It will be at 2 p.m. at North Monroe Baptist Church. All COVID restrictions will be followed and the funeral will be live-streamed from the church’s social media platforms.

2020 was the busiest year on record for the Louisiana National Guard with the pandemic, hurricanes, and a deployment of more than 2,000 guardsmen overseas. LANG spokesperson Noel Collins said since March, guardsmen have assisted with testing sites and food banks.

Cut 6 (06) “…of food.”

The City of Lake Charles took a beating not once but twice with hurricanes in 2020, Laura was first responsible for widespread destruction and then Delta just added insult to injury. Mayor Nic Hunter says recovery efforts have come a long way in four months, however…

Cut 9 (09) “…recovered.”

Overall, Hunter is optimistic about the recovery of Lake Charles, because it’s residents and business community are resilient.