Latest data from US Census Bureau shows a population increase along the Gulf Coast of three million people or nearly 25-percent between 2000 and 2016. Jeff Palermo has more..
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”
Governor Edwards announces State Police are applying for two federal grants to help promote school safety. Matt Doyle has more.
Cut 2 (30) ”I’m Matt Doyle”
LSU Scientists may have figured out how to curb the rise of adolescent obesity. Kevin Barnhart has the story.
Cut 3 (33) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”
A US Census Bureau report says coastal counties and parishes along the Gulf of Mexico have seen an increase of 3 million people, or 24.5%, between 2000 and 2016. The US itself has grown by nearly 15-percent over the same time. The reason for the coastal boom? Demographer Greg Rigamer says it boils down to one thing.
Cut 4 (04) “…it’s an economic factor.”
Rigamer credits much of the coastal population boom to the need for construction following natural disasters such as hurricanes.
Cut 5 (09) “…creates construction jobs.”
With the exception of 2005, a year that saw an intense hurricane season with three of the costliest hurricanes on record, Rigamer says every year since 2000 has shown growth, despite the threat of danger from natural disasters.
Cut 6 (11) “…to making a living.”
Louisiana State Police has applied for two federal grants to fund improvements to school safety after a series of school shootings earlier this year. Governor John Bel Edwards, speaking at Mckinley High School in Baton Rouge, says if awarded, the grants will fund projects highlighted by a joint commission. Edwards says the commission’s research team is busy compiling reports on every school in the state.
Cut 7 (09) “as well.”
The legislature made a lot of noise about improving school safety during the regular session in spring, but with budget issues suffocating the capitol, didn’t pass much legislation addressing the issue. Edwards says once school safety priorities are identified, leaders will have to contend with how they’ll get funded.
Cut 8 (10) “that implementation.”
Schools nationwide are grappling with questions about safety, with few easy answers in sight. Edwards says safety is the top priority, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of building a welcoming environment suited to learning.
Cut 9 (06) “like prisons”
A report from a team of LSU Health New Orleans and St. George University scientists indicates obese women may be able to prevent their children from falling prey to adolescent obesity by eating a healthy diet when pregnant. LSU School of Public Health Professor Dr. Richard Scribner says if further research confirms the results, you can add high sugar, processed foods to the list of no go’s for pregnant women.
Cut 10 (12) “turned on”
The team determined this by taking a trip to the tiny island of Grenada, which has rapidly industrialized and increased consumption of sugary, processed foods in recent years. They discovered that obesity rates have spiked in adults there, but not the school children they studied. Closer examination showed their mothers had consumed healthy diets while pregnant.
Scribner says that’s potentially a major discovery for the medical community, which has struggled to find a solution to rapidly ballooning adolescent obesity rates.
Cut 11 (08) “as adults”
The report indicates even obese women can reduce the chance of passing on active obesity genes to their children by eating healthy for those nine months. Scribner says if this is verified, that could make preventing the disease later in kids much easier.
Cut 12 (08) “targeted one”
Grenadian children were shown to be three times less likely to be obese than American kids.
An Oak Grove police officer has resigned following his arrest on charges of rape on a teenager. Authorities made the arrest following an investigation stemming from a complaint received in July pertaining to the now former officer. Senior Trooper Michael Reichardt of the LSP confirms the identity of the arrested individual.
Cut 13 (08) “…Lake Providence area.”
Reichardt says the investigation continues into the case following the arrest, which he adds he believes the suspect is already out of the clink.
Cut 14 (06) “…already bonded out.”
Reichardt says the message from his agency is very clear when it comes to cases like these.
Cut 15 (08) “…case very seriously.”