Secretary of State Tom Schedler announces a major overhaul of the state’s geauxBIZ-dot-com website making it easier to start a business in Louisiana. Eric Gill reports…
CUT 1 (30) “I’m Eric Gill”
Gubernatorial Candidate John Bel Edwards begins his statewide tour today. Michelle Southern has more on how this will help his campaign…
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Michelle Southern”
DHH reminds parents to vaccinate children as the school year is rapidly approaching. Emelie Gunn has more…
Cut 3 (24) “I’m Emelie Gunn”
Secretary of State Tom Schedler announces a major overhaul of the state’s geauxBIZ-dot-com website. The website was launched in 2009 as a way for people to easily find information necessary to start and maintain a business. Schedler says this upgrade to the site means doing business in Louisiana just got easier…
cut 4 (10) “opening their business”
The new website allows business owners to complete the legal steps necessary to start a business in one visit to the site. Schedler says this is all about improving the business climate in the state. He says feedback from the site has been overwhelmingly positive as they work out a few kinks…
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The overhaul allows the Secretary of State’s office to share information with the Department of Revenue and the Workforce Commission cutting down the steps people have to take to start a business. Schedler says the goal is to add other agencies to the system…
Cut 6 (10) “in the future”
Louisiana Radio Network’s ongoing gubernatorial Q&A asked the four major gubernatorial candidates, “If elected, what steps will you take to rebuild Louisiana’s coastline and how will you make sure that dollars intended for coastal restoration are actually used for that purpose?” Amite Representative John Bel Edwards says, as governor, he would make sure that coastal restoration money is only spent on coastal restoration…
CUT 7 (09) “no other purpose”
US Senator David Vitter says it’s not only important to ensure coastal restoration funds are used for their intended purpose, but he plans to accelerate three to five key coastal restoration projects in the coastal restoration master plan…
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Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne says rebuilding the coast is not only important for Louisiana, but the country as a whole. He says, as governor, he’s committed to implementing the coastal restoration master plan…
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Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle says we must ensure that coastal restoration remains a priority in Louisiana. He says he’s committed to take preventative measures to ensure coastal restoration money is used properly…
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Gubernatorial candidate Democrat Amite Representative John Bel Edwards begins his first statewide tour today. He’ll be in Amite this afternoon, New Orleans this evening, covers Acadiana tomorrow then continues to hit every corner of the state through Sunday, July 12th. UL Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says Edwards needs to get his name out there.
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In a release, Edwards says you’ll see their caravan on the highways and byways of the Bayou State and he plans to deliver solution driven ideas in person to voters. Cross says although people generally like him for his strong record, most voters don’t know very much about Edwards.
cut 12 (07) “at all”
The planned tour includes 25 cities across Louisiana as well as impromptu stops across the state. Cross believes because Edwards has a D behind his name, he has a good chance of making the runoff. He says the endorsement from famous superstar Britney Spears and her Kentwood family is great publicity for him.
Cut 13 (10) “for Edwards”
As the new school year is quickly approaching, The Department of Health and Hospitals is reminding parents to get their children vaccinated as required by law. DHH Immunization Medical Director Dr. Frank Welch says now is the perfect time to prevent diseases like measles, mumps, the flu and whooping cough.
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Welch says getting updated shots is so important because it protects not only your children from missing school but the community, as well. He says children first entering school need proof they’ve had vaccinations for polio, mumps and measles, hepatitis, chickenpox and diphtheria.
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When entering middle school, students are required to have the meningitis vaccine and Tdap, once again. Welch says most Louisianians ensure their children are vaccinated.
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The state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says it will use the announced BP settlement money to ensure Louisiana will remain Sportsman’s Paradise for years to come. The agreement means the state will receive at least $6.8 billion for damages associated with the 2010 oil spill. LDWF Secretary Robert Barham…:
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Barham says we’ve come a long way in furthering the understanding of the effects of the spill on our wildlife and fisheries and they are eager to continue those efforts…:
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Details of the complex settlement will be worked through over the next 60 days according to state leaders. Barham says the science, and the money that supports that science, will be there for years to come…:
Cut 19 (08) “horrific event”