7:30 am Newscast

Louisiana lawmakers gave final approval yesterday t0 $48 billion in budget bills yesterday, restoring funding for a two-thousand dollar stipend for teachers, but cutting spending on early childhood education programs. The house had cut the level of the teacher stipends, but the Senate restored the full amount Governor Jeff Landry had proposed. The House voted yesterday to support that.
Governor Jeff Landry has seen the first regular legislative session during his term come to an end. Colleen Crain looks at how it went…

Cut 3 (33) “…I’m Colleen Crain.” 
The University of Louisiana at Monroe is on the receiving end of a 750 thousand dollar grant designed to create opportunities for students looking for careers in the film industry. Associate Professor of Communication, Dr. Chris Mapp says the grant will have far-reaching effects…

Cut 5 (12) “…valuable access.” 

The Ragin Cajuns ran out of gas in the College Station Regional. After pounding Texas 10 to 2 on a hot Sunday afternoon on Texas A-and-M’s campus. The Aggies defeated U-L Lafayette nine to four last night to win the College Station Regional.

Tulane was eliminated in the Corvalis Regional yesterday after giving up nine runs in the seventh inning and losing to U-C Irvine 7 to 7/

Louisiana Tech, Grambling State and Nicholls saw their seasons end on Saturday.

LSU Eunice won its eight national championship in division two junior college baseball yesterday while the LSU baseball Tigers won two games yesterday and are just one win away from hosting a Super Regional Series. Today’s Regional Championship game against North Carolina is set for five this evening.

6:45 LRN Sportscast

LSU Baseball won two games Sunday and they are one win away from hosting a Super Regional Series. The Tigers defeated Wofford 13-6 in an elimination game yesterday and defeated North Carolina eight to four last night to force a winner take all game today against the Tar Heels. Josh Pearson hit home runs in both games and says this team is always in the fight
Cut 13 (13) “…keep at it.”
Thatcher Hurd was the big story. Hurd, who has struggled mightily this season, delivered his best start of the season against North Carolina, allowing just two runs. Coach Jay Johnson on the decision to start Hurd against U-N-C…
cut 16 (13) “…certainly did”
The Regional Championship game will begin at 5 PM.

The Ragin Cajuns ran out of gas in the College Station Regional. After pounding Texas 10 to 2 on a hot Sunday afternoon on Texas A-and-M’s campus. The Aggies defeated U-L Lafayette nine to four last night to win the College Station Regional. David Christie and Carson Fluno each gave up three runs. Bryan Broussard and Jose Torres hit home runs in the win over the Longhorns and Chase Morgan was the winning pitcher.

Tulane gave up nine runs in the seventh inning and lost to U-C Irvine 17 to 7 and was eliminated yesterday afternoon in the Corvallis Regional. The Green Wave finish the season 36 and 26.

Louisiana Tech, Grambling State and Nicholls saw their seasons end on Saturday. The Bulldogs pitching staff gave up 28 runs in losses to Kansas State and Southeast Missouri.

And LSU Eunice won its eight national championship in division two junior college baseball. The Bengals defeated Brunswick Community College nine to three on Saturday to finish the year 56 and 8.

6:30 am Newscast

The first regular legislative session during Jeff Landry’s tenure as governor has ended and La Politics dot com publisher, Jeremy Alford says it was a busy one. Alford believes it was a big test for Landry and he says he comes out of the session as Louisiana’s most powerful governor in modern history. One piece of legislation will especially be remembered.

Cut 10 (08) “…in government.”
Republican Governors will hold a press conference today in Chalmette to discuss what they’re calling the Biden Administration’s unprecedented attacks on American energy and their plan to unleash American Energy. Governors from eight states, including Alaska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and several others will be on hand for today’s news conference which is set for three this afternoon at PBF Entergy’s Chalmette Refinery.


Despite predictions that job growth in Louisiana would be around 40-thousand, the numbers aren’t quite that high. In fact ULL Acadiana Business Economist Gary Wagner says after revisions, the state only gained about 10-thousand jobs.

Cut 7 (13) “…our average.”

Speaking of jobs, the University of Louisiana at Monroe has received the state’s Entertainment Development Fund of $750 thousand grant over three years to create opportunities for students looking for a career in the film industry.  Associate Professor of Communication, Dr. Chris Mapp

Cut 4 (12) “…fill that void.”

Legislative Report for June 3

The 2024 legislative ends today and La-politics-dot-com publisher Jeremy Alford says the biggest piece of legislation approved is the bill that creates the Gator Scholarship Program. Alford says it brings Education Savings Accounts to Louisiana, allowing families to access public dollars to pay for private school tuition….

cut 10 (08) “…in government”

Alford says it was a good first term for Governor Landry, but he didn’t get everything he wanted. A bill that would result in a constitutional convention happening in August died in the Senate, so Alford says that means many big picture ideas were put on hold this session…
cut 11 (10) “…November ballot”

Alford says an interesting dynamic developed during this session and that is the Louisiana Senate is not going to go along with everything the governor wants….
cut 12 (11) “…on the other”

Going forward, Landry will have more control on the numerous boards and commissions in this state as he’ll have the power to pick the chair persons. Jeff Palermo has more…
cut 2 (32) “…I’m Jeff Palermo”


LRN AM Newscall for June 3rd

ULM received a $750 thousand grant over three years from the state’s Entertainment Development Fund. Sean Richardson has the story.

Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”


2023 was predicted to be the highest job growth in 25 years for Louisiana, it ended up just average. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (32)  “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 


The legislative session comes to an end today and it was a good one for Governor Jeff Landry. Colleen Crain explains…

Cut 3 (31) “…I’m Colleen Crain.” 


The University of Louisiana at Monroe received the state’s Entertainment Development Fund of $750 thousand grant over three years to create opportunities for students looking for a career in the film industry.  Associate Professor of Communication, Dr. Chris Mapp

Cut 4 (12) “…fill that void.”

The grant allows ULM to do several things by crating a film and media arts concentration, establishing an in-hour motion picture studio on the Clark M. Williams Innovation Campus and host filmmaking summer camps for high school students across the region.

Mapp says this grant will not just be beneficial for students.

Cut 5 (12) “…valuable access.” 

ULM will acquire state-of-the-art equipment that gives students hands-on experience from ADR editing suites, studio sound stages and professional office spaces.  All to support workforce training and help attract film projects. Mapp says when it comes to the potential of the new program, the skies the limit.

Cut 6 (12) “…tools that they need.”

Mapp says this is a rare opportunity to not just make movies but to make a difference.


Last year it was predicted Louisiana would see a job growth of 40,000, the highest increase in 25 years. But ULL Acadiana Business Economist Gary Wagner says that the forecast has since been revised and the state only gained close to 10,000 jobs.

Cut 7 (13) “…our average.”

So, while the gains were only a fourth of what was predicted, Wagner says Louisiana had an average year for job growth, which is still better than job losses.

As to why the numbers were so far off, Wagner says the figures are derived from 160,000 businesses nationwide. When the more accurate data is gathered nine to 12 months later, Wagner says the actual numbers are from Louisiana businesses.

He says it’s a good lesson not to put too much stock into job forecasts.

Cut 8 (11) “…for Louisiana.” 

Wagner says seeing as Louisiana only experienced a fourth of the predicted job gain, it’s not necessarily a poor reflection of the state’s overall economy.

Cut 9 (08)  “…average year.”


The 2024 regular legislative session ends today and La-politics-dot-com publisher Jeremy Alford says the biggest piece of legislation approved is the Gator Scholarship Program. Alford says it brings Education Savings Accounts to Louisiana, allowing families to access public dollars to pay for private school tuition….

Cut 10 (08) “…in government.”

The Gator Scholarship Program will not start until the 2025-26 school year and it still remains to be seen how much funding will be available for vouchers and who will be eligible and how much will families receive.

The biggest item not to pass is the bill that would have enabled a constitutional convention to take place in August. Alford says it’s a blow to the governor and because it was assumed there would be a convention, many big picture ideas were put on hold in this session.

Cut 11 (10) “…November ballot.”

Alford says an interesting dynamic developed during this session and that is the Louisiana Senate did not go along with everything the governor wants

Cut 12 (11) “…on the other.” 


LSU Baseball won two games Sunday and they are one win away from hosting a Super Regional Series. The Tigers defeated Wofford 13-6 in an elimination game yesterday and defeated North Carolina eight to four last night to force a winner take all game today against the Tar Heels. Josh Pearson hit home runs in both games and says this team is always in the fight

Cut 13 (13)  “…keep at it.”

Johnson says you can never count out a team with talent and experience…

Cut 14 (11)  “…from that.”

Thatcher Hurd was the big story. The right-hander has struggled this season, but had his best outing of the year against the Tar Heels, giving up just two runs and striking out six. Hurd says Coach Johnson gave the entire team confidence they could win two games yesterday

Cut 15 (10)  “…off of.”

Johnson on the decision to start Hurd against U-N-C…

Cut 16 (13) “…certainly did.” 

It remains to be seen who will start tonight. The Regional Championship game is tonight at 5 PM.

11:30 am Newscast

A new bill would give Governor Jeff Landry the power to appoint almost 150 state board and commission chairs. Until now, the boards selected their chairs, and the most the governor could do was appoint a majority of board members and indirectly name the chair. Landry says that this change empowers new governors to further the policies they were elected on.

Cut 9 (09) “…sees fit.” 

Meantime, legal experts say former President Donald Trump will most likely not serve jail time, but LSU Law Professor Lisa Avalos says there are legal implications stemming from his 34 felony convictions, for example possibly losing the right to vote or possess firearms.

Cut 13 (12) “…vote for him.” 


A chemical plant in St. John the Baptist Parish is threatening to shut down if EPA restrictions aren’t relaxed. Mel Bridges has more.

Cut 1 (32)  “…I’m Mel Bridges.”

Today is the official start of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season, and NOAA has predicted it will be the most active on record with 17 to 25 named storms, eight to 13 hurricanes. National Hurricane Center Director Michael Brennan…

Cut 6  (09) “…hurricane season. ” 


10:30 am Newscast

Hurricane season officially began today…and experts are expecting this will be the most active season on record. Officials say it’s important to know your risks. If you live in a storm surge evacuation zone, National Hurricane Center Director Michael Brenna says you should already have a plan of where you’ll go, how you’ll get there, and what you’ll take with you.

Cut 8 (11)  “…to stay.” 

While legal experts say former President Donald Trump will most likely not serve jail time, many believe there are other implications. Political pundits believe the former president’s convictions could sway undecided voters. LSU Law Professor Lisa Avalos says before Thursday it was a question if he would be convicted and now it’s a reality.

Cut 15 (10) “…the land.


Synthetic rubber manufacturer Denka Performance Elastomer says it will be forced to shut down its Reserve plant if EPA restrictions aren’t relaxed after the agency shortened Denka’s deadline to reduce emissions from 2 years to 90 days. The EPA says the 90-day rule is needed because Denka poses a quote-unquote “imminent and substantial danger” to nearby communities. But, Louisiana Chemical Association President Greg Bowser thinks it’s more political than that.

Cut 4 (10) “…do this.” 

Local advocacy group Rise St. James says Denka is poisoning people in Reserve, and celebrates the potential closure. Bowser says Rise St. James doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Cut 5 (06)  “…prove that.”

Denka says they would have no choice but to shut the plant down if forced to adhere to the reduced deadline.

9:30 am Newscast

A new bill would allow the governor to appoint dozens of state board chairs. Jeff Palermo has more…

Cut 2 (32)  “…I’m Jeff Palermo.” 
Today is the official start of hurricane season and officials say it’s important to be prepared. NOAA predicts this season will be the most active on record, with 17 to 25 named storms, eight to 13 hurricanes, with as many as seven being major hurricanes. Hurricane season ends November 30th.


Talk to continues to swirl around President Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions earlier this week. The former president held a press conference claiming the trial was rigged and LSU Law Professor Lisa Avalos says this isn’t not the first time he’s has used that term.

Cut  14 (12) “…the appeal.” 
Synthetic rubber manufacturer Denka Performance Elastomer says it will be forced to shut down its Reserve plant if EPA restrictions aren’t relaxed after the agency shortened Denka’s deadline to reduce emissions from 2 years to 90 days. Louisiana Chemical Association President Greg Bowser says that’s an impossible task.

Cut 3 (08) “…90 days (x2).” 

8:30 am Newscast

8:30 Newscast

A new bill would give Governor Jeff Landry the power to appoint almost 150 state board and commission chairs. Until now, the boards selected their chairs, and the most the governor could do was appoint a majority of board members and indirectly name the chair. Landry says that this change empowers new governors to further the policies they were elected on.

Cut 9 (09) “…sees fit.” 

Meantime, legal experts say former President Donald Trump will most likely not serve jail time, but LSU Law Professor Lisa Avalos says there are legal implications stemming from his 34 felony convictions, for example possibly losing the right to vote or possess firearms.

Cut 13 (12) “…vote for him.” 


A chemical plant in St. John the Baptist Parish is threatening to shut down if EPA restrictions aren’t relaxed. Mel Bridges has more.

Cut 1 (32)  “…I’m Mel Bridges.”

Today is the official start of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season, and NOAA has predicted it will be the most active on record with 17 to 25 named storms, eight to 13 hurricanes. National Hurricane Center Director Michael Brennan…

Cut 6  (09) “…hurricane season. ” 


7:30 LRN Sportscast

LSU and North Carolina both won in walk-off fashion yesterday and they’ll meet in a winner’s bracket game at 4 PM today. The Tigers were down three to one in the eighth inning and tied the game in the eighth inning with solo home runs from Michael Braswell and Jared Jones. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Steven Milam hit one over the fence for a walk-off home run. It was the second home run of the day and his second walk-off homer in the last week. Coach Jay Johnson on his team’s refuse to lose attitude…
cut 16 (11) “…who we are”

North Carolina was down eight to five in the ninth inning, but won the game on a grand slam hit by Gavin Gallagher. It was Gallagher’s second home run of the game as the Tar Heels defeated Long Island University 11 to 8.

Louisiana Tech and Kansas State did not finish their NCAA Tournament game last night as weather halted play in the sixth inning with the Bulldogs trailing the Wildcats nine to four. The two teams will return to the diamond today at 11 AM to finish the game and if Tech can not come back, they will play Southeast Missouri at 2 PM.

The Ragin Cajuns and Grambling will play each other in an elimination game today at 2 PM. U-L Lafayette lost to Texas 12 to five yesterday as they allowed the Longhorns to score seven runs in the fifth inning and the Tigers were blanked by Texas A-and-M eight to nothing.

Nicholls suffered a crushing loss to U-C Irvine. The Colonels trailed nine to one, but came back to take the lead in the ninth inning on a three-run home run by Edgar Alvarez, only to lose the game to the Anteaters 13 to 12. Tulane fell to Oregon State ten to four. It will be Nicholls versus Tulane in an elimination game at 3 PM today.