Governor John Bel Edwards says he did not violate the state’s mask mandate in a photo of him that shows him not wearing a mask in public. Jeff Palermo has the story…
Cut 1 (29) “ I’m Jeff Palermo.”
The CDC revises quarantine guidelines if you’ve been exposed to COVID. Brooke Thorington explains.
cut 2 (31) … I’m Brooke Thorington.”
A photo has gone viral that shows Governor John Bel Edwards not wearing a mask while out in public. A spokeswoman for the governor says the picture was taken last month as Edwards ate at the Baton Rouge Country Club. The governor’s office says Edwards stood up without a mask on to speak to another person when the photo was captured. Edwards says he did not violate his own mask mandate.
While the photo appears to show Governor Edwards getting up from his table, he says that the photo only tells part of the story.
Even though most establishments require masks to be worn upon entry, Edwards says no one is required to wear one while at a table.
Cut 5 (05) “…at a table with a mask on.”
The CDC Guidelines for quarantine after a COVID exposure were revised this week. US Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Admiral Brett Giroir says if you’ve had close contact with a COVID positive person, which is less than six feet unmasked for 15 minutes or longer, the period is now ten days.
Giroir says the CDC also reduced the quarantine to seven days, instead of fourteen when testing is involved.
Giroir says the new guidelines are welcome news as many are unable to quarantine for two weeks, however, it’s still recommended to do so after you’ve been exposed to the virus.
Giroir says the data now shows a shorter quarantine period than before is not as risky despite an ongoing surge in cases.
Bar owners and microbrewers vented their frustrations with COVID restrictions they say are overly burdensome to a House committee.
Rock and Bowl owner Johnny Blanchard says if the state would work with bar and music venue owners on looser restrictions a lot of service industry workers could be moved off unemployment.
The state’s unemployment trust fund has been drained dry and Louisiana is currently having to take out federal loans to pay out state benefits.
Louisiana Craft Brewers Guild Director Carey Koch says large breweries are barred from indoor service while small restaurants are allowed to operate as bars.
Matt Chiasson, owner of Lafayette’s Grouse Room, says the “bad actors” who are operating their bars against state restrictions are doing so out of desperation as everyone in the industry hemorrhages cash.
Authorities have arrested a Lincoln Parish father and mother of a 20-month old boy who died in a house fire in late August. State Fire Marshal spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says the toddler died in the blaze, but an autopsy on the child’s body also found evidence of abuse
Cut 12 (10) “…it unfortunately.”
Rodrigue says 32-year-old Jessica Lewis and 37-year-old Christopher Bell have been charged with one count of second-degree cruelty to a juvenile.
Their home in Choudrant caught on fire on August 31. Rodrigue says it’s heartbreaking to learn this child was mistreated before his tragic death…