11:40 LRN Sportscast March 31

The NCAA has voted to give all spring student-athletes an extra year of eligibility because the coronavirus pandemic canceled their season. LSU athletic director Scott Woodward says he’s glad the NCAA saw the wisdom of passing this through, but it will be expensive, however, it is worth it. Louisiana Tech baseball coach Lane Burroughs says it’s a great decision for their seniors and juniors. So spring sports teams can expand their rosters beyond the current scholarship limit and the NCAA will leave it up to each school to decide how much current seniors will receive in financial aid if they decide to come back for another year.

Could 2020 be the final season for Saints Quarterback Drew Brees? Coach Sean Payton was on ESPN’s Get Up show and gave this quote. The unique situation with our team and our quarterback Drew Brees is he’s announced he’s coming back for his final season. Brees recently signed a two-year contract, but he could certainly walk away from the game after one season.

1130 AM LRN News

The statewide shelter in place order has been extended to April 30th following a similar federal extension of social distancing recommendations. This means schools will remain closed at least until May, leading to tough questions like how can you decide if a child should be promoted to the next grade? Governor Edwards says the state department of education is trying to figure out those questions…

Cut 13 (07) “…young people”

The Advocate reports that a survey finds that 39 of Louisiana’s 69 school districts are offering online instruction.

Texas’s Governor is attempting to mitigate coronavirus spread in his state by requiring visitors from Louisiana quarantine themselves upon entry, but Louisiana State Police Trooper Dustin Dwight says the mandate does not close the border.

Cut 6 (07) “…roadway in Louisiana.”


Testing will soon begin on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets in combatting COVID-19…

Cut 1 (32) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”

Lawmakers are back at the Capitol today to read in bills before adjourning until further notice, with a reported 58 of the 108 House members present, most of the absentees being from the New Orleans area. 37-year-old Baton Rouge Representative Ted James is also not in attendance and hospitalized with pneumonia stemming from a COVID-19 infection. James posted on social media that he hopes his case is a reminder for people of all ages to stay home.

10:30 LRN Newscast March 31

Testing will soon begin in Louisiana on whether hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat COVID-19 patients or if it can be used as a preventive measure for healthcare workers on the frontline. Dean of LSU Health Sciences School of Medicine Dr. Steve Nelson says the drug has been shown in a test tube to kill coronavirus, but there has only been a small number of clinical trials.
Cut 7 (11) “…a small number.”

The governor’s office announced late yesterday afternoon that the state received 100 ventilators from vendors on Monday and President Trump has committed to sending 150 more ventilators to Louisiana. Currently, 385 patients require ventilation, but the state has requested 14-thousand ventilators.

Governor John Bel Edwards plans to extend his stay at home order until April 30th, which means schools will remain closed for at least the next month. The academic year is scheduled to be completed in May. Edwards says acting state superintendent Beth Scioneaux is working to develop a plan…
cut 12 (10) “…of things”

The 2020 legislative session remains on hold, but lawmakers will meet briefly today. Kevin Barnhart has the story.
Cut 3 (29) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”

9:30 LRN Newscast March 31

Schools, non-essential businesses and restaurants will remain closed to dine-in services for all of April as Governor John Bel Edwards announces he will extend his stay at home order through April 30th.
cut 10 (11) “…are on”
Louisiana has 4,025 positive cases and has reported 185 deaths from the coronavirus.

With a stay at home order that will last through April 30th, the 2020 legislative session will likely not resume on a full-time basis until May. Senate President Page Cortez says it’s possible a few committee meetings can take place before then…
cut 13 (10) “… the place is lifted’
Some legislators will return to the capitol today to officially introduce bills that must be introduced by today to be considered in the 2020 session.

The LSU School of Medicine will soon begin testing whether hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat COVID-19 patients. Doctor Steve Nelson says between 500 and one-thousand people will participate in the trials here…
cut 8 (11) “….this virus yet”
Nelson says a French researcher has found that hydroxychloroquine can improve the lungs of COVID-19 patients, but it was a small study.

Starting today all food stamp recipients in Louisiana will automatically receive the maximum benefit, which will impact 265-thousand households in Louisiana. Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says work requirements and interviews with caseworkers are also being waived…
cut 5 (05) “…about that”
Walters says many food stamp recipients should see their snap cards uploaded with additional benefits tonight and it will be loaded again on April 17th.

8:30 LRN Newscast March 31

Governor John Bel Edwards plans to extend his stay at home order through April 30th. It’s currently set to expire April 13th. But not everyone is complying with the order. An East Baton Rouge church in Central continues to have over a thousand people attend services. Edwards was asked if he’ll pressure local authorities to enforce the order…
cut 12 (11) “…comply”
In Florida, a pastor at a Tampa church was arrested after holding two large Sunday services.

State lawmakers return to the capitol today to read bills into the record that need to be read in before a March 31st deadline. The session is set to end June 1st and there’s no word on when legislators can meet on a daily basis. House Speaker Clay Schexnayder remains hopeful they can pass a budget…
cut 15 (06) “…finish business”

Testing will soon begin in Louisiana on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 patients…
Cut 1 (32) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”

Starting today all food stamp recipients will receive the maximum benefit, which will impact 265-thousand Louisiana households. DCFS Secretary Marketa Garner Walters for those families interested in receiving food stamps, your best bet is visiting their website…
cut 6 (07) “…we do”

7:30 LRN Newscast March 31

Governor John Bel Edwards says he plans to extend his stay at home order through April 30th to match the federal government’s social distancing recommendations. Matt Doyle has more…
voicer 2 (23) “…April 5th”

Following the governor’s press conference, his office announced the state received 100 ventilators from vendors and President Donald Trump has committed to sending 150 ventilators to Louisiana. In total, Louisiana has ordered 14-thousand ventilators, including five-thousand from the federal government’s strategic national stockpile. Currently, 385 patients require ventilation.

Food stamp recipients who are not currently receiving the maximum total possible on their SNAP cards will now start receiving the max. Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says only 37 percent of recipients currently receive the maximum.
Cut 4 (10)_ “…benefits”
The max for a single individual recipient is $194 a month.

LSU’s med school plans to begin clinical trials this week on how effective hydroxychloroquine can be in treating COVID-19 and also looking to see if healthcare workers on the frontline should take it, as a way to prevent getting the coronavirus. Dean of the LSU Health Sciences School of Medicine Doctor Steve Nelson says they already know hydroxychloroquine is a safe drug to take….
cut 9 (06) “…1940s”
Nelson says the state has received a large donation of hydroxychloroquine in order for LSU to conduct the study.

6:45 LRN Sportscast March 31

The NCAA Division One Council has voted to give all spring student-athletes an extra year of eligibility because most of their seasons were canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. LSU athletic director Scott Woodward says he’s glad the NCAA council saw the wisdom of passing this through, but it will be expensive, however, it is worth it. The decision means spring sports teams can expand their rosters beyond the current scholarship limit and the NCAA will leave it up to each school to decide how much current seniors will receive in financial aid if they decide to come back for another year.

Former Saints kicker Tom Dempsey has tested positive for coronavirus. Dempsey’s daughter told the New Orleans Advocate that her father contracted the virus at the Lambeth House senior living center, which has reported a number of cases. The 73-year-old is also battling Alzheimer’s e and dementia, but his daughter says he is doing okay.

The F-B-I wiretap that reportedly has LSU basketball coach Will Wade discussing a strong offer made to a recruit is expected to air tonight on an H-B-O Documentary titled “The Scheme.” Wade missed the NCAA Tournament last year because of the FBI wiretap scandal but was reinstated in May. LSU beat reporter for the USA Today Network Glen Guilbeau spoke to one of the writers of the documentary
Cut 16 (18) “…that is new”
Christian Dawkins was the man at the center of the FBI’s investigation into college basketball corruption and he’ll be telling his story in the documentary.

Saints president Dennis Lauscha says the 450-million dollar renovation of the Superdome continues despite the coronavirus outbreak.

6:30 LRN Newscast March 31

Governor John Bel Edwards says ventilators continue to be the most pressing need in the state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak…
cut 11 (09) “….Louisiana”
The governor’s office then announced late Monday that the state received 100 ventilators from vendors on Monday and President Trump has committed to sending 150 more ventilators to Louisiana. Currently, 385 patients require ventilation.

State lawmakers will reconvene the 2020 session today and House Speaker Clay Schexnayder says they will practice social distancing…
cut 14 (09) “…should be fine”
Schexnayder says they will gavel in today to read some bills into the record and then adjourn again for at least another two weeks.

Testing will soon begin in Louisiana on whether hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat COVID-19 patients or if it can be used as a preventive measure for healthcare workers on the frontline. Dean of LSU Health Sciences School of Medicine Dr. Steve Nelson says the drug has been shown in a test tube to kill coronavirus, but there has only been a small number of clinical trials.
Cut 7 (11) “…a small number.”
Nelson says the biggest hurdle has been getting their hands on the drug for testing, but with a donation of 400-thousand hydroxychloroquine sulfate tables from a pharmaceutical company, they expect trials to begin later this week.

AM Newscall 03/31/2020


Testing will soon begin on the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets in combatting COVID-19.  Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 1 (32) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”


 Governor Edwards applauds the President’s decision to extend the federal social distancing reccomendations until April 30th. Matt Doyle has more.

Cut 2 (28) “…I’m Matt Doyle ” 


Some state lawmakers will reconvene today to try and set a new date to get back into session. Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 3 (29)  “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”  


Food stamp recipients who are not currently receiving the maximum total possible on their SNAP cards will now start receiving the max.

Department of Children and Family Services Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says only 37 percent of recipients currently receive the maximum.

Cut  4 (10)_ “…benefits”

The max for a single individual recipient is $194 a month.

The Department is also waiving redeterminations, interviews, and the work requirements for SNAP. Walters says if you have SNAP, you don’t have to worry about losing it right now.

Cut 5 (05)  “…that.”

Walters says if you’re interested in applying for food stamps, know the call center capacity is limited right now and your best bet is visiting DCFS.LA.GOV/GetSnap, or text get SNAP to 898-211.

Cut 6 (07) “…we do”


Testing will soon begin in Louisiana on whether hydroxychloroquine can be used to treat COVID-19 patients or if it can be used as a preventive measure for healthcare workers on the frontline. Dean of LSU Health Sciences School of Medicine Dr. Steve Nelson says the drug has been shown in a test tube to kill coronavirus, but there has only been a small number of clinical trials.

Cut 7 (11) “…a small number.”

Nelson says the biggest hurdle has been getting their hands on the drug for testing, but with a donation of 400-thousand hydroxychloroquine sulfate tables from a pharmaceutical company, they expect trials to begin later this week.  Nelson adds in terms of defining the drug’s effectiveness, a reasonable number of patients, between 500 and 1,000, need to be studied.

Cut 8 (11) “…this virus yet.”

Nelson says the drug is safe and for the vast majority of people it is very well tolerated so there is very little risk, if any, associated with taking this drug.

Cut 9 (06) “…the 1940s.″

President Trump announces the extension of federal social distancing recommendations through April 30th as the US becomes the world’s leader in total COVID-19 cases.

Governor Edwards says the declaration is helpful because it sends a message that we are nowhere near over the hump.

Cut 10 (11) “…ARE ON.”

Locally Louisiana remains number 3 in total cases and number two in total deaths per capita.

Governor Edwards warns the state’s trajectory of cases still puts them on track to run out of ventilators in the New Orleans area by April 5th. He says the state will ultimately need 14,000 more ventilators.

Cut 11 (09) “…Louisiana.”

The Governor’s office says the President committed to sending 150 ventilators, but they’re not sure when they will arrive.

Edwards reiterated his calls for social distancing, but one church in Central refuses to comply having hosted over a thousand people Sunday night. Edwards says he won’t be breaking up those services.

Cut 12 (11) “…comply”

Reportedly residents from five different parishes were bused in for Sunday service at Life Tabernacle Pentecostal Church in Central.


Some state lawmakers will reconvene today to try and set a new date to get back into session.  The 2020 session came to a halt three weeks ago over coronavirus concerns.  Senate President Page Cortez says he’s got no definitive date in mind but says Senate committee meeting may actually still take place before the session returns.

Cut 13 (10) “…place is lifted.”

House Speaker Clay Schexnayder says today’s business will not require a full house since they are not voting on any bills adding that although they may be exceeding a congregation of 50 people, they will be practicing social distancing.

Cut 14 (09) “…should be fine.”

Both Cortez and Schexnayder remain optimistic that a special session could be avoided, but that decision hinges on the rapidly changing COVID-19 outbreak.

Cut 15 (11)“…and finish business.”


The F-B-I wiretap that reportedly has LSU basketball coach Will Wade discussing a strong offer made to a recruit is expected to be aired tonight on an H-B-O Documentary titled “The Scheme.” Wade missed the NCAA Tournament because of the FBI wiretap scandal but was reinstated in May. LSU beat reporter for the USA Today Network Glen Guilbeau spoke to one of the writers of the documentary

Cut 16  (18)  “…that is new” 

Christian Dawkins was the man at the center of the FBI’s investigation into college basketball corruption. Dawkins has been convicted for helping to funnel thousands of dollars between college basketball programs and recruits. So far Wade and LSU have avoided an NCAA investigation, but Guilbeau says that could change after tonight’s documentary airs…

cut 17  (20) “…court of law 

530PM LRN News

Louisiana now has over 4,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and sees 34 new deaths and 485 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 over the past 24 hours. Legendary Saints kicker Tom Dempsey is one of those newly reported infections as 28 nursing homes are reporting cases of COVID-19.

President Trump announces he will extend federal social distancing guidelines until April 30th.

Governor John Bel Edwards says the state is doing all it can to be prepared…

Cut 2 (31) “…I’m Jeff Palermo” 

Louisiana has become a COVID-19 hotspot, ranking in the top three locations in the nation for confirmed cases of the illness, and number two in per capita deaths linked to the virus. Attorney General Jeff Landry says with the number of cases exploding locally, LSU’s medical school has received approval to begin clinical testing of hydroxychloroquine, a potential treatment for COVID-19

Cut 7 (06) “…a treatment medicine.”

He also announced Louisiana has received 400,000 hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets from a donation.

After a two-week break, LSU’s spring semester resumes today, but all classes have been moved online. English Professor Kevin Cope says the school has not been able to invest in its online capabilities due to chronic underfunding of state schools.

Cut 5 (12)  “…scramble”

LSU’s campus is currently set to stay closed at least through the end of May.