15:30 Newscast April 8,2016

Many Louisiana residents might not know but there is an election tomorrow. Halen Doughty has more…
CUT 1 (30) “I’m Halen Doughty”

A New Orleans judge has ordered the release of seven men accused of crimes ranging from rape to murder because there isn’t enough funding in the public defenders office. The judge said in some of the cases, the suspects haven’t had legal representation for more than a year. The seven inmates will not be released until an appeal from the district attorney’s office is heard.


Louisiana Tech is in the national headlines today after Lady Techsters head coach Tyler Summitt resigned, admitting to having an inappropriate relationship. The 25-year-old is married and the son of legendary head coach, Pat Summitt. Sports Director at KTVE in Monroe Gene Ponti says a scandal like this is a black eye on any sports program, and on women’s basketball as a whole…:
cut 10 (10) “are in a hole”

SB Nation is reporting the woman Summitt had an affair with is a player and she’s pregnant.

State Police have been called in to investigate after a woman was run over by a police vehicle while sunbathing on the beach in Grand Isle. Sgt. Nick Manale says the woman struck by the vehicle has non-life threatening injuries. He says the name of the police officer driving the vehicle has not been released.
cut 16 (08) “the department”

14:30 Newscast April 8,2016

Governor John Bel Edwards says he’ll be putting the finishing touches on the proposed budget for next year, which will contain a 750-million cut in state spending. Another special session may be necessary because taxes can’t be raised during the regular session. Edwards says the spending plan for next fiscal year he’ll present to lawmakers on Tuesday will be sobering…
cut 14 (11) “balanced budget”

It may be surprising but 41 parishes are holding elections tomorrow. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says the early voting turnout was very low. He expects the turnout for this election to be around 11-percent and encourages everyone to get out and vote.
CUT 5 (09) “the other”

Polls open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM.


North Louisiana is buzzing over the news of the sudden resignation of the Louisiana Tech women’s basketball coach, Tyler Summitt, he engaged in an inappropriate relationship…
CUT 2 (29) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

State Police have been called in to investigate after a woman was run over by a police vehicle on the beach in Grand Isle. Sgt. Nick Manale says two women were tanning when the truck drove near them. He says the woman struck by the vehicle received moderate injuries.
cut 15 (06) “several surgeries”

LRN PM Newscall April 8

Believe it or not, there is an election tomorrow. Halen Doughty has more…

CUT 1 (30)  “I’m Halen Doughty”


The Louisiana Tech women’s basketball program lost its head coach Tyler Sumitt who admitted he had an affair, and reports say it was with a player. Jeff Palermo has more on the reaction in north Louisiana.

CUT 2 (29)  “I’m Jeff Palermo”


It may come as a surprise to many Louisianans, but there is an election tomorrow in 41 parishes. Polls open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says this election typically has a low voter turnout because so many people aren’t aware there’s an election.

CUT 3 (08)  “in March”

Schedler says in addition to local runoff elections, there are also tax renewals up for vote in several parishes. He says you can check the GeauxVote app to see exactly what’s on the ballot in your precinct.

CUT 4 (08)  “G-E-A-U-X”

Schedler says the early voting turnout was very low, as only about 34-tousand people casted ballots. He expects the turnout for this election to be around 11-percent and encourages everyone to exercise their right to vote.

CUT 5 (09)  “the other”


The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival begins today and there are lots of activities for festival goers. Festival Spokesperson Shelley Matherne says there will be tons of organizations selling delicious food, as well as, games, carnival rides, and a parade. She says this is the state’s biggest free festival.

CUT 6 (09) “Mardi Gras”

This year hasn’t been a good one for the strawberry industry given the recent flooding but Matherne says that won’t stop anyone from having a great time at the festival.

CUT 7 (10) “local farmers”

Festival Queen Danielle Rodriguez says the festival is near and dear to her heart because her family has a history of strawberry farming. She says this is a great event for the entire family.

CUT 8 (10) “second home”


The now former head coach of the Louisiana Tech Lady Techsters, Tyler Summitt, suddenly resigned Thursday after admitting to having an inappropriate relationship. The 25-year-old is the son of legendary head coach, Pat Summitt, and he’s married. Gene Ponti is the Sports Director at KTVE in Monroe. He says everyone is totally shocked at this news…:

CUT 9 (09) “and for the program”

In a statement, Summitt said he negatively affected the people he loved and hopes to repair those relationships. Ponti says a scandal like this is a black eye on any sports program, and on women’s basketball as a whole…:

cut 10 (10)  “are in a hole”

SB Nation is reporting the woman Summitt had an affair with is a player and she’s pregnant. Summitt was the youngest head coach in women’s basketball. Ponti says even though his age was criticized by some, a popular public sentiment was that he was wise beyond his years…:

Cut 11 (09) “some people thought”


Governor John Bel Edwards says he’ll spend the weekend putting the finishing touches on the proposed budget for next year, which will contain a 750-million cut in state spending. Edwards says the spending plan for next fiscal year he’ll present to lawmakers on Tuesday will be very sobering.

cut 12 (08) “of Louisiana”

Healthcare, higher ed, TOPS, social services, and other vital programs are expected to receive cuts. Edwards says many state services will receive much less funding this year because of the massive budget deficit.

Cut 13 (08)  “priorities”

Lawmakers were able to raise over a billion dollars in the special session, but it wasn’t enough to close the budget gap. Because taxes cannot be raised during this regular session, another special session may be necessary. Edwards says his administration will release more details on Tuesday.

cut 14 (11)  “balanced budget”


State Police have been called in to investigate after a woman was run over by a police vehicle while sunbathing on the beach in Grand Isle. Sgt. Nick Manale says two women were tanning near the dunes area when the truck drove near them and one was able to get out of the way in the nick of time. He says the woman struck by the vehicle received moderate injuries.

cut 15 (06) “several surgeries” 

Manale says the victim’s injuries are not life threatening. He says the name of the police officer driving the vehicle has not been released.

cut 16 (08) “the department”

13:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

The now former head coach of the Louisiana Tech Lady Techsters, Tyler Summitt, suddenly resigned Thursday after admitting to having an inappropriate relationship. The 25-year-old is the son of legendary head coach, Pat Summitt, and he’s married. Gene Ponti is the Sports Director at KTVE in Monroe. He says everyone was totally shocked at this news…:
CUT 9 (09) “and for the program”
SB Nation is reporting the woman Summitt had an affair with is a player and she’s pregnant.

Tomorrow is an election day in Louisiana and 41 parishes have something on the ballot. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says you can check the GeauxVote app to see exactly what’s on the ballot in your precinct…:
CUT 4 (08) “G-E-A-U-X”
He expects a low voter turnout because many people don’t even know there’s an election.

The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival begins today and there are lots of activities for festival goers. This year hasn’t been a good one for the strawberry industry given the recent flooding, but festival Spokesperson Shelley Matherne says that won’t stop anyone from having a great time at the festival:
CUT 7 (10) “local farmers”
you can get more information on the festival at lastrawberryfestival.com.

Governor John Bel Edwards says he’ll spend the weekend putting the finishing touches on the proposed budget for next year, which will contain a 750-million cut in state spending. Edwards says many state services will receive much less funding this year because of the massive budget deficit…:
Cut 13 (08) “priorities”
Healthcare, higher ed, TOPS, social services, and other vital programs are expected to receive cuts.


12:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

It may come as a surprise to many Louisianans, but there is an election tomorrow in 41 parishes. Polls open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM. Secretary of State Tom Schedler says this election typically has a low voter turnout because so many people aren’t aware there’s an election…:
CUT 3 (08) “in March”
Polls open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM.

Don’t forget to vote before you head to the ever popular Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival, where over 300,000 people are expected to attend. Festival Spokesperson Shelley Matherne says this is a great event for the entire family:
CUT 8 (10) “second home”
You can get more information online at lastrawberryfestival.com.

Governor John Bel Edwards says he’ll spend the weekend putting the finishing touches on the proposed budget for next year, which will contain a 750-million cut in state spending. Edwards says the spending plan for next fiscal year he’ll present to lawmakers on Tuesday will be very sobering…:
cut 12 (08) “of Louisiana”
Healthcare, higher ed, TOPS, social services, and other vital programs are expected to receive cuts.

The now former head coach of the Louisiana Tech Lady Techsters, Tyler Summitt, suddenly resigned Thursday after admitting to having an inappropriate relationship. Summitt is the son of legendary head coach, Pat Summitt. The married 25-year-old says he negatively affected the people he loved and hopes to repair those relationships. SB Nation is reporting the woman Summitt had an affair with was a player and she’s pregnant.


11:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

Believe it or not, there is an election tomorrow. Halen Doughty has more…:
CUT 1 (30) “I’m Halen Doughty”

The Louisiana Tech women’s basketball program is the subject of scandal today as Tyler Summitt, the son of Hall of Fame coach Pat Summitt, abruptly resigned as head coach for engaging in a relationship he said negatively affected people he love. SB Nation is reporting that Tyler Summitt, who is married, had an affair with a player and got her pregnant. The 25 year old was coach for the Lady Techsters for just two seasons. He’s deleted all of his social media accounts.

The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival begins today and there are lots of activities for festival goers. Festival Spokesperson Shelley Matherne says there will be tons of organizations selling delicious food, as well as, games, carnival rides, and a parade. She says this is the state’s biggest free festival…:
CUT 6 (09) “Mardi Gras”
State Police says with that many people headed to downtown Ponchatoula, revelers can expect traffic so they’ve listed helpful alternate routes on the LSP Facebook page.

Governor John Bel Edwards says although legislators did well in the special session, they did not generate enough revenue to fully fund TOPS. He’s supporting the legislation that passed Senate Education which seeks to control the cost of the popular scholarship program. But he still anticipates another special session will be needed…:
CUT 11 (07) “tuition increases”


10:30 LRN Newscast April 8

Governor John Bel Edwards supports two bills heading to the Senate floor that altar the TOPS scholarship program. Halen Doughty has more…
voicer 3 (30) “…I’m Halen Doughty

The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival begins today, but it wasn’t a good year for Louisiana strawberry producers. Farmer Eric Morrow says he lost the majority of his crop and so did several other strawberry producers…
cut 8 (06) “….their pocket”
Morrow says federal assistance is unlikely, because government aid doesn’t usually go for specialty crops.

Legislation is heading to the House floor that would make public parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities firearm free zones. New Orleans Representative Jimmy Harris says his bill was not created to infringe on anyone’s rights, but to keep people safe…
cut 15 (09) “…foolishness”
Gun right supporters oppose the legisltions.

Louisiana wildlife officials are increasing their efforts to look for a incurable, brain disease that could impact the state’s deer population. It’s known as chronic wasting disease and it’s already been confirmed in Arkansas and Texas. Jim LaCour, with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says they do have a plan in place if the disease is spotted in Louisiana…
cut 6 (12) “…sample it”

09:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

Governor John Bel Edwards says the administration is going to present its budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins July 1st, which includes plans on what they’d like to see to close the $750 million dollar shortfall. He says, unfortunately, the state doesn’t have enough money to fully fund TOPS…:
CUT 12 (04) “don’t have it”
He says that’s why another special session is needed to raise more money.

A bill that adds parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities as a firearm free zone passes out of a House Criminal Justice Committee on an 8 to 6 vote. The legislation faces opposition from gun rights supporters but Baton Rouge Rep. Denise Marcelle understands we have the right to bear arms but the safety of our children and loved ones is more important…:
Cut 14 (09) “do something”
The measure heads to the House floor.

The state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is monitoring the deer population for chronic wasting disease. LDWF veterinarian Dr. Jim LaCour says this disease, which has been confirmed in Arkansas and Texas, basically eats holes in the deer’s brain. He says infected deer are not symptomatic in the beginning, but they show signs of CWD as it progresses…:
Cut 5 (08) “of weight”
The CDC says there is no evidence that CWD can infect humans, but urges caution when handling venison in the infected region.

The famous Pontchatoula Strawberry Festival kicks off this weekend, but it wasn’t a great year for the crop due to the massive flooding in Tangipahoa & Livingston Parishes. Strawberry farmer Eric Morrow says 90% of his crop was damaged and he doesn’t qualify for federal assistance because government aid doesn’t usually go to specialty crops…:
CUT 9 (04) “our own”
Between four to more than 16 inches of rain fell on parts of southeast Louisiana over a one week period in March.


08:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

Governor John Bel Edwards says although legislators did well in the special session, they did not generate enough revenue to fully fund TOPS. He’s supporting the legislation that passed Senate Education which seeks to control the cost of the popular scholarship program. But he still anticipates another special session will be needed…:
CUT 11 (07) “tuition increases”
He says they’ll present a budget proposal for the special session next week and it’s not pretty.

Three people have been arrested in connection with a fatal hit and run which claimed the life of a pedestrian in Terrebonne Parish. State Police say 21-year-old Draven Henden of Bourg was driving when he hit 53-year-old Troy Jackson of Houma who was walking along the roadway. After trying to evade officers, Henden was charged with Felony Hit and Run and Obstruction of Justice. Two other occupants of the vehicle were charged with obstruction for lying to officers about what happened.

Scandal has hit the Louisiana Tech women’s basketball program. Jeff Palermo has the story…:
CUT 1 (28) “I’m Jeff Palermo”

Three people accused in the death of a Parieville man at a Baton Rouge strip mall in December have been indicted by a grand jury on murder charges. Authorities say George Reush Jr was gunned down in his vehicle during a suspected drug deal. 27-year-old Glenn Spears, 23-year-old D’Mon Spears and 25-year-old Gabrielle Rogers are all indicted on second degree murder.



07:30 Newscast, April 8th, 2016

Governor John Bel Edwards supports legislation passed out of a Senate committee that attempts to control the cost of the TOPS scholarship program. One of the bills would cap the amount a TOPS recipient receives at next year’s level and it stays there even if tuition rises. Edwards says it’s a bill he voted for as a legislator last year and he favors its passage this year…:
Cut 10 (12) “tuition increases”

A bill that adds parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities as a firearm free zone passes out of a House Criminal Justice Committee on an 8 to 6 vote. Prairieville Rep. Tony Bacala disagrees with the legislation. He says the majority of tragic shootings happen by people should be in jail…:
Cut 13 (10) “the innocent”

The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival starts today but recent flooding ruined a lot of the state’s berry crop. Emelie Gunn has more…:
Cut 2 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”

Avoyelles Parish has been added to the list of approved federal disaster areas, due to massive storms and flooding in March.

Governor John Bel Edwards today is traveling to Camp Minden to get an update on the contained burn disposal of the millions of pounds of improperly stored explosives. This evening he will speak at the Shreveport-Bossier African American Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Gala.

The City Council in Denham Springs approves the mayor’s request to fire police chief Scott Jones over what’s being called his improper handling of a domestic abuse case which also involved a city councilman.