A recent survey on Louisiana’s US Senators shows both DAvid Vitter and Bill Cassidy’s job approval ratings in the mid-40s. The report, but Morning Consult, shows 47 percent of Louisiana voters approve of Vitter’s job performance while Cassidy has 44 percent. UL-Lafayette political science professor Pearson Cross says Cassidy’s low rating is surprising…:
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The report shows about 24 percent of respondents didn’t know enough about Cassidy to rate him.
As was a major platform in his campaign, Governor-elect John Bel Edwards tells the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus that he plans to ensure every student in the state is given a fair opportunity to suceed. He says he will begin his term with a focus on education…:
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Edwards says funding for higher education is crucial.
Today is Giving Tuesday — a chance for you to give back to charities. The American Red Cross is participating in the third Giving Tuesday and hopes everyone who can, will give back in a meaningful way. Louisiana Region Spokesperson Nancy Malone says the holiday season is a time of warmth and giving…:
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She says you can visit Red-Cross-dot-org-slash-gifts (redcross.org/gifts) to donate.
The 2015 Louisiana Tax Amnesty period resumes today after it was temporarily shut off due to a paperwork error. This will be the last time in at least 10 years that tax payers will have the opportunity to settle up with the state with lessened penalties and interest on outstanding returns. Amnesty runs through December 31st.