LRN PM Newscall April 16

The St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s office says a deputy directing traffic at a school crossing in Paradis was shot multiple times in an apparent ambush. Michelle Southern reports..:

CUT 1 (22) “reporting”


Governor Bobby Jindal has been criticized by some for a fiscal policy based on Grover Norquist and the Americans for Tax Reform, but Jindal says he’s always been opposed to new taxes on Louisiana residents. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


The Pelicans are in the NBA playoffs for the first time since 2011 after last night’s 108-103 win over San Antonio. The Pels will face Golden State in a first round best-of-seven series beginning Saturday. The Pelicans scored 34-points in the first quarter and head coach Monty Williams says that came as a surprise…

CUT 3 (07)  “bench was great”

Games one and two will be played in Oakland before coming to New Orleans for games three and four next Thursday and Saturday. Williams says Anthony Davis’s play down the stretch was key in this big win…

CUT 4 (09)  “free throws”

Davis scored 31 points and pulled down 13 rebounds in the victory. Saturday’s game will be televised on ABC at 2:30. Williams says, because of the circumstances of this game, it may be the biggest win of his coaching career. He says many counted the Pels out of playoff contention six weeks ago, but they decided to take it one game at a time… (Pelicans home playoff tickets are on sale now.)

CUT 5 (07)  “won the game”


The St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s office says a deputy directing traffic at a school crossing in Paradis was shot multiple times in an apparent ambush. Captain Pat Yoes says the victim was helping buses make their way off of Highway 90 around 8:50 Thursday morning when the incident took place…:

CUT 6 (07)  “multiple times”

The deputy is identified as 36-year-old Corporal Burt Hazeltine, a married father of four. Yoes says a passerby drug the deputy behind the police car to safety. He says when other deputies arrived the suspect dropped the gun…:

CUT 7 (05) “university hospital 

The deputy is listed as in stable, but guarded condition. Yoes says there was an exchange of gunfire and the suspect’s vehicle was hit several times, but there are no other injuries in this incident. He says the shooting appears to be completely unprovoked…:

CUT 8 (04)  “off the roadway”


The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office asks for the public’s help in the search for a missing woman whose vehicle was found intentionally set on fire and destroyed. Spokeswoman Casey Rayborn Hicks says 54-year-old Taherah Ghassemi (ta-HAIR-ay ga-SEE-me) was reported missing by her son on Monday and hadn’t heard from his mom since Saturday…

CUT 9 (04)  “she was not”

Very few details are available as this is an ongoing active investigation. Hicks says the big concern is Ghassemi’s welfare and it’s important that she is found as soon as possible…

cut 10 (09) “sheriff’s office”


The National Weather Service has issued Flash Flood Watches across south-central and southeastern Louisiana through Friday night as rains continue to pound the state. State Climatologist Barry Keim says over the past four to five days anywhere between five and seven inches of rain has fallen over most of south Louisiana and there’s more on the way…

cut 11 (08)  “south Louisiana”

Keim say there is the potential for up to three inches of rainfall per day through Saturday in south Louisiana. He says the biggest risk now is flash flooding and river basin flooding due to over-saturated soil. Keim says the chances for thunderstorms should drop significantly on Sunday…

cut 12 (08)  “to come in”


Governor Bobby Jindal has been criticized by some for a fiscal policy based on Grover Norquist and the Americans for Tax Reform. But Jindal says he’s always been a supporter of no new taxes on Louisiana residents…

cut 13 (11)  “to raising taxes”

Americans for Tax Reform states that it opposes all tax increases as a matter of principle. Jindal feels it would be a mistake to raise taxes, even as the state faces a $1.6 billion budget deficit. He says the improvements to the state’s job market and economy didn’t come by accident…

cut 14 (05) “government spending”

Although he agrees with ATR’s stance on not raising taxes, Jindal says he has been opposed to tax hikes since he ran for governor back in 2003. The governor says fiscal responsibility by cutting government spending may not be popular, but it is the right thing to do…

cut 15 (07) “been before”


AM Newscall, April 16th, 2015

Governor Bobby Jindal and Dallas-based Monster Moto announce the company will establish a headquarters and manufacturing facility in Ruston. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


BESE unanimously approves a process that will be used to review the state’s controversial Common Core academic standards. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (31) “reporting”


As we look ahead to the 2016 presidential election, how big of a roll will social media play? Scott Carwile reports…

Cut 3 (29) “reporting”


Governor Bobby Jindal and Dallas-based Monster Moto announce the company will establish a headquarters and manufacturing facility in Ruston. The project includes a $4 million investment to build a 100,000 square foot facility at the former site of Ruston’s municipal airport. Mayor Ronny Walker says this is a big deal for Ruston…

cut 4  (07)  “to come here

Monster Moto manufactures minibikes, go-carts, and other youth oriented vehicles. Construction on the facility will begin in June and operations are expected to begin by the end of the year. Walker says Monster Moto is a company that really fits in the community…

Cut 5  (07)  “City of Ruston”

Monster Moto’s move will create 287 direct jobs for north Louisiana over the next decade and Louisiana Economic Development predicts an additional 292 new indirect jobs will be created. Hiring will begin in the second half of 2015. Walker says these new jobs are exactly what Ruston needs…

Cut 6 (07)  “here in Ruston”


BESE unanimously approves a process that will be used to review the state’s controversial Common Core academic standards. President Chas Roemer says the goal is to improve current standards where necessary instead of rewriting them. He says the key to this process is to make sure they have people who actually use Common Core participating…:

CUT 7 (10)  “for our state”

Roemer says the public will have the opportunity to review and provide input on every standard, and all related meetings will be open to all. He says this is not about being pro or anti-Common Core, it’s about finding out what should be expected of children who are learning…:

Cut 8  (09)  “in mathematics” 

Roemer says at least half of the 26-member Standards Committee will be made up of current Louisiana, district and school-based educators. He says they will be looking line-by-line at the standards to make sure they are appropriate or if some can be improved. Louisiana Association of Educators President Debbie Meaux says they would like to see a majority of the committee staffed by classroom teachers…:

Cut 9 (09)  “in education”


As we look ahead to the 2016 presidential election, how big of a roll will social media play? Both Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz used Twitter to announce they were running and Senator Marco Rubio’s announcement was shared thousands of times on Facebook. UL-Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says you should expect social media to play a major role…

Cut 10 (06) “in the campaign”

He says President Obama showed the importance of social media in his 2008 campaign. Cross thinks social media works better in targeting people better than just about any other approach…

cut 11 (07) “using this method”

Cross says social media is great to get out positive feel-good messages, but it’s also effective in spreading negative messages as well. He says you’ll see a combination of both as the presidential race gets going…

cut 12 (08)   “bad messages”


Oceana has filed a lawsuit against the federal government in an attempt to protect sea turtles from shrimp trawl nets. The suit alleges that the Endangered Species ACt is being violated as 53,000 endangered sea turtles are allowed to be killed every year in the Southeast Shrimp Trawl Fishery off the Louisiana coast. Oceana Marine Scientist Amanda Keledjian (Ka-Led-Jee-In)…:

Cut 13 (11)  “throughout the fishery”

A turtle excluder device allows a captured sea turtle to escape when they are caught in a fisherman’s net. Keledjian says they want the enforcement and strengthening of the use of these devices which she says are 97% effective…:

Cut 14 (09) “these devices”

Keledjian says only 1 percent of the Southeast shrimp trawl fishery’s fleet is monitored for sea turtle by catch in recent years. She says they are named as one of the most wasteful — throwing out almost two-thirds of what they catch and killing tens of thousands of sea turtles every year…:

Cut 15  (08)  “we’re doing this”




LRN PM Newscall April 15

A transgender Lake Charles man has filed a federal sex discrimination lawsuit against his former employer, Tower Loan. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


Over 100 college students gathered on the steps of the state capitol today to rally against proposed budget cuts to higher education. Jeff Palermo has more…

CUT 2 (29) “reporting”


A transgender Lake Charles man has filed a federal sex discrimination lawsuit against his former employer. 21-year-old Tristan Broussard alleges he was fired from Tower Loan last year when it was discovered he used to be a woman. One of Broussard’s attorneys, Amy Whelan (WAY-lan), says federal law prohibits employers discriminating against employees based on sex…

CUT 3 (10)  “sex discrimination”

The suit alleges that during a review of Broussard’s employment paperwork, it was noticed that his driver’s licence listed his sex as female. After the company’s vice president found out, Whelan says Broussard was pulled into a meeting…

CUT 4 (10)  “would be fired”

A Tower Loan spokesman says they do not comment on personnel issues or issues involving pending litigation. Whelan says they are open to talk with Tower Loan to settle this case and turn this into a success story…

CUT 5 (11)  “what they did”


The Natchitoches Police Department says the assistant principal at Frankie Ray Jackson Senior Technical Center is under arrest for allegedly paddling a teacher. Captain Chris Payne says they got the complaint in February that a female teacher at the school had a battery committed upon her…:

CUT 6 (07)  “Vogel”

64-year-old Hugo Vogel of Goldonna was arrested this week for simple battery and was later released on $303 bond. Motive for the alleged battery is unclear. Payne says the investigation was eventually turned over to the department…:

CUT 7 (08)  “Goldonna, Louisiana

Payne says if anyone has additional information about this alleged battery or knows further details they are urged to contact authorities..:

CUT 8 (04)  “kept confidential”


The ACLU of Louisiana is calling on the candidates for Governor to address the state’s massive incarceration problem. Executive Director Marjorie Esman says we are the world’s incarceration leader, jailing more people per capita than any place on earth. She says the gubernatorial candidates are talking about fixes for the state’s budget and overlooking a serious crisis…:

CUT 9 (06)  “in the world”

Esman says when we’re facing massive cuts to higher education, hospitals and infrastructure, the conversation needs to get started about how we can get some of that money back. She says this puts us in a terrible position of being the world’s largest incarcerator…:

cut 10 (10) “huge amoutn of money”

Esman says Louisiana wastes millions in tax dollars paying for inmates who pose little to no threat to our society and believes small offenses would be better addressed through alternatives to incarceration. She says she’s not sure why the candidates have so far not addressed this issue and hopes that now that they’ve asked them to they will…:

cut 11 (10)  “not the last”


Over 100 college students gathered on the steps of the state capitol today to rally against proposed budget cuts to pubilc universities. Nearly all of Louisiana’s colleges were represented and many held up signs that said “No Funding, No Future”. UNO student David Teagle says these cuts equate to the theft of the future of Louisiana…

cut 12 (12)  “currently go to”

Higher ed faces huge budget cuts due to a $1.6 billion budget shortfall. Jesse Elliot, a student at LSU-Alexandria says funding for higher education has been on the chopping block for the last eight years and the state must establish stable funding for colleges and universities. He says the effects of more budget cuts reaches far beyond the schools…

cut 13 (11)  “eight years ago”

Students were joined by a handful of lawmakers who support their efforts. Winnfield Senator Gerald Long, whose district includes Northwestern State and LSU-Alexandria, feels it’s the legislature’s responsibility to enact positive ways to fund higher ed…

cut 14 (09) “failed you”


AM Newscall, April 15th, 2015

Former Florida Governor and possible presidential contender Jeb Bush endorses US Senator David Vitter in this year’s governor’s race. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (29) “reporting”


Today is tax day and even though many have already settled up with Uncle Sam, there are still millions who have yet to file. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


Louisiana college students are expected to rally on the state capitol steps today against proposed deep budget cuts to higher education. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush endorses US Senator David Vitter in this year’s governor’s race. Bush will appear with Vitter today at a fundraising event in New Orleans. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says this is not a surprise as the senator has contacts at the national level to secure endorsements like this…

cut 4  (10)  “some momentum

Bush is considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination. Vitter has also picked up endorsements from presidential hopefuls Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Dubos says these endorsements are good at creating momentum for a campaign, but endorsements alone will not get Vitter elected governor…

Cut 5  (10)  “the linchpin”

Bush is considered a serious contender for the Republican nomination due to his ability to raise money. Dubos feels Vitter is not the only one to benefit from this endorsement…

Cut 6 (06)  “a favor”


Today is tax day and even though many have already settled up with Uncle Sam, there are still millions who have yet to file and are waiting till the last minute. If you’re filing electronically it must be done by midnight. But Bill Potter, a CPA in Baton Rouge, says if you don’t think you’re gonna make it then you can file an extension…:

CUT 7 (11)  “with that form”

If you make less than $60,000 a year you can log on to and choose from several different commercial software companies that let you file your taxes for free. Potter says one of the most common mistakes people make is getting their social security number wrong. He says it’s also important to report ALL your income…:

Cut 8  (11)  “IRS super computers” 

Potter says a lot of people procrastinate because they owe money, but most taxpayers get refunds so it’s always better to file and the sooner the better…:

Cut 9 (06)  “get their refund”


Louisiana college students will rally at the state capitol today to express their concerns about a potential 600-million dollar cut in state funding to public colleges and universities. Stephanie Travis, who chairs the council of student body presidents, says she started at Southeastern Louisiana in 2009 and has seen how previous budget cuts have impacted the Hammond campus

Cut 10 (07) “previous years”

Lawmakers are looking at how they can preserve higher education, but finding ways to raise revenue to prevent drastic cuts will be difficult. Travis says raising tuition on students is NOT the answer

cut 11 (08) “an increase in tuition”

So far in previous budget hearings, lawmakers have talked about the importance of finding a way to stop the cuts to higher ed. Travis is concerned that legislators will realize that the easiest solution is to raise tuition and fees, but they’ve already gone up enough

cut 12 (10)   “70-percent”


Bossier City Representative Mike Johnson took to the House floor Tuesday to try and clear up some of the misconceptions of his so-called religious freedom bill. Johnson says his bill does not promote discrimination against gays and lesbians. He says it’s only an attempt to safe guard religious freedom…

Cut 13 (08)  “involved in it”

Johnson’s bill seeks to prevent the state from denying a resident a business license or tax deduction because of that person’s religious belief about marriage…:

Cut 14 (10) “regardless of their views”

Democrats have said the language in the bill is vague and many have not taken a public stance on the measure as of yet. Johnson says he plans to change the language in his bill, when it gets its first hearing in the House Civil Law committee. He says ideas about marriage change with the times and it’s up to lawmakers to figure out how we’re going to coexist…:

Cut 15  (04)  “to live freely”


If the Pelicans win tonight against the defending NBA champion San Antonio Spurs they are in the Western Conference playoffs for the first time since 2011. Pelicans head coach Monty Williams says the players are embracing the situation before them

Cut 16  (11)  “awesome opportunity”

Tonight is the regular season finale and Williams had a feeling when the schedule came out that this game against the Spurs would be an important one….

Cut 17 (15)  “gonna be big”

If the Pelicans lose tonight, they’ll have to hope that Minnesota upsets Oklahoma City, because a Thunder victory and a New Orleans loss, puts O-K-C into the playoffs and not the Pels. Williams believes his team can handle the pressure…

Cut 18 (16) ” handle this’



LRN PM Newscall April 14

Rock and Roll and Louisiana Music Hall of fame musician Percy Sledge died this morning at his home in Baton Rouge. He was 73. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


Heavy showers and thunderstorms have been moving through south Louisiana since early this morning and it appears that more rain is on the way. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


Covington Representative Paul Hollis had a pretty rough first day of the legislative session. Hollis was driving his car through a parking lot at the Capitol when the new security system went off and two bollards shot up from the ground through the front of his car. State Police spokesman Lt. JB Slaton says it appears Hollis was following a delivery truck that was exiting the lot…

CUT 3 (07)  “the same time”

Slaton says the investigation is ongoing. He says the new security system is set up to allow one car go through at a time. The bollards are used to prevent the entry of unauthorized vehicles in the State Capitol. Slaton says these bollards are lowered either manually by a guard or by swiping a sensor card…

CUT 4 (10)  “bollards re-engage”

Hollis, who broke his right hand and suffered a concussion in the accident, says he looks forward to working with LSP to educate fellow lawmakers and staff on the new security system. Slaton says this security system appears to be operating properly…

CUT 5 (05)  “exact reason”


Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Louisiana Hall of Fame musician Percy Sledge died shortly after midnight Tuesday in Baton Rouge at the age of 73. The coroner confirms Sledge had been battling cancer. Louisiana Music Hall of Fame Director Mike Shepherd says this is a very sad day…:

CUT 6 (08)  “wanna meet”

When a Man Loves a Woman was recorded in 1966 and was an international top 40 hit that 2was certified as gold by the RIAA. Sledge was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. Shepherd  says they inducted the R&B singer into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame in 2007 and his reaction to the award was memorable…:

CUT 7 (10)  “that’s how he felt”

Sledge was born in Leighton, Alabama and had lived in Baton Rouge since 1966. In a 2013 appearance on the Jim Engster Show, Sledge said he wrote When a Man Loves a Woman and it had been a tune in his head since he was a little boy…:

CUT 8 (16)  “in the world”


Heavy showers and thunderstorms have been moving through south Louisiana since early this morning. Flash flood watches are in effect for a large portion of south Louisiana through this evening. Donald Jones, with the National Weather Service in Lake Charles, says even more rain is expected to roll in from the Gulf…

CUT 9 (09)  “this morning”

Jones says morning rains have produced minor flash flooding in some areas. He says rain has been falling at a rate of two to three inches per hour. Jones says what’s making matters worse is that these are slow moving storms…

cut 10 (09) “some flash flooding”

Jones says there should be a break from the rain this evening, but it’s only temporary… (Flash Flood Warnings are in effect for portions of south Louisiana until 2:45PM)

cut 11 (09)  “end of the week”


There’s uncertainty surrounding state Representative Mike Johnson’s religious freedom bill. 775 bills were introduced to the House on Monday and Johnson’s legislation was the only one not assigned to a committee for a hearing. Jeremy Alford, with Lapolitics-dot-com, says lawmakers are not eager to debate the rights of businesses when it comes to same sex marriage

cut 12 (10)  “with it”

Governor Bobby Jindal supports Johnson’s bill. He says the legislation doesn’t promote discrimination, but it protects a business or person from receiving adverse treatment from the state based on their religious beliefs concerning marriage…

cut 13 (12)  “about marriage”

The House Democratic Caucus has yet to take a stand on Johnson’s bill. State representative John Bel Edwards says as of right now the legislation is vaguely written….

cut 14 (08) “interracial marriage”


AM Newscall, April 14th, 2015

A new study shows that staying up late at night could put your health at risk. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (31) “reporting”


Today and tomorrow members of the public will have a chance to lobby before the House Appropriations Committee about what they would like to see funded in next fiscal year’s budget. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (29) “reporting”


Members of the House Democratic Caucus lay out their priorities for the legislative session. Scott Carwile has the story…

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


A new study shows that staying up late at night could put your health at risk. Korean researchers found that people who stay up very late are at a higher risk of diabetes, muscle deterioration, and metabolic disease, even if they get the same amount of sleep as early risers. Assistant Professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Dr. Courtney Peterson, says she’s not surprised about these results…

cut 4  (11)  “health problems

Peterson says quality sleep can help regulate several body functions. The study followed sleep cycles of more than 1,600 people between the ages of 47 and 59. They found that about 100 were night owls and 500 were early risers. Peterson says one theory suggests that sleep during the day is not as good because of blue light interrupting your internal clock…

Cut 5  (09)  “less good”

The report says that these health risks exist for those who stay up late regardless of lifestyle. Peterson says that there’s no real conclusion on why this happens…

Cut 6 (07)  “on our health”


Today and tomorrow members of the public will have a chance to lobby before the House Appropriations Committee about what they would like to see funded in next fiscal year’s budget. Because of a $1.6 billion dollar shortfall, money is tight and several government services are facing massive cuts. Jan Moller (Yawn Mole-er), director of the Louisiana Budget Project, expects the public will make sure their voice is heard…:

CUT 7 (10)  “everyday”

Moller says public testimony on the budget is one of the most important parts of the legislative session. He says there are no more easy options for lawmakers when it comes to deciding how to handle the dire financial situation…:

Cut 8  (10)  “by those cuts” 

Moller says this is a chance for lawmakers who write the budget to understand how it impacts people and communities. He says one of the things legislators will try hard to do over the next couple of months is protect higher education…:

Cut 9 (10)  “protected”


The House Democratic Caucus says Medicaid expansion and state funding for higher ed are their top priorities in this legislative session. Baton Rouge Representative Ted James, says democrats will not approve a budget for next fiscal year, if the legislature doesn’t pass a bill that allows the state to receive federal dollars so more low-income residents can receive Medicaid…:

Cut 10 (08) “presidential ambition”

As it stands now, higher education is looking at a massive reduction in state funding, because of a one-point-six billion dollar revenue shortfall. There’s talk about giving public colleges more autonomy to raise tuition or passing additional fees on students. James says the democratic party opposes both efforts

cut 11 (08) “their tuition”

Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, state representative John Bel Edwards, says there’s enough democrats in the legislature that can prevent the passing of bills that raise college tuition costs for students….

cut 12 (12)   “technical colleges”


In his last state of the state address to the legislature, Governor Bobby Jindal took a break from politics to show a sentimental side during portions of his speech. The Governor began by joking that there may be some lawmakers happy that it would be his final time speaking in chambers to kick off the session:

Cut 13 (12)  “appreciate your restraint”

Jindal also said he wanted to acknowledge what he said everyone already knew and that is he hasn’t done everything perfectly. The Governor also brought his children to his speech for the first time…:

Cut 14 (13) “turn around and say hello”

Jindal also used a moment to recognize his parents. His father was at the Capitol but the Governor said that for the first time, his mother couldn’t make it because she was at home recovering from surgery…:

Cut 15  (13)  “and your thoughts”


LRN PM Newscall April 13

A State Trooper and a Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s deputy have been arrested on racketeering charges in a case where they allegedly planted drugs on an individual. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


As the legislative session begins, education is always a big topic, and one lawmaker wants to make sure there are enough quality substitute teachers. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


A State Trooper and a Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s deputy have been arrested on racketeering charges in a case where they allegedly planted drugs on an individual. State Troper Corey Jackson and Lafayette Deputy Jason Kinch were arrested in the alleged scheme. Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Art LeBreton (le-breh-ton) says more people were involved…

CUT 3 (10)  “Metro Narcotics”

He says four people were involved in the placement of illegal drugs under the vehicle of Bryan Knight. Few details of the scheme are available, but LeBreton says it involved over $100,000 in cash payments to a number of people including Jackson and Kinch. They both have been placed on administrative leave. LeBreton says an anonymous tip lead to a traffic stop of Knight…

CUT 4 (08)  “to happen”

He says the traffic stop lead to the unlawful arrest of Knight. The drug charges against Bryan Knight were dismissed in court. Arrest warrants have been issued for the two other co-conspirators, Russell Manual and Mark Knight, Bryan’s brother. LeBreton says the motive appears to be financial. He says it’s very disappointing to have law enforcement officers involved in a scheme like this…

CUT 5 (08)  “serious fashion”


Louisiana is facing the prospect of a lot of rain this week. State Climatologist Barry Keim says rain chances across the state are 80-percent or higher for every day of the work week…

CUT 6 (12)  “of rain”

Keim says you can expect waves of gulf moisture to produce downpours over a one or two hour period

CUT 7 (11)  “get some breaks”

Keim says the national weather service has issued a flash flood watch is in effect until Tuesday night for portions of southeast Louisiana, including Baton Rouge, Houma and Hammond

CUT 8 (08)  “about it”


As the legislative session begins, education is always a big topic, and one lawmaker wants to make sure there are enough quality substitute teachers. Ville Platte Representative Bernard LeBas says his bill would enable retired teachers to spend more time in the classrooms without their pension being affected. He says under present law, retired teachers are only allowed to work up to 25% of their retirement checks…:

CUT 9 (09)  “their retirement”

LeBas says HB 43 would raise the salary cap to 50 percent of benefits. He says the whole idea is to offer our students the best possible education…:

cut 10 (08) “in the classrooms”

LeBas says school systems are having major problems finding qualified teachers to work as substitutes, especially when a regular teacher is taking extended medical or maternity leave…:

cut 11 (10)  “and the schools need em”


Governor Bobby Jindal laid out three priorities for this year’s legislative session in a speech he delivered to both houses of the Louisiana legislature. Jindal says the first priority is to balance the state’s budget without increasing taxes…

cut 12 (10)  “doesn’t raise taxes”

Jindal says when government takes more money out of people’s hands the economy lags, job growth lags, and it puts families in a tight spot. Jindal says priority number two is education reform and that means removing Common Core from Louisiana…

cut 13 (10)  “and every state”

The governor says he would take teachers and parents dictating the state’s education standards over the federal government. Thirdly, Jindal says he would fight for the passage of a religious freedom bill filed by Bossier City Representative Mike Johnson. Jindal believes that Louisiana endorses religious freedom…

cut 14 (09) “items simultaneously”


AM LRN Newscall April 13

How involved will Governor Bobby Jindal be in this legislative session as lawmakers grapple with a $1.6 billion budget deficit? Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (27) “reporting”


One of the bills set to be discussed during the 2015 legislative session would raise the base pay for severs from $2.13 per hour to at least minimum wage. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


State lawmakers convene in Baton Rouge today with a one-point-six billion dollar budget shortfall hanging over their heads. Scott Carwile has the story…

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


Governor Bobby Jindal will provide the opening address as the legislative session gets underway today. The question is how involved will the governor be as lawmakers grapple with a $1.6 billion budget deficit? Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says it’s important for Jindal to be active this session…

cut 4  (07)  “pay a price” 3x

Pinsonat says Jindal doesn’t have to be at the capital every day during the session, but he does need to pay attention to what’s happening. He says it’s not about the amount of time the governor spends there…

Cut 5  (09)  “his national image”

Pinsonat says very few governors are around the capitol a lot during the session. He doesn’t think the legislative session will stop Jindal from traveling outside the state pursuing his presidential hopes. However, Pinsonat says you can’t run for president when the state you’re supposed to be running is a disaster…

Cut 6 (09)  “national ambitions”


Even though the massive budget deficit will by far be the biggest issue lawmakers will be dealing with this session, there are still many other issues on the agenda as well. publisher Jeremy Alford says Common Core will be one of the major items that will distract from the budget…:

CUT 7 (06)  “volatile issue”

Alford says even with the budget issues and the complicated tax situations on the table, lawmakers will still find time to touch that third rail of Louisiana politics…:

Cut 8  (07)  “in the classroom” 

Alford says with re-election just around the corner, it will be interesting to see if lawmakers even want to get involved in some of the hot button bills…:

Cut 9 (07)  “get a hearing at all”


One of the bills set to be discussed during the 2015 legislative session would raise the base pay for severs from $2.13 per hour to at least minimum wage. Monroe Representative Marcus Hunter says whether you get good tips or not, $2.13 an hour is deplorable pay for any worker…:

Cut 10 (08) “$7.25 an hour”

Hunter says even though people argue that servers make at least minimum wage when you count their tips, it shouldn’t be assumed that they will achieve that. He says they want to get the conversation started between employers and employees…:

cut 11 (06) “$16 a day”

Hunter says he doesn’t want to continue to see hard working people who are committed to serving their businesses go home with less than minimum wage. He says that’s what HB 677 aims to correct..:

cut 12 (06)   “are paid fairly”


What is expected to be a very difficult legislative session begins today in Baton Rouge. Lawmakers will have until June 11th to approve a spending plan that takes into account a one-point-six billion dollar shortfall. Senate President John Alario says legislators are looking at ways to generate more state revenue

Cut 13 (11)  “those things”

Alario says reforming the state’s film tax credit program is one of the priorities, as a recent study paid for by the department of economic development found that the state is only getting 23-cents back for every dollar spent on tax credits

Cut 14 (09) “on the expenditure”

There are several bills that seek to increase the tax on tobacco products, but for the governor to approve them, there has to be a tax cut somewhere else to offset new revenue. Alario says it will take several weeks before lawmakers can agree on a plan

Cut 15  (10)  “those solutions”


The fourth ranked LSU baseball took two of three from Auburn this past weekend. The Tigers lost for just the sixth time all season on Saturday, but rebounded with a six-to-two win on Sunday to avoid their first two-game losing streak of the season. Coach Paul Mainieri on bouncing back from a loss on Saturday…

Cut 16  (16)  “certainly did”

LSU scored all of its runs on Sunday in the first three innings, as Chris Sciambra and Mark Laird each had two hits. That was enough offense for starting pitcher Zac Person (Peer-son) and two relievers. Person made his first start of the season and Coach Paul Mainieri made that decision on Sunday morning…

Cut 17 (16)  “good start”

Parker Bugg and Jesse Stallings each gave up a run in relief, but Person picked up the win by throwing three shutout innings. He says he got some good advice from pitching coach Alan Dunn

Cut 18 (10) ” went about it’


LRN PM Newscall April 10th

State Police graduated 58 brand new troopers Friday from Cadet Class #93. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


At a gathering of about 600 Christian conservatives in Iowa Thursday, the largest applause of the night went to Governor Bobby Jindal. Jeff Palermo has more…

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


State Police graduated 58 brand new troopers Friday from Cadet Class #93. Sergent Nick Manale says these aspiring troopers began the rigorous Louisiana State Police Training Academy on November 30th last year…:

CUT 3 (11)  “training course”

Manale says the cadets have trained in crash investigations, emergency vehicle operations, impaired driving detection, traffic incident management and leadership. He says graduation day is about celebrating the hard work of the cadets and of course the pinning of the golden Louisiana badge…:

CUT 4 (08)  “state police”

Manale says now these 58 cadets become troopers and begin their careers of dedication, protection and service to the citizens of Louisiana. He says this addition puts the number of troopers at about 1000 statewide. The 19 week long academy also includes leadership instruction…:

CUT 5 (11)  “tradition of”


Saturday marks the 29th annual Franklin Parish Catfish Festival in Winnsboro. The festival has grown into the largest one-day festival in the state. Festival board member Leslie Young says the festival offers something for everyone…

CUT 6 (10)  “huge party”

This year’s festival features three music stages headlined by 2015 Grammy Award winner Jo-El Sonnier. There will be four fish frying booths that will serve over two tons of fresh pond-raised catfish. Young says if you like arts and crafts, the Catfish Festival is where you need to be…

CUT 7 (09)  “something to buy”

Admission to the festival is just $5 and gates open at 8AM. Other festival highlights include a free day-long video game arcade, live princess performances, and a number of “walk around” acts. Young says there will also be a huge antique car show…

CUT 8 (04)  “these automobiles”


At a gathering of about 600 Christian conservatives in Iowa Thursday, the largest applause of the night went to Governor Bobby Jindal. Three other Republican presidential hopefuls, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum, also spoke at the event. Jennifer Jacobs with the Des Moines Register says it was obvious Jindal hit a home run…

CUT 9 (10)  “after his speech”

Jacobs says Jindal’s speech really struck a chord with the audience. She says one effective segment of the governor’s talk was when he spoke of the qualities he’d like to see in a president…

cut 10 (10) “started applauding”

Jindal is expected to announce his candidacy for president after the legislative session concludes in June. Jacobs thinks this certainly helps the governor’s presidential aspirations, but doesn’t see it as a turning point…

cut 11 (10)  “a big jolt”


It’s a big weekend of outdoor activities, but revelers in south Louisiana will likely have to deal with multiple rounds of showers and thunderstorms. Danielle Manning with the National Weather Service in Slidell says the grounds along the coastal parishes will be wet in the coming days…:

cut 12 (11)  “3-4 inch range”

Manning says the good news is that the front passed through north Louisiana so they’ll dry out for the weekend festivities. She says the rain in the south should come in multiple rounds with breaks between the storms…:

cut 13 (10)  “kind of thing”

Manning says if you’re headed to one of the many festivals going on this weekend in south Louisiana, it might be a good idea to bring umbrellas, ponchos and rain boots. She says the likely chance for rain and storms remain in the forecast both Saturday and Sunday…:

cut 14 (06) “the good news”


AM Newscall, April 10th 2015

The streets of Ponchatoula will be packed this weekend as the 44th annual Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival gets underway today. Scott Carwile has more…

CUT 1 (27) “reporting”


New Orleans Representative Joseph Bouie files legislation that would transfer regulation of cable and satellite companies to the Public Service Commission. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (29) “reporting”


State Treasurer John Kennedy announces he’ll seek re-election this fall ending long-time speculation that he’d run for governor or attorney general. Jeff Palermo has that…:

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


The streets of Ponchatoula will be packed this weekend as the 44th annual Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival gets underway today. 2015 Festival Chairman Donald Lanier says this is the largest free festival in Louisiana. Lanier says a fortunate circumstance will allow them to open a little early this year…

cut 4  (09)  “12 to 4″

Strawberries are the focal point of the festival, which runs through Sunday, but there is lots more for people to enjoy. Live music will be featured all weekend long including Don Rich, Christian Serpas, and Bag of Donuts. Lanier says carnival games this year have been replaced by local arts and crafts vendors…

Cut 5  (08)  “of the state”

Of course food is always an attraction plus carnival rides and a parade tomorrow morning. Lanier says they have no way of knowing how many people actually attend the festival, but it draws attendees from all over…

Cut 6 (09)  “sweet strawberry”


New Orleans Representative Joseph Bouie files legislation that would transfer regulation of cable and satellite companies to the Public Service Commission. He says currently the Secretary of State’s office is responsible for the certification and regulation of cable and video entities…:

CUT 7 (06)  “if you will”

Bouie feels that it would make more sense for the PSC to regulate cable companies the way they do other utility companies. He says this would allow a state agency to advocate on behalf of Louisiana residents…:

Cut 8  (11)  “be of concern” 

Bouie says he’s heard many complaints and concerns from people who feel like cable and satellite companies aren’t held to the same rules as their other utilities…:

Cut 9 (10)  “responsibility”


State Treasurer John Kennedy announces he’ll seek re-election this fall ending long-time speculation that he’d run for governor or attorney general. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley says this is a good move on Kennedy’s part…:

Cut 10 (10) “would have run”

Stockley says if Kennedy would have thrown his hat into the Governor’s ring it would have weakened fellow middle ground Republicans Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle in the fight against the leading David Vitter. He says Kennedy has done a great job as our state treasurer…: (Stockley says as for the AG’s office, when Former Congressman Jeff Landry jumped in that race it was wise for Kennedy to stay put.)

cut 11 (06) “for the state”

Stockley says many people believe Kennedy has his eye on the US Senate seat that could come open if Vitter becomes Governor. He says nobody will challenge Kennedy for treasurer but that doesn’t mean he won’t run a campaign…:

cut 12 (12)   “for that office”


Louisiana is about to get really wet as thunderstorms cloud the forecast for the next several days. State Climatologist Barry Keim says a slow moving cold front is pushing through the state today and looks to be hanging around into at least Monday..:

Cut 13 (11)  “next week”

Keim says as far as rain totals go, the state can expect at least two inches with higher totals in isolated areas…:

Cut 14 (10) “severe weather”

Keim says this event brings with it the possibility of severe weather which could mean hail, high winds and even the chance for a tornado. He says the story for the weekend is take cover..:

Cut 15  (09)  “into the evening”


The LSU Tigers put their six-game winning streak on the line tonight when they host Auburn to begin a weekend set with the War Eagles. In their last 12 games, LSU has had at least 10 hits in each of those contests and shortstop Alex Bregman says there’s not an easy out in their line-up

Cut 16  (09)  “keep doing that”

Tonight’s game is set to begin at 7 PM, but the forecast doesn’t look good for the weekend as there’s an 80 to 90-percent chance of rain each day. Coach Paul Mainieri hopes the weather will not be a distraction…

Cut 17 (13)  “same thing”

Jared Poche will get the start on the mound tonight. Auburn is expected to counter with sophomore right-hander Cole Lipscomb, who is 4-0 with a 2.65 ERA. Mainieri says LSU’s hitters will see some good pitching this weekend

Cut 18 (19) ” against Arkansas’
