LRN PM Newscall April 29

New Orleans state Representative Austin Badon is once again pushing legislation that would lessen the penalties for some marijuana possession arrests. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (29) “reporting”


Medical marijuana is one step closer to becoming legal in Louisiana as Senate Bill 143 moves out of committee and heads to the Senate Floor. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


New Orleans state Representative Austin Badon is once again pushing legislation that would lessen the penalties for some marijuana possession arrests. Badon says House Bill 149 in no way legalizes marijuana for either medical or recreational use. He says the bill only brings fairness to sentencing for simple marijuana possession…

CUT 3 (09)  “subsequent convictions”

He says the bill will keep current provisions for first convictions, but lowers the penalties for second and subsequent convictions. Badon says this would bring much needed reform to Louisiana’s drug law. He adds that this measure would take simple marijuana possession out of the state’s “Three Strikes You’re Out” law…

CUT 4 (11)  “for life”

This is the third time Badon has filed this legislation and he hopes the third time is the charm. He says the Louisiana District Attorney Association is not opposed to the bill. Badon has also reached out to the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association who vehemently opposed the measure last year…

CUT 5 (10)  “in Louisiana”


State Police is investigating the shooting of an armed teenager in Livingston Parish early this morning. L-S-P Lt. JB Slaton says authorities responded to a 9-1-1 call of a suicidal person and when deputies arrived at the home, 19-year-old Matthew Peyronnin, was on the front porch with a shotgun raised in the direction of the officers…

CUT 6 (06)  “several rounds”

Slaton says after being confronted with a weapon, a Livingston Parish Deputy fired his weapon and his bullets struck Peyronnin….

CUT 7 (07) “four rounds”

Peyronnin was transported to a hospital in Baton Rouge and is in stable condition, with non-life threatening injuries. Slaton says Peyronnin will be booked on attempted second-dgree murder of police officer charges……:

CUT 8 (09)  “the deputies”


Legislation that requires sex education to be taught in seventh through 12th grade in every public  schools in Orleans Parish was approved by the House Education Committee today .New Orleans councilwoman LaToya Cantrell, a supporter of the proposed law, says comprehensive sex education needs to be mandatory…

CUT 9 (09)  “new cases”

Under current law, sex ed may be offered in Louisiana public schools, but it must promote abstinence until marriage. However,  Cantrell says the abstinence message is not working…

cut 10 (06) “they need”

The bill passed House Ed on an 8-to-6 vote and the controversial topic now heads to the full house for more debate. During committee debate, a resident of New Orleans expressed her concerns about the legislation…

cut 11 (11)  “to condemn”


Medical marijuana is one step closer to becoming legal in Louisiana as Senate Bill 143 moves out of committee and heads to the Senate Floor. There were many people who spoke in support of the legislation by New Iberia Senator Fred Mills. Michelle Hall from Vernon Parish says she adopted a little girl who has epilepsy…:

cut 12 (09)  “stop that”

Pete Adams, executive director of the Louisiana District Attorneys Association, was the only one who spoke against the bill…:

cut 13 (09)  “diseases”

Mills filed similar legislation last year which failed to pass but he says for 2015 he’s addressed many of the concerns such as dispensing, prescribing and cultivation regulations. Tommy Mead, an LSU Health Sciences Center student, told the committee that medicinal marijuana can help with his physical suffering…:

cut 14 (09) “but I push on”

The legislation moved forward without objection. Adams says his heart goes out to those in committee who are suffering…:

cut 15 (09) “opposition to this”

AM Newscall, April 29th, 2015

The US Supreme Court begins hearing a case today challenging the constitutionality of Oklahoma’s lethal injection procedure. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (31) “reporting”


The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office says one person is under arrest and they are looking for 10 others as part of a million dollar theft scam involving Comcast Cable customers. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


A senate committee approves legislation that would give domestic abuse victims the ability to break a lease or get their abuser out of a home without penalty from their landlord. Scott Carwile has the story….

Cut 3 (31) “reporting”


The US Supreme Court begins hearing a case today challenging the constitutionality of Oklahoma’s lethal injection procedure. The case argues to end the use of midazolam as a sedative in Oklahoma’s lethal injection protocol. Loyola Law Professor Dane Ciolino says protocols changed when the makers of sodium thiopental and pentobarbital refused to sell to states that use it for corporal punishment…

cut 4  (08) “in the alternative”

Midazolam, which is also part of Louisiana’s lethal injection protocol, is an anti-anxiety drug that has no pain relieving properties and there are questions in its effectiveness as a sedative. This lawsuit was filed after four apparently botched executions that made national headlines last year. Ciolino says this case raises the issue of whether Midazolam does what states claim that it does…

Cut 5  (11)  “of serious pain”

The Supreme Court has ruled that a method of execution would violate the Constitution’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment if it presents a substantial, intolerable risk of serious pain and there are less painful alternatives available. Ciolino says it will be interesting to see what the Supreme Court will do…

Cut 6 (09)  “from this case”


The granddaughter of Saints owner Tom Benson made an appearance at the state capitol Tuesday. Rita Benson Leblanc spoke in support of the state’s film tax program. During testimony, LeBlanc identified herself as a former sports executive who said the film tax credit program helped New Orleans get the Super Bowl in 2013…:

CUT 7 (11)  “in that”

LeBlanc says cities compete against each other and it’s paramount Louisiana differentiate itself  when attracting major events. She says the state’s film tax program helps major events like the Super Bowl with their visual and media elements…:

Cut 8  (09)  “networks themselves” 

LeBlanc says remaining competitive in the film industry requires tax credits. She says it’s amazing that Louisiana is #1 in making movies and we should strive to stay that way…:(The bill was amended to put a $200 million dollar cap on the program and advanced out of committee without objection and now heads to the House floor. Other cap bills were also approved in committee.)

Cut 9 (09)  “of America”


The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s office says one person is under arrest and they are looking for 10 others as part of a million dollar theft scam involving Comcast Cable customers. Spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick says the scheme involved out of state cable contractors who would use real Comcast customers information to open up fake accounts in order to get commission

Cut 10 (09) “they would make a commission”

Chadwick says financial loss in commissions, equipment and services to Comcast and victims was well over $1.2 million dollars. She says one of the suspects worked for Comcast directly and had an agreement with the contractors that she would provide identities of legitimate customers:

cut 11 (13) “customers”

Chadwick says the now former Comcast employee involved in this scheme is in jail and booked with 107 counts of identity theft and one count of criminal conspiracy. The information was used by the contractors to open 3,630 fake Comcast accounts in Caddo Parish. Chadwick says the victims in this case have seen their credit reports ruined by this scam because their social security numbers were tied to fake accounts that weren’t being paid…:

cut 12 (09)   “investigation”


A senate committee approves legislation that would allow a domestic abuse victim to immediately move out an apartment or rented home without facing a penalty for violating the lease. Baton Rouge Senator Sharon Weston Broome says her legislation also has a provision in cases where the victim doesn’t want to leave the home…

Cut 13 (10)  “is evicted”

Cashuana Hill, executive director of the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Center, says this legislation is needed, because there are numerous cases where a domestic abuse victim is evicted from their home, because the apartment complex has a policy against domestic violence…

Cut 14 (05) “for that abuse”

The legislation heads to the Senate floor, but the Apartment Association of Louisiana lobbied against the bill. Jennifer Ansardi says domestic violence cases are sometimes he-said versus she-said incidents and landlords are not trained to be a judge and jury

Cut 15  (07)  “handle this”


Baton Rouge police say their detectives want to speak with former LSU Tiger La’el Collins about the shooting death of a pregnant woman in the capitol city. 29-year-old Brittney Mills was gunned down at her home last Friday. Corporal Don Coppola says Collins is not considered a suspect in her murder, but they know he had a relationship with the woman…

Cut 16  (08)  “this crime”

Coppola would not go any further about the type of relationship Collins and Mills had. He says as part of their investigation into Mills’ murder, they believe Collins may know why someone would want to shoot her…

Cut 17 (10)  “Ms Mills killer”

Coppola says it will be a few days before they can talk to Collins, who is expected to be selected in the NFL’s first round on Thursday night….

Cut 18 (11) ” may have’


PM Newscall, April 28th, 2015

Entergy says about 90% of customers should have power restored by tonight and nearly all customers should have electricity restored by Wednesday after terrible south Louisiana storms Monday. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (26) “reporting”


In the latest campaign finance numbers for Louisiana’s governor’s race, US Senator David Vitter has $4.2 million cash on hand, more than the other three candidates combined. Jeff Palermo has more…

CUT 2 (28) “reporting”


Entergy says about 90% of customers should have power restored by tonight and nearly all customers should have electricity restored by Wednesday. Horrible storms blew through south Louisiana Monday and caused damage to the company power grid. Entergy spokesman Will John says they have made progress since the weather calmed down…:

CUT 3 (09)  “yesterday’s storm”

There were reports of tornadoes in Kenner, Belle Chasse and Labadieville areas and wind gusts in excess of 100 mph. Johnson says he’s optimistic, with the current weather conditions, that crews can make even more headway…

CUT 4 (08)  “as we can” 2X

Entergy has assembled a storm team of about 2,000 to restore power in Louisiana safely and as quickly as possible. Johnson says it could take a little longer for customers where damage is more severe…

CUT 5 (08)  “those numbers down”


The House Ways and Means Committee approves three different bills that would cap the state’s film tax credit program anywhere from 150 to 223 million dollars a year. Alexandria Representative Lance Harris authors one of the bills, he says with the state facing big cuts to higher ed and health care, it’s time to put restraints on a program that costs the state 256-million dollars this year…

CUT 6 (06)  “do it now”

Harris says when Louisiana’s film tax incentive program started in 2002, it was intended to build an industry that one day would self support itself…

CUT 7 (10) “and parties”

Will French, president of the Louisiana Film and Entertainment Association, opposed Harris’ legislation. He says the film industry employs thousands and scaling back the program will not help the state’s budget crisis…

CUT 8 (11)  “2016″

Supporters of the film tax credit program are concerned that a cap on the program will chase away future TV and film production. French told lawmakers during testimony that they could anticipate a significant lobbying effort against this type of legislation…

CUT 9 (10)  “not productive”


In the latest campaign finance numbers for Louisiana’s governor’s race, US Senator David Vitter has $4.2 million cash on hand, more than the other three candidates combined. UL-Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says this has to be disappointing to Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne, Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle, and State Representative John Bel Edwards…

cut 10 (10) “dose of reality”

Dardenne announces $1.8 million in cash on hand while Angelle has $1.2 million and Edwards reports $894,000. Cross believes money will have a big impact in this race…

cut 11 (10)  “almost always wins”

Cross says, with all other factors being equal, more money is better. He says you can expect this 2:1 ratio in cash on hand in Vitter’s favor to continue throughout the campaign. Cross says the other candidates in this race are facing an uphill battle when it comes to fundraising…

cut 12 (08)  “to bring in”


Authorities in St. Tammany Parish say the woman who was shot in the head allegedly by her ex-boyfriend then drove herself to the hospital is going to survive. Sheriff Jack Strain says they believe 56-year-old Ronald Brown of Pearl River broke into victim’s home and waited for her to arrive…:

cut 13 (12)  “in the head”

Strain says once the woman arrived for treatment the hospital was placed on lock-down as they believe the suspect’s vehicle was seen in the area. He says they were able to locate Brown a short time later and he was taken into custody without incident…:

cut 14 (09) “armed suspect”

Strain says Brown is currently in the St. Tammany Parish Jail and is being held without bond at this time. He believes the woman had something on her side in this tragic incident…:

cut 15 (08) “in my book”


AM Newscall, April 28th, 2015

The US Supreme court hears arguments today over whether same sex couples have the right to get married. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (30) “reporting”


A bill that would eventually phase out the state’s film tax credit program will be heard today in the House Ways and Means Committee. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


After all of the recent bad storms we’ve been dealing with in Louisiana, The American Red Cross wants you to know about a new app which helps you to prepare for severe weather. Scott Carwile reports…:

Cut 3 (27) “reporting”


The US Supreme court hears arguments today over whether same sex couples have the right to get married. Attorney Kyle Duncan has been hired by the state AG’s office to make Louisiana’s case in the social debate. He says it’s their belief that each state should have the right to determine what is legally defined as marriage. Matthew Patterson with Equality Louisiana says other courts around the nation are not divided on this issue…:

cut 4  (10) “in every state”

A ruling is not expected until later this year. Patterson says this is not just a mtter of recognition and social standing but it’s a concrete case of people who are not being treated fairly under the law. He says he is ecstatic that this case is finally being heard…:

Cut 5  (11)  “law of the land”

Duncan says states should have authority when it comes to family law including ways to define marriage. He doesn’t think the state’s judiciary should be the ones to decide such a massive issue…:

Cut 6 (09)  “or not”

Duncan says this is a huge political issue that should not be handled in the courts. He says this would be a major change to Louisiana’s family law…:

CUT 7 (09)  “marriage”


Louisiana’s film tax credits will be talked about by lawmakers today as legislation that would essentially phase out the motion picture benefits is set to be taken up in the House Ways and Means committee. House Bill 276 is by Alexandria Representative Lance Harris. He says the movie subsidy has gotten way out of control…:

Cut 8  (10)  “million dollars” 

Harris says in light of the $1.6 billion dollar budget deficit and the cuts healthcare and higher ed are facing, it’s past time to address the motion picture tax credits. He says this program is costing taxpayers way too much money…:

Cut 9 (09)  “on its own”

Harris’s proposal would put a $50 million dollar cap on the program next fiscal year the completely stop issuing credits in 2019. Celtic Studios Executive Director Patrick Mulhearn says this is not the answer to fixing the 2015-2016 budget…:

Cut 10 (09) “squeezing blood from a turnip”

Mulhearn says they are asking supporters of the film industry in Louisiana to come to the Capitol today wearing red shirts to show their opposition to this legislation. He says they would possibly support bills that would clean up the program, but if it went away then close to 30,000 people would lose their jobs. Mulhearn says Louisianians love having movies filmed here…:

cut 11 (06) “film jobs”


After all of the recent bad storms we’ve been dealing with in Louisiana, The American Red Cross wants you to know about a new app which helps you to prepare for severe weather. Spokeswoman Nancy Malone says by taking a few simple steps ahead of time, you can help ensure that you and your family knows what to do when severe weather occurs…:

cut 12 (07)   “to prepare”

Malone says the free Red Cross Emergency App provides instant access to weather and emergency alerts, life saving information and also lets you connect with family and friends…:

Cut 13 (08)  “their direction”

Malone says the app covers 14 types of disasters including tornado, flood and severe thunderstorms and also lets you customize more than 35 emergency alerts for yourself and where loved ones live…:

Cut 14 (08) “allows you to do”


The Baton Rouge Police Department says they still have no suspects in the case of the pregnant woman who was found shot dead in her apartment. Corporal Don Copolla says they believe 29 year old Brittney Mills opened her door to someone she likely knew…:

Cut 15  (06)  “she was shot”

Copolla says Mills, who was about 8 months pregnant, was shot several times and died on the scene. He says they raced the victim to the hospital…:

Cut 16  (06)  “to survive”


The number one ranked LSU Tigers are back on the baseball diamond tonight to host Alcorn State. The Bayou Bengals have had a lot of success against schools from the SWAC over the years. But Coach Paul Mainieri says LSU needed extra innings to beat Southern earlier this year and had trouble beating Alcorn last year…

Cut 17 (17)  “baseball”

LSU is coming off an emotional series in which they won two of three from second ranked Texas A-and-M. Mainieri says he’s told the team they need to move past those games and focus on the now….

Cut 18 (18) ” Mississippi State’

If LSU is involved in a close game tonight, Mainieri says he won’t have second thoughts about using Jesse Stallings as his closer, even though Stallings has blown three saves in SEC play. The coach says the Colfax native has great stuff, but has trouble locating his fastball at times…

Cut 19 (14)  “year is over “


LRN PM Newscall April 27

A bill to raise the state’s cigarette tax to 68-cents a pack gets approval from the House Ways and Means Committee. Jeff Palermo has the story…

CUT 1 (29) “reporting”


The strong storm activity that swept through southeast Louisiana earlier today has resulted in wind damage and street flooding in the area. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


The severe weather that ripped though the state this morning has left thousands of residents without power. Entergy spokesman Tom Peters says, with storm activity like today, there are several factors that can cause power outages….

CUT 3 (10)  “event like this”

He says it could be a while before power is fully restored…

CUT 4 (09)  “straight line winds”


The strong storm activity that swept through southeast Louisiana earlier today has resulted in wind damage and street flooding in the area. Frank Rivette, with the National Weather Service, says trees and power lines are down throughout the region. He says the damage caused by these storms is fairly widespread…

CUT 5 (10)  “squall line moved”

He says they still have to survey the area to determine if any damage was the result of tornadoes. Rivette says downpours with these storms has caused street flooding in several communities. He says the area may not be out of the woods just yet…

CUT 6 (11)  “severe weather overnight”


The family of 27-year-old Kris Beall of Pineville, who was competing in a regatta in Mobile Bay when a powerful storm capsized several sailboats, says he is among the dead. Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Seth Johnson says the incident happened Saturday afternoon…

CUT 7 (12) “Bay off guard”

The family says Beall’s body was one of two recovered, although authorities have yet to release names of the victims. Over 100 sailboats and more than 200 people were participating in the regatta when the storm hit. Johnson says the storm was quite powerful…

CUT 8 (10)  “at the time”

Beall’s wife reported his death in a Facebook post Sunday. Four people remain missing and officials say they are focused on finding them. Johnson says the storm caught boaters by surprise…

CUT 9 (10)  “that took place”


The House Ways and Means Committee approves a bill that increases he state’s cigarette tax from 36-cents per pack to 68-cents, to match the tax rate in Mississippi. The bill’s author, Bogalusa Representative Harold Ritchie, originally proposed a tax increase of over one-dollar, but agreed to the lower tax, so the measure would be approved…

cut 10 (06) “….trying to do”

The tax proposal passed on a 11-5 vote. It’s expected to generate an estimated 67-million dollars for the state annually, which could be used towards the one-point-six billion dollar shortfall. Opposition came from convenience store owners, like former state senator Fred Hoyt…

cut 11 (09)  “and food”

Ritchie’s bill originally proposed a tax increase from 36-cents per pack to $1.54, which is a national average. Jack Casanova is a cigarette wholesaler and he says such an increase will have an impact on jobs and bring security concerns…

cut 12 (09)  “major issue”

Health advocates lined up to speak in favor of a higher tax on cigarettes.  Frances Gilcreast, a volunteer for the American Cancer Society, is a former smoker and told the committee about how smoking has impacted her file…

cut 13 (09)  “lung cancer”


Today is the start of Navy Week in Shreveport/Bossier — an opportunity for the community to meet Sailors and learn about their missions. Lead Navy week planner Gary Ross says events include free concerts, demonstrations, commemorative events, school visits and participation in service projects…:

cut 14 (11) “contact”

Ross says this is one of 12 Navy Weeks their Office of Community Outreach is hosting in 2015. He says the US Navy Parachute team, the Leapfrogs, are also in town for the week…:

cut 15 (09) “jump into”

You can get a full list of the Navy Week events online at navy-outreach-dot-org. Ross says Shreveport/Bossier is such an Airforce town that it’s good to bring in the Navy to let everybody know what they are all about:

cut 16 (07) “as well”

LRN AM Newscall for Monday April 27

The $22.9 million makeover of the Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria begins today after numerous delays. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (28) “reporting”


A bill to increase the state’s tax on cigarettes by $1.18 is expected to be debated today in the House Ways and Means Committee. Jeff Palermo has a preview…

Cut 2 (29) “reporting”


For homeowners looking at purchasing solar panels to reduce their utility costs. Jeff Palermo reports the attorney general’s office says do your homework first…

Cut 3 (30) “reporting”


The $22.9 million makeover of the Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria begins today after numerous delays. The project is finally getting underway after voters approved a bond issue to renovate the facility two-and-a-half years ago. Rapides Police Jury President Richard Billings says everyone’s excited these changes are finally being made…

cut 4  (10) “what we want”

He says the coliseum last held an event over a year ago. Billings says, when complete, the venue will be practically brand new with renovations happening both outside and inside the building…

Cut 5  (10)  “for entertainers”

The renovations are expected to take 20 to 22 months to complete. Billings says he can’t wait for people to visit the new facility when construction is complete. He says renovations, so to speak, won’t stop with the building itself…

Cut 6 (11)  “many, many years”


Caddo Parish District Attorney Charles Scott will be laid to rest today after his sudden death last week in a Baton Rouge hotel while on business at the Capitol. Preliminary findings reveal the 67-year-old died of previously diagnosed heart disease. Pete Adams is the Executive Director of the Louisiana District Attorneys Association…:

CUT 7 (09)  “very intelligent”

Caddo District Court proceedings are suspended today in honor of Scott’s funeral at the Broadmoor Baptist Church. Adams says Scott was the kind of person who was kind to everyone and didn’t have a mean bone in his body..:

Cut 8  (09)  “worked very hard” 

Scott was found by two employees in his office at the Lod Cook Hotel and Conference Center at LSU after he didn’t show up for breakfast. A special election for a new Caddo DA is expected to happen in conjunction with this fall’s gubernatorial race. The first assistant is currently the acting DA. Adams says Charles was a true leader in their organization.:

Cut 9 (10)  “to the highest standards”


The House Ways and Means Committee will consider this morning a bill that will raise the state’s cigarette tax from 36-cents per pack to $1.54 per pack, which is the national average. Stasha Rhodes, with the American Heart Association in Louisiana, says the measure has an excellent chance at passing, because of the state’s massive budget shortfall…

Cut 10 (06) “possible solution”

Rhodes says not only will an increase in the cigarette tax help the state’s budget situation now, it will result in fewer people smoking, which should result in cost savings in the future…

cut 11 (11) “15.4 million dollars”

The state is facing a one-point-six billion dollar budget shortfall. Rhodes says the cigarette tax increase under consideration today would generate 223-million dollars in new revenue for the state, which is why they think it has an excellent chance at passing…

cut 12 (11)   “7,000 lives”


The Louisiana Attorney General’s office urges consumers to research the costs and benefits of solar panels before purchasing them. The director of the public protection division of the state’s A-G’s office, Sam Pleasant, says homeowners can be attracted by a promise of reduced energy costs from solar power systems, but sometimes there are some significant up front costs

Cut 13 (09)  “up front”

Pleasant says Attorney General Buddy Caldwell recommends that potential solar panel buyers should get at least three written proposals or price quotes and speak with people who have first-hand experience in purchasing them….

Cut 14 (10) “recoup savings”

Pleasant says they issued this alert now, because warmer weather prompts many consumers to look at ways to save money on utility bills. She says you can contact your utility provider to see if they’ll perform an energy efficiency audit of your home, which can determine if it’s even worth getting solar panels

Cut 15  (08)  “solar system”


The Pelicans season is over after getting swept by Golden State in their four-game playoff series. Even though New Orleans didn’t win a game in the postseason, Anthony Davis showed he’s one of the top players in the league. Davis had 36 points and 11 rebounds in the series finale…

Cut 16  (17)  “next year”

Head Coacn Monty Williams believes Davis’ first experience in the playoffs will only fuel him to become a better player…

Cut 17 (10)  “next year”

LRN PM Newscall April 24

The LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office has arrested a man in connection with a double homicide. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (29) “reporting”


Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic Gold medalist and reality TV star, will reportedly confirm to the world tonight that he is transgender. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 2 (30) “reporting”


The LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Office has arrested a man in connection with a double homicide. 37-year-old Randy Eugene Waits has been arrested for the deaths of 19-year-old Kylie Duncan and 76-year-old Irma Cotton. Sheriff Scott Franklin says the incident took place Wednesday morning…

CUT 3 (09)  “her home”

Cotton was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. Duncan was also shot in the head and her throat was cut. Franklin says there appears to be a connection between the suspect and one of the victims…

CUT 4 (11)  “as a witness”

He says Cotton was an innocent bystander and not the intended target. Waits was booked into the LaSalle Parish Jail on two counts of first degree murder. Franklin wants to assure people that this is not a serial killer or mass murder situation…

CUT 5 (10)  “he thought”


Bruce Jenner, the 1976 Olympic Gold medalist, is going to reportedly confirm to the world tonight that he is transgender. ABC will air an exclusive two-hour special with Diane Sawyer at 8pm. Matthew Patterson of Equality Louisiana says the 65-year-old Jenner is being amazingly courageous…:

CUT 6 (11)  “people in your life”

So far, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has been publicly silent about his reported transition despite swirls of media frenzy. Patterson says after the interview airs, he hopes Jenner can live his life the way he wants to. He says discrimination against transgender people is unfortunately quite pervasive and severe…:

CUT 7 (12) “other people”

There are also rumors circulating which indicate there will be a reality show to document Jenner’s journey. Patterson says he hopes this story will be educational and spur more acceptance among the public. He also hopes Jenner’s very public story will be an inspiration for other transgender people…:

CUT 8 (07)  “of trans people”


Ochsner Health System in New Orleans announces they are the first hospital in the country to use the new Apple Watch to manage patients suffering from chronic diseases. The Ochsner Hypertension Digital Medicine Program uses the watch to track patients who are struggling to control their blood pressure. Chief Clinical Transformation Officer, Dr. Richard Milani…

CUT 9 (10)  “that for us”

With the Apple Watch, patients can receive medication reminders, feedback from clinicians, activity tracking, and exercise reminders. Milani says about 40-percent of patients with chronic disease want a medication reminder…

cut 10 (07) “at that time”

Milani says the fact that the watch is on your wrist, it will provide individuals with nudges and feedback in a timely fashion. He says the first seven weeks of the program have been very successful. Milani says over 40-percent of patients have their hypertension under control, compared to a usual care group of only one-percent…

cut 11 (08)  “to the patient”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reports that there was a slight decline in the number of fatal motorcycle crashes in 2014. Eighty motorcycle riders were killed last year, a seven percent drop from 2013. The commission’s deputy director, Ken Trull, says they hope to reduce that number even more in 2015, but they need help from all motorists….

cut 12 (09)  “aware of em”

Trull says helmets are helping to reduce motorcycle deaths. He says an observational study in 2014 found that 100-percent of motorcyclists wore a helmet…

cut 13 (08)  “turn signals”

Trull says a factor in motorcycle fatalities is impaired driving as one-third of Louisiana’s 2014 motorcycle deaths involved alcohol. He says motorcyclists should never ride impaired or distracted and try to make yourself more visible

cut 14 (07) “and cars”

**Time Correction** AM Newscall, April 24th, 2015

The 2015 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival gets underway today. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (31) “reporting”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission’s “Buckle Up in Your Truck” campaign runs through April 30. Jeff Palermo has more…

Cut 2 (26) “reporting”


A bill by Gonzales state Representative Eddie Lambert would set a limit on the size of live crawfish that would be sold to people or restaurants. Scott Carwile reports…

Cut 3 (31) “reporting”


The 2015 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival gets underway today. The lineup this first weekend includes headliners Keith Urban tonight, The Who tomorrow and Sunday it’s Jimmy Buffett on the Acura Stage. Festival producer Quint Davis says he’s excited about the music as usual, but he knows festers can’t get enough of the delicious Louisiana food…:

cut 4  (09) “when it’s open”

Other huge artists performing this weekend are Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, Pitbull, Irma Thomas, Ryan Adams, John Legend, Wilco, Jimmy Cliff, Wayne Toups and more. Davis says festival also offers gourmet food in a field on a paper plate for $10 and under…:

Cut 5  (09)  “andouille gumbo”

There are chances for rain in the forecast for New Orleans mostly today and tomorrow, but Davis says that doesn’t stop the good times from rolling. He says last year’s Jazzfest was attend by over 400,000 people…:

Cut 6 (11)  “than last year”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission begins their “Buckle Up in Your Truck” campaign today in an effort to get more pickup drivers to use their seat belts. Executive Director Lt. Col. John LeBlanc says even though Louisiana’s seat belt compliance rate rose to a record 84-percent in 2014, pickup truck drivers lag behind…

CUT 7 (06)  “been the lowest”

LeBlanc says less than 79-percent of pickup truck drivers are using seat belts, which is the lowest rate for all vehicles. He says because of a pickup’s tendency to roll over, it’s especially important for people to be restrained inside a truck…

Cut 8  (10)  “compliance rate up” 

The campaign runs through April 30. LeBlanc says you can expect to see increased patrols to make sure you are buckled up, no matter what kind of vehicle you’re in. He says buckling up in a front seat passenger car is the best way to reduce your risk to fatal injury…

Cut 9 (09)  “to buckle up”


A bill by Gonzales state Representative Eddie Lambert would set a limit on the size of live crawfish that would be sold to people or restaurants. The measure would make it illegal for vendors, farmers, and harvesters to sell crawfish that are smaller than three and a half inches for people to eat. Lambert says he’s heard complaints about small crawfish from both wholesalers and consumers…

Cut 10 (10) “you can’t tell”

There would be an allowance of up to five percent of undersized crawfish in each sack. He says crawfish is a multi-million dollar industry that basically has no standards. Lambert says for the crawfish meat industry, these undersized crawfish are just not economically viable…

cut 11 (05) “180 crawfish”

He says this would damage the crawfish meat industry. First offense punishment would be a fine of up to $350 with possible jail time of up to 60 days. The bill will be heard in the House Natural Resources Committee. Lambert says one problem with crawfish is that they are difficult to grade…

cut 12 (10)   “live animals”


The Department of Health and Hospitals is issuing early reminders about the importance of taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family from West Nile. They believe this will be a big mosquito season because of all the rain we’ve gotten in April. DHH State Epidemiologist Raoult Ratard says get rid of all standing water…:

Cut 13 (12)  “to reach”

Ratard says standing water serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that may be infected with West Nile. He says the virus typically doesn’t pop up in humans until July, but it’s good to start preparing your home now…:

Cut 14 (06) “keep the door closed”

In 2014, Louisiana reported 61 cases of West Nile and Ratard says residents who are at least 65 years old are at higher risk for complications but everyone is at risk for infection. He says when you’re outside, make sure you wear mosquito repellent containing DEET…:

Cut 15  (05)  “not on my skin”



AM Newscall, April 24th, 2015

The 2015 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival gets underway today. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (31) “reporting”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission’s “Buckle Up in Your Truck” campaign runs through April 30. Jeff Palermo has more…

Cut 2 (30) “reporting”


A bill by Gonzales state Representative Eddie Lambert would set a limit on the size of live crawfish that would be sold to people or restaurants. Scott Carwile reports…

Cut 3 (31) “reporting”


The 2015 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival gets underway today. The lineup this first weekend includes headliners Keith Urban tonight, The Who tomorrow and Sunday it’s Jimmy Buffett on the Acura Stage. Festival producer Quint Davis says he’s excited about the music as usual, but he knows festers can’t get enough of the delicious Louisiana food…:

cut 4  (09) “when it’s open”

Other huge artists performing this weekend are Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, Pitbull, Irma Thomas, Ryan Adams, John Legend, Wilco, Jimmy Cliff, Wayne Toups and more. Davis says festival also offers gourmet food in a field on a paper plate for $10 and under…:

Cut 5  (09)  “andouille gumbo”

There are chances for rain in the forecast for New Orleans mostly today and tomorrow, but Davis says that doesn’t stop the good times from rolling. He says last year’s Jazzfest was attend by over 400,000 people…:

Cut 6 (11)  “than last year”


The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission begins their “Buckle Up in Your Truck” campaign today in an effort to get more pickup drivers to use their seat belts. Executive Director Lt. Col. John LeBlanc says even though Louisiana’s seat belt compliance rate rose to a record 84-percent in 2014, pickup truck drivers lag behind…

CUT 7 (06)  “been the lowest”

LeBlanc says less than 79-percent of pickup truck drivers are using seat belts, which is the lowest rate for all vehicles. He says because of a pickup’s tendency to roll over, it’s especially important for people to be restrained inside a truck…

Cut 8  (10)  “compliance rate up” 

The campaign runs through April 30. LeBlanc says you can expect to see increased patrols to make sure you are buckled up, no matter what kind of vehicle you’re in. He says buckling up in a front seat passenger car is the best way to reduce your risk to fatal injury…

Cut 9 (09)  “to buckle up”


A bill by Gonzales state Representative Eddie Lambert would set a limit on the size of live crawfish that would be sold to people or restaurants. The measure would make it illegal for vendors, farmers, and harvesters to sell crawfish that are smaller than three and a half inches for people to eat. Lambert says he’s heard complaints about small crawfish from both wholesalers and consumers…

Cut 10 (10) “you can’t tell”

There would be an allowance of up to five percent of undersized crawfish in each sack. He says crawfish is a multi-million dollar industry that basically has no standards. Lambert says for the crawfish meat industry, these undersized crawfish are just not economically viable…

cut 11 (05) “180 crawfish”

He says this would damage the crawfish meat industry. First offense punishment would be a fine of up to $350 with possible jail time of up to 60 days. The bill will be heard in the House Natural Resources Committee. Lambert says one problem with crawfish is that they are difficult to grade…

cut 12 (10)   “live animals”


The Department of Health and Hospitals is issuing early reminders about the importance of taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family from West Nile. They believe this will be a big mosquito season because of all the rain we’ve gotten in April. DHH State Epidemiologist Raoult Ratard says get rid of all standing water…:

Cut 13 (12)  “to reach”

Ratard says standing water serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes that may be infected with West Nile. He says the virus typically doesn’t pop up in humans until July, but it’s good to start preparing your home now…:

Cut 14 (06) “keep the door closed”

In 2014, Louisiana reported 61 cases of West Nile and Ratard says residents who are at least 65 years old are at higher risk for complications but everyone is at risk for infection. He says when you’re outside, make sure you wear mosquito repellent containing DEET…:

Cut 15  (05)  “not on my skin”



PM LRN Newscall April 23rd

Strong storms moved through northeast Louisiana on Wednesday causing widespread damage throughout the region. Michelle Southern reports.

CUT 1 (28) “reporting”


In an op-ed piece found in today’s New York Times, Governor Jindal says he’s not backing down from supporting a controversial religious liberty bill. Jeff Palermo has more…

CUT 2 (28) “reporting”


Many areas in northeast Louisiana are in recovery mode today after strong storms moved through the region Wednesday. Authorities say homes and businesses were damaged by heavy winds and at least three people were injured. Executive Director of Ouachita Parish Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Neal Brown…:

CUT 3 (11)  “not livable”

Brown says the storm produced straight line winds and hail and got worse as it moved through the Sterlington area and into Union, Richland and Morehouse parishes…:

CUT 4 (12)  “alot of hail”

Entergy reported thousands of customers were without power most of the morning and into the afternoon. Brown says Sterlington Middle sustained roof damage and classes were cancelled for today but they hope to open back up tomorrow. He says there were no reports of funnel clouds but high winds downed power lines, trees and blocked roads…:

CUT 5 (12)  “Sterlington area”


Governor Bobby Jindal has an op-ed piece in today’s New York Times that explains his support for the religious liberty bill that will be debated in the Louisiana legislature. Some companies are concerned about the legislation. But U-L Lafayette Political Science Professor Pearson Cross says Jindal lets the world know their opinions won’t deter him…

CUT 6 (09)  “a gauntlet”

Jindal also says in the op-ed column that he continues to have the view a marriage is between one man and one woman. Cross says it appears the governor is once again trying to raise his profile in a crowded republican presidential field…

CUT 7 (09) “dramatic ways”

Cross says there are some in Louisiana that will applaud the governor’s stance against gay marriage and religious liberty, but others would rather see him devote more time to state specific issues…

CUT 8 (09)  “at home”


The Youngsville Police Department says a male youth softball coach is facing charges for allegedly punching an opposing female softball coach and breaking her nose. Chief Rickey Boudreaux says it was a highly contested game between two teams with the Lafayette City-Parish Parks and Recreation. He says after it was over words were allegedly exchanged then three players jumped on an opposing player…:

CUT 9 (11)  “in three places”

Boudreaux says the suspect in this case is a complete low life and the sports organization indicates there is no place for violence in youth recreation sports. He says the players and the coach in this case let their emotions rise above common sense…:

cut 10 (08) “youth softball game”

Boudreaux says since the victim’s nose was broken in multiple places she will have to see a specialist to repair the injury..:

cut 11 (07)  “pretty good”


At a gubernatorial candidate forum in Baton Rouge today, all four candidates were asked what should be done about the state’s current fiscal crisis. Legislators are currently working to resolve a $1.6 billion dollar budget deficit for next fiscal year. Republican Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle says the state’s tax code is outdated and needs to be totally redone…

cut 12 (11)  “people of Louisiana”

The forum was put on by the Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana. Republican Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne says one short term fix for the budget crisis is for legislators to increase the cigarette tax…

cut 13 (10)  “find some money”

Democratic Amite state Representative John Bel Edwards says Louisiana should reduce or eliminate tax credits that aren’t producing a the desired benefit. Edwards says tax credits are tax expenditures…

cut 14 (10) “review these things”

Republican US Senator David Vitter appeared by recorded video as he is in Washington, DC for a Senate vote. He says, if elected, he would immediately call a special legislative session focused on spending and tax reform and nothing would be off limits…

cut 15 (09) “on the table”