LRN PM Newscall August 4

The Colorado State University hurricane forecast team has released their updated forecast for the 2015 hurricane season and it’s not much different than their June forecast. Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (30)  “I’m Eric Gill”


The price of US crude oil has fallen to its lowest price in four months and LSU economist Dr. Loren Scott says it’s having a negative impact on economies in Louisiana. Jeff Palermo reports…

CUT 2 (30)  “I’m Jeff Palermo”


The Colorado State University hurricane forecast team has released their updated forecast for the 2015 hurricane season and it looks very much the same as their June forecast. Researchers originally predicted eight named storms with three hurricanes and one major hurricane. Lead author, Dr. Phil Klotzbach, says this update actually lowers the number of expected hurricanes this season…

CUT 3 (09)  “or five hurricane”

The new forecasts calls for five more named storms, two hurricanes, and one major hurricane. Klotzbach says the primary reason for the below-normal season is because of very strong vertical wind shears because of a strong El Nino…

CUT 4 (08)  “the storms”

He says the probability of a major hurricane making landfall along the Gulf Coast is just 12-percent, well below the full-season average of 30-percent. Klotzbach says although a below-average hurricane season is forecast, that doesn’t mean a storm won’t impact Louisiana…

CUT 5 (10) “the United States”


The price of US crude oil has fallen to its lowest price in four months and it is having a negative impact on economies in Louisiana. The current price for a barrel of US crude is just $45 a barrel, down from $61 a barrel on June 10th. LSU economist Dr. Loren Scott says the drop in price has caused job loss in communities heavily tied to oil and gas, like Lafayette and Houma…

CUT 6 (08)  “them at all”

As oil prices continue to plummet, some of the best paying jobs in the state are lost. He says job losses are spread throughout the oil and gas industry, from supply boats to helicopters to the drilling rigs themselves. Scott believes, as we get into the fall, there will be a significant drop in oil production in the US…
CUT 7 (06) “in the shale play”

He says the number of working rigs has dropped by nearly half of what they were a year ago. Scott says it’s difficult to forecast oil prices but expects the price of crude to turn around in the near future…

CUT 8 (08)  “back up, again”


Terrebonne Parish deputies arrested a mother in Houma for leaving her child unattended in a hot car for several minutes at a carwash. Major Malcolm Wolfe says  33-year-old Sumer Lynn Boudloche was charged with child desertion once officers arrived on the scene after receiving a call about a small child walking alone in the parking lot without adult supervision.

CUT 9 (09)  “vehicle alone”

Wolfe says  Boudloche left her two year old son in her running car while she went inside the business to use the restroom. He says once officers spoke with Boudloche, she slurred her speech and seemed to be under the influence of drugs.

cut 10 (09)  “car asleep”


A woman was killed around 9 this morning after being hit by a Kansas City Southern Freight train close to the Lincoln-Bienville Parish line. Bienville Parish Sheriff John Ballance says train engineers sounded the horn multiple times to alert the woman to move away from the tracks.

cut 11 (10)  “struck her”

Ballance says the accident occurred on the railway that runs parallel to Highway 80. He says the woman was killed instantly and police are still investigating the accident.

cut 12 (05)  “is deceased”


Public schools are reopening and it’s another year for the Common Core standards. The public has an opportunity to suggest changes to Common Core and a hearing to discuss new standards is set for August 19th. The president of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents, Hollis Milton, is one education leader who doesn’t want to see big changes with Common Core

cut 13 (11)  “with it”

The department of education has a portal on its website that’s taking public comment on Common Core. Milton says one change he suggests is to dump the PARCC standardized test for Aspire, which is associated with the A-C-T exam…

cut 14 (06)  “political football”

Milton also believes the Aspire exams, would be a better standardized test for third through eighth graders than PARCC

cut 15 (10) “in the nation” 


AM Newscall August 4,2015

A Duke University study found picky eating in kids could lead to possible anxiety disorders. Emelie Gunn has more on how some don’t believe that’s actually true…

CUT 1 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


A new study by LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center points to the lack of physical activity as the number one predictor of childhood obesity. Eric Gill reports…

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Eric Gill”


Governor Bobby Jindal announces plans to remove Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid program. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 3 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”


A study out of Duke University raises concerns that children who are picky eaters may be at increased risk for depression and anxiety. But Dr. Martin Drell, Head of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at LSU New Orleans, says it’s clear kids have different tastes in eating, but it’s a bit of stretch to say that could be a factor for possible disorders.

cut 4  (12)  “development”

Drell says in many cases, being a “picky eater” is a phase kids will grow out of. He says unfortunately this study could raise unnecessary concerns in overthinking parents…

Cut 5  (09)  “in parents”

Drell doesn’t think kids eating a particular food is a big concern for possible psychological disorders, but a child’s behavior towards their parent regarding certain foods could lead to bigger problems…

Cut 6 (12)  “parent issues”


A new study by LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center points to the lack of physical activity as the number one predictor of childhood obesity. Lead author, Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk (cats-mar-zick), says what makes this study unique is that it was conducted in 12 countries around the world…

CUT 7 (09)  “childhood obesity”

He says the study shows that obesity cannot be explained away by culture, class, or status. Katzmarzyk says children should be getting at least 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity every day. He says we’ve managed to engineer physical activity out of our kids’ lives…

Cut 8  (10)  “back to that” 

Researchers collected data from over 6,000 children between the ages of 9 and 11. Katzmarzyk says he was surprised to see just how big of an impact physical activity has on children’s weight across the globe…

Cut 9 (08) “of the environment”


The Colorado State University hurricane forecast team updates its outlook for the 2015 hurricane season today. C-S-U researchers previously called for a well below-average hurricane season as they predicted eight named storms. State climatologist Barry Keim says a stronger than anticipated El Nino has the tropics quiet…

Cut 10 (06) “fewer storms”

Keim says we are heading into heart of the hurricane season, which runs from mid-August through October. But he says based on atmospheric conditions, it’s likely we will continue to see below-normal activity in the tropics

cut 11 (09) “somewhat reduced” 

So far there’s been three named storms. NOAA will update its forecast on Thursday after predicting between six to eleven named storms at the beginning of the season. Keim expects both groups will only make tweaks to their previous forecasts

cut 12 (09) “guard up”


A new school year begins later this week for many public school students. For those who do not start this week, classes will begin for them next week. The president of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents, Hollis Milton, says to help students get ready for a new school year, re-adjust their sleep schedule…

Cut 13 (12)  “on a school night”

Milton, who also serves as the superintendent of West Felicana Parish schools, says it’s also important for parents and guardians to take steps in getting kids excited about going back to school

Cut 14 (05) “school year”

Milton says if your child has anxiety about another school year, make sure your empathetic….

Cut 15  (07)  “supportive”

LRN PM Newscall August 3rd

East Baton Rouge Parish DA Hillar Moore says cell phone encryption is making it difficult to solve the murders of 29-year-old Brittney Mills and her son. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (28) “I’m Michelle Southern”


The massive Bayou Corne sinkhole in northern Assumption Parish, which forced the evacuation of hundreds of nearby residents, formed three years ago today. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 2 (26) “I’m Michelle Southern”


East Baton Rouge Parish DA Hillar Moore says cell phone encryption is making it difficult to solve the murders of 29-year-old Brittney Mills and her son. Mills, who was 8 months pregnant at the time, was shot and killed on April 24th at her apartment. The baby later died at a hospital. Moore says they can’t get into her Apple iPhone…:

CUT 3 (09)  “court ordered”

Investigators feel the shooter is likely someone that Mills knew. Moore says the victim had the iOS-8 operating software on her iPhone and nobody knows her pass code. Therefore, he says they are unable to access any of Mills’ last text messages, phone calls and contacts…:

CUT 4 (11)  “just critical”

Moore says that this software is installed on more than 80 percent of cellphones now and believes the encryption system makes it easier for bad guys to hide behind crime. He says this is the only system that does not have to comply to court orders which could lead to critical information when it comes to solving murders such as Mills’…:

CUT 5 (06) “here on out”

The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s office is investigating the death of a white female who was found nude in an apartment in Pointe-aux-Chenes (Pont-ah-shan). Sheriff’s Office Capt. Dawn Foret says they have arrested 50-year-old Lee Dupre, who is the tenant of the apartment, and charged him with obstruction of justice.

CUT 6 (09)  “found her”

Foret says they are unsure if Dupre is a suspect because they’re still determining the cause of death.

CUT 7 (11) “at all”

Foret says they’re still waiting on dental records to ID the victim . She says identifying her was difficult because authorities found her decomposing.

CUT 8 (04)  “36 hours”


The massive Bayou Corne sinkhole in northern Assumption Parish, which forced the evacuation of hundreds of nearby residents, formed three years ago today. It was created from a collapsed underground salt dome cavern operated by Texas Brine. Assumption Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness director John Boudreaux says the area is a ghost town:

CUT 9 (06)  “that remain”

Boudreaux says the latest data by Texas Brine shows the sinkhole has only grown by about an acre and a half so far this year. He says some scientists believe the pit will continue to slowly get bigger over the next decade…:

cut 10 (09)  “to grow in size”

Boudreaux says they are still monitoring the bubble spots monthly to ensure the safety of the residents who have remained in the small community. He says even though the sinkhole has stabilized, they continue to keep a close eye on it to make sure there are no more dramatic changes…:

cut 11 (10)  “dramatically”


Shreveport Police are looking for a 27-year-old man who pointed his gun at officers early Thursday morning. Officers attempted to stop a vehicle after discovering the plates didn’t match the car. Chief Administrative Assistant Bill Goodin says the two men in the car, 30-year-old Joe Thompkins Jr. and 27-year-old Brandon Chin, jumped out of the moving vehicle and fled on foot.

cut 12 (12)  “the officer”

Goodin says during the pursuit, Chin, who was the passenger, regained his footing and started waving the gun at the officer again. He says the officer then fired two shots at Chin but  the suspect was able to elude the officer.

cut 13 (08)  “peace officer”
Goodin says they were able to make arrangements for the driver, Thompkins, to surrender himself and he was booked on one count of flight from an officer, one count of switched license plate, and three misdemeanor traffic bench warrants. Chin is still on the loose.

cut 14 (10)  “crime stoppers”


The Lafayette Police Department says a 35-year-old man is fighting for his life after being shot several times by three unknown suspects in an apparent home invasion. Corporal Paul Mouton says the incident took place about 1am and witnesses report 3 black men kicked in the door of the residence and began demanding money from the occupants…:

cut 15 (10) “at that point” 

Mouton says the victim was inside the residence along with two females and three children at the time. He says the man is listed in critical condition at a local hospital…:

cut 16 (06) “the suspects” 

LRN PM Newscall July 31

####Correction on Newscall involving the daycare story. The names of the daycare facilities were put in the wrong order in the first version of the newscall. It’s been corrected###

Over 260 bills passed in this year’s legislative session become law on August 1st. Jeff Palermo looks at two of the new laws…

CUT 1 (28) “I’m Jeff Palermo”


A study finds older adults that stop driving have an increased risk of health problems. Emelie Gunn has more on why…

CUT 2 (26) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


Over 260 bills passed in this year’s legislative session become law on August 1st. One measure makes it illegal to post or share nude images of people on the internet without their consent. Kenner Representative Julie Stokes, who authored the legislation, says “revenge porn” has destroyed lives…

CUT 3 (07)  “that they’re used”

Violators of the law could face up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Prior laws made it illegal to send nude images of someone under the age of 17, but this is aimed at protecting adults. Stokes says this law sends a powerful message…

CUT 4 (11)  “line somewhere”

Another law going into effect Saturday doubles littering fines across the state. Fines for simple littering will go from $75 to $150 and up to $1000 for subsequent offenses. Susan Russell, Executive Director of Keep Louisiana Beautiful, says they support anything that increases the litter enforcement effort…

CUT 5 (06) “in our state”

Improper disposal of items like furniture and appliances could end up costing offenders $10,000 under the new law. The additional revenue will go toward the retirement system of the agency that issues the litter citation. Russell says it’s a shame that laws like this need to be on the books…

CUT 6 (07)  “to be enforced”


Lake Charles Police announce that they have solved an aggravated rape case from October of 1999. Deputy Chief of Police, Mark Kraus, says the seven month investigation culminated in an arrest warrant for 45-year-old Austin Mott. Kraus says advances in technology led to them getting a DNA match from the physical evidence…

CUT 7 (07) “against a child”

In the 1999 incident, the victim was severely beaten and sexually assaulted while jogging at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Kraus says Mott is a registered sex offender who is currently serving time in Texas for an unrelated sex offense…

CUT 8 (04)  “he belongs”

He says they have re-opened several cold cases in recent months and are working diligently to solve them. Kraus has a message for anyone who has committed a violent crime against the citizens of southwest Louisiana…

CUT 9 (05)  “on our victims”


A new report finds older adults that stop driving are almost two times more likely to suffer from depression and nearly 5 times more likely to enter a long term care facility than those who remain behind the wheel. The study is by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and Columbia University. AAA Spokesperson Don Redman says the results are not all that surprising.

cut 10 (10)  “our freedom”

Redman says many adults are having to talk to their elderly parents about taking away their keys. He says if you do take that step, it could lead to your parents becoming less social and active….

cut 11 (09)  “the community”

Redman says this study shows that if you or your parents are no longer able to drive, it’s important that you still help them remain mobile…

cut 12 (10)  “of things”


State Superintendent of Education John White announces two daycare centers in Louisiana have had their licenses revoked – one in Baton Rouge and one in Bossier City. He says while the majority of child care providers do an excellent job taking care of kids, there are a couple who refuse to follow the law…:

cut 13 (10)  “the state”

White says the Our Blessings Christian Daycare Learning Center in Baton Rouge is the one whose staff is accused of leaving a two-year-old child at a restaurant amusement venue and not telling the parents or the state. He says they know of some cases in which a daycare had its license revoked recently but they’ve continued operating…:

cut 14 (11)  “has a license”

White says the Storybook Daycare and Discovery Zone in Bossier City had its license taken away due to continued regulations violations including improper child/staff ratio and not conducting employee background checks. He most Louisiana child care providers are doing an excellent job taking care of kids…:

cut 15 (11) “condition” 


AM Newscall July 31,2015

A rare blue moon will light up the sky tonight. Emelie Gunn has more on why it’s not what’s expected…

CUT 1 (29) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


DOTD warns drivers of heavy delays tonight due to a lane closure on I-10 west between Baton Rouge and Lafayette.Scott Carwile has more…

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Scott Carwile”


Cops have released 911 calls from the Lafayette Theater shooting the night of July 23rd. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 3 (32) “I’m Michelle Southern”


The night sky will light up tonight with what’s known as a blue moon. LSU Astronomy Professor Brad Schaeffer says the moon will not look blue, but it’s referred as a “blue moon” because it’s the second time in a calendar month that there’s been a full moon….

cut 4  (06)  “doesn’t matter”

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the phenomenon only occurs once every three years. Schaeffer says there’s really no scientific reason why it’s called a blue moon other than it’s the second full moon of the month

Cut 5  (10)  “for anybody”

Schaeffer says there is a common urban myth that strange things happen during a full or blue  moon which studies have now debunked.

Cut 6 (07)  “full moon”


The State Department of Transportation is warning motorists who are heading west on Interstate 10, west of Baton Rouge that they could encounter heavy delays this weekend. DOTD Spokesperson Rodney Mallett says starting at 8 p.m. tonight, one lane near exit 139 will be closed for repair.

CUT 7 (10)  “some time”
Mallett says the lane will reopen on Monday, August 3rd at 6 a.m. He advises drivers to take any detour they can to stay out of the expected congestion.

Cut 8  (11)  “US 190” 

Mallett says with construction taking place in Iberville Parish and in the Slidell area on I-10, they’ve advised truckers or those traveling across country to use I-20. He says the public can stay up to date on all roadwork by using their website.

Cut 9 (06) “ahead of time”


It’s not too late for the Who Dat nation to head to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia where the Saints are holding training camp. Greenbrier County Convention and Visitors Bureau Spokesperson Kristi Godby says in small town West Virginia, they don’t have an NFL team so they’re welcoming the Saints with open arms for a second straight year.

Cut 10 (11) “New Orleans”

Godby says last year they received many Louisiana visitors and expect to see more this year as training camp continues through August 20th. She says fans that come to the Greenbrier will finally be able to escape the extreme southern heat.

cut 11 (11) “or not” 

Godby says the Patriots will be making a special appearance toward the end of training camp to have a scrimmage against the Saints. The drive to White Sulphur Springs is 13 hours from New Orleans. She says they do have a local airport which puts you 10 minutes away from the Saints training camp location.

cut 12 (09) “get here”


In addition to the chilling surveillance footage from just moments before the deadly Lafayette movie theater shooting, cops have also released 911 calls from the night of July 23rd. 59-year-old John Houser opened fire during the film around 7:28pm. Two women died and 9 others were injured at the Grand 16..:

Cut 13 (11)  “older man”

The two women killed in the shooting are identified as 21-year-old Mayci Breaux and 33-year-old Jillian Johnson. Cops say Houser wasn’t in the theater long before he stood up and began methodically firing shots at people…:

Cut 14 (12) “by the Corner Bar”

Authorities say Houser suffered from a series of extreme mental problems and had even been committed by his family in 2008. Cops believe Houser began to leave with the crowd rushing out, but turned around when he saw officers had already arrived, then turned the gun on himself…:

Cut 15  (15)  “right at people”


Saints quarterback Drew Brees is set to begin his 15th season in the NFL. There are some who say the 36-year-old’s best days are behind him, but Brees doesn’t pay attention to any of that talk…

Cut 16  (14)  “this season”

Even though training camp is a grind, especially for older players. Brees says he comes into camp excited…

Cut 17 (14) ” fun again” 


LSU Coach Paul Mainieri has finalized his incoming freshman class. Many of them will get a chance to play since the Tigers have to replace their entire infield and only one starting outfielder is back and that’s Jake Fraley. Mainieri says two kids from Lafayette Parish, Antoine Duplantis and Brennan Breaux could get a chance to start in the outfield

Cut 18 (19) “this class “

Mainieri says as he gets ready for fall practice to begin in September, one thing they would like to do is develop a third and fourth starters. He says having only two starters to count on the last couple of years has hurt them in the postseason…

Cut 19 (15) “we can”

Mainieri says several of his returning pitchers are performing well in summer ball…

Cut 20 (15)  “up there”


PM Newscall, July 30th, 2015

The Slidell Police Department says a group of organized criminals were busted for stealing nearly half a million dollars at businesses with ATMs and check cashing outlets over the past year. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (28) “I’m Eric Gill”


The LSU football team comes in at number 13 in the preseason coaches’ poll. Jeff Palermo has the story…

CUT 2 (30) “I’m Jeff Palermo”


Baton Rouge Police say a Morgan City man, wanted in a Lafayette shooting death, was killed during a shootout with police. Cpl L’Jean McKneely says members of the US Marshal’s Task Force learned that 37-year-old Lawrence Blackburn was hiding in an apartment complex in Baton Rouge. He says authorities began evacuating the apartments…

CUT 3 (09)  “Task Force”

Blackburn was on the run, wanted for first degree murder in the death of 18-year-old Dravin Stevenson of Lafayette. It is believed that Blackburn initiated the gunfire. McKneeley says US Marshals shot Blackburn and he was pronounced dead at the scene…

CUT 4 (08)  “of gunfire”

He says one woman was shot in the leg during the incident. She was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The investigation is ongoing. McKneeley says US Marshals happened to be at the right place at the right time in locating Blackburn…

CUT 5 (08) “those locations”


Sweltering heat continues to impact Louisiana. Much of the state is under a Heat Advisory today, with an Extreme Heat Warning in effect for northeast Louisiana. Danielle Manning, with the National Weather Service in Slidell, says a weak cold front will move across the state as we approach the weekend…

CUT 6 (08)  “quite as humid”

She says the main impact from this front will drop humidity levels across the state. Wednesday, several locations in the state either matched or broke high temperature records. Manning says this cold front won’t bring afternoon high temperatures down very much…

CUT 7 (08) “nearly as high”

Manning says the front will drop heat index levels across the state this weekend. She says the state can expect the heat to continue through the rest of the summer. Manning says everyone should take precautions dealing with these temperatures…

CUT 8 (07)  “work outside”


The LSU Tigers, who are coming off an eight and five season and have question marks at the quarterback position, are ranked 13th in the preseason coaches poll. ESPN-dot-com college football writer Chris Low expects Brandon Harris to win the starting Q-B battle

CUT 9 (10)  “end up going”

LSU is one of eight teams from the SEC in the Top 25. Low says the Tigers defense is what will win them a bunch of games this season…

cut 10 (10)  “one defense”

The Tigers go into this season with a new defensive coordinator, Kevin Steele, who replaces John Chavis. Low says Steele and new defensive line coach Ed Orgeron are good additions to the staff and should provide results

cut 11 (09)  “both of those guys”


The Slidell Police Department says a group of organized criminals were busted for stealing nearly half a million dollars at businesses with ATMs and check cashing outlets over the past year. Sgt. Daniel Seuzeneau says two suspects, 36-year-old Marvin Hudson and 44-year-old Allden Jones, were arrested after trying to steal $12,000 from the Cash Cow in Slidell. Seuzeneau says the pair had a sophisticated scheme going…

cut 12 (07)  “would respond”

Seuzeneau says the pair would perform “dry runs” to find out how long it would take officers to respond to alarms. He says the two were often able to complete their burglaries in two minutes…

cut 13 (08)  “in cash”

He says the duo were chased to a New Orleans East home and were captured after a short standoff. Hudson and Jones each face burglary and other charges from the Slidell incident. Seuzeneau says it is believed that more people are involved and is hopeful more arrests are coming…

cut 14 (08)  “down everybody”



AM Newscall July 30,2015

Lafayette Strong: Unite.Honor.Heal, a ceremony to celebrate the lives of the victims of the theater shooting last week, will be held tonight. Emelie Gunn has more on what the community has planned…

CUT 1 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore says it’s likely that the criminal charges against LSU quarterback Anthony Jennings could be dropped. Michelle Southern reports…:

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Michelle Southern”


According to a new report from the National Partnership for Women and Families, more than 45% of the private sector workforce in Louisiana cannot earn paid sick days. Scott Carwile reports…:

Cut 3 (28) “I’m Scott Carwile”


Good Houskeeping magazine has named Nachitoches as one of the 50 Most Beautiful Small Towns in America. The publication selected one town from each state to make up their list. Samantha Bonnette, Public Relations Director for the city of Nachitoches, says they are excited to be part of this list…

cut 4  (10)  “more pleased”

Natchitoches was recently named Best Southern Small Town by readers of USA Today and 10Best-dot-com. Bonnette says they are proud to be on this list that features some real high quality small towns across the country…

Cut 5  (07)  “it’s just amazing”

Other small towns on the list include Breckenridge, Colorado, Sedona, Arizona, and Cooperstown, New York.  Bonnette says she can see how Good Housekeeping picked Natchitoches for this list…

Cut 6 (07)  “streetscape together”


Lafayette Strong: Unite.Honor.Heal, a community gathering to reflect on those lost and injured in The Grand movie theater shooting, will take place tonight at Blackham Coliseum. Lafayette Government Spokesperson Cyrda Wingerter (Sid-ruh Wing-er-ter) says they are expecting a big crowd…

CUT 7 (12)  “our community”

Wingerter says there will be music, artistic opportunities to create prayer flags, and recognition of people involved, including those caring for victims after the tragedy. She says they want the gathering to portray the culture and spirit of Lafayette.

Cut 8  (11)  “larger capacity” 

Wingerter says the healing ceremony will provide resources and crisis professionals for those struggling with last week’s tragic event.

Cut 9 (11) “to heal”


East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore says it’s likely that the criminal charges against LSU quarterback Anthony Jennings could be dropped. The QB and two other Tigers are accused of breaking into an apartment in June to retrieve items which belonged to Jennings. Moore says the tenant has contacted his office:

Cut 10 (05) “be persued”

LSU Coach Les Miles says the status of the players fully depends on the schedule of the DA. Moore is not giving a timetable on making a decision but did say that all he needs at this point is paperwork on what the complainants told cops the night of the incident..:

cut 11 (09) “a week or two” 

The team reports for fall camp on August 5th. Jennings, defensive tackle Maquedius Bain and safety Dwayne Thomas were all charged with unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling then were suspended from the team. Moore says since then, the people renting that apartment have asked that the charges be dropped…:

cut 12 (10) “is correct”


According to a new report from the National Partnership for Women and Families, more than 45% of the private sector workforce in Louisiana cannot earn paid sick days. Spokeswoman Vicky Shabo says when people can’t take paid time away from work, they often jeopardize their job or their ability to make ends meet…:

Cut 13 (10)  “for public health”

Shabo says for a typical family in the United States without paid sick days, 3.5 days lost to illness are equal to the family’s entire monthly grocery budget. She says about 90 percent of workers in restaurants can not earn a single paid sick day…:

Cut 14 (05) “significant concern”

The National Federation of Independent Business opposes any kind of mandate which would require employers to offer paid sick time. State Director Dawn Starns says they found 75% of employers already offer some form of paid sick leave and the government should not be telling people how to run their business…:

Cut 15  (07)  “and unnecessary”

Starns says many businesses are already doing what they can to help their employees. She says owners should be able to have flexibility when it comes to running their operation…:

Cut 16  (10)  “for their employees”


After going seven and nine last season, the Saints are ready to turn the page as they begin training camp today. The roster has been overhauled since the last time New Orleans played a game and that includes the release of the team’s top pass rusher Junior Galette. General Manager Mickey Loomis believes all the changes made will result in more wins this season

Cut 17 (12) ” coming season” 

Coach Sean Payton says they wish Galette well and it was not an easy decision to let him go….

Cut 18 (15) “about the team’ “


The LSU football team is a week away from starting fall camp. Coach Les Miles believes he’ll get better play from the quarterback position, as he expects a battle between Anthony Jennings and Brandon Harris for the starter’s role…

Cut 19 (19) “looks like”

Jennings has been suspended from team activities because he was arrested in June, but it’s likely the charges could be dropped. Miles says competition in practice between Jennings and Harris will determine who will start…

Cut 20 (20)  “the best quarterback”

LRN PM Newscall July 29

Lt. Clay Higgins of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office and his CrimeStoppers videos are officially all over the place with more and more national exposure piling on. Michelle Southern reports…:

CUT 1 (31) “I’m Michelle Southern”


The East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office says a man from Clinton is charged with a hate crime for allegedly pulling down the pants of a 12-year-old and making racial slurs towards him at a gas station. Emilie Gunn reports.

CUT 2 (24) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


The Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office has arrested a Deville mother accused of filing a false kidnapping report. Lt. Tommy Carnline says 24-year-old Ashley Ballard reported the incident happened as she was walking down the road with her four children…

CUT 3 (09)  “and left”

Carnline says Ballard claims four men in a car knocked her down and kidnapped her 2-year-old child. Ballard says she was able to recover the child in a ditch down the road. Carnline says investigators began canvassing the area searching for the car, but things weren’t adding up…

CUT 4 (09)  “was false”

He says Ballard gave inconsistent statements leading them to determine the alleged kidnapping never took place. Ballard is charged with filing a false police report. Carnline says they have yet to determine Ballard’s motive in filing the false report. He says the Sheriff’s office always wants to err on the side of caution and they treat every call like it’s a legitimate call…

CUT 5 (07) “a good thing”


Lt. Clay Higgins of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office and his CrimeStoppers videos are officially all over the place after getting exposure on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon this week. In the latest video, Higgins, aka “The Cajun John Wayne,” calls out someone who robbed a local supermarket…:

CUT 6 (12)  “in a cell door”

The video, which is also making the rounds from CNN to Fox News, has over 1.3 million views on YouTube. Lt. Higgins tells us this crime is being seen by people from all over the world and remarks in the video, “Congratulations son, I’m about to make you famous,”…:

CUT 7 (09) “lead to an arrest”

After playing the video, Fallon told the audience that he believes Lt. Higgins should run for president. Lt. Higgins says creating these Crimestopper videos and getting the word out about crimes happening in the Acadiana region, even on this national stage, is his job…:

CUT 8 (10)  “responses”


Legislation that will increase benefits for veterans has been unanimously approved by the US House.  Republican Congressman Ralph Abraham of Richland Parish authored the measure which is his first to be approved by The House. He says under the bill vets will receive a cost of living adjustment tied to social security.

CUT 9 (08)  “our veterans”

Abraham says this is the least we can do and more should be done for our veterans. He says reforming the V-A is his top legislative priority.

cut 10 (08)  “department”

The bill will now go to the Senate for consideration. Abraham says if this becomes law, the benefits will begin in December. He says vets regularly come into the the office and tell him what a struggle it is to make ends meet in this economy.

cut 11 (11)  “the solution”


State Police say two people from Houston were busted for allegedly cheating at Lake Charles casinos in two separate incidents. Sgt. James Anderson says 44-year-old Long Nquyen and 41-year-old Thu Vo were both playing Mini-Baccarat…:

cut 12 (10)  “then arrested”

The man and woman were each charged with counts of cheating and swindling and were booked into the Calcasieu Correctional Center. Anderson says people who gamble should know that surveillance operators at all of Louisiana’s casinos are very observant and proactive…:

cut 13 (07)  “cheat the casino”

Anderson says the suspects thought they could get away with placing bonus wagers after already seeing the dealer’s winning hand, but they were being watched the entire time. Anderson says if you cheat, you will be caught and face stiff penalties…:

cut 14 (07)  “involved”


AM Newscall July 29,2015

The most recent campaign finance figures for the Lt. Governor’s race shows Republican John Young leading the field.  Eric Gill reports…

CUT 1 (28) “I’m Eric Gill”


The Human Society of Louisiana has issued a heat advisory for pets. Emelie Gunn has more….

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


The Department of Health and Hospitals confirmed the presence of a brain eating amoeba in a Donaldsonville water system. Emelie Gunn has more….

Cut 3 (28) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


The most recent campaign finance figures for the Lt. Governor’s race shows Republican John Young leading the field with over $2.2 million in cash on hand. Fellow Republican Billy Nungesser is not far behind with more than $1.6 million. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says that’s a lot of money for this race…

cut 4  (08)  “back and forth”

Democrat Kip Holden reports $68,000 cash on hand, while Republican Elbert Guillory of Opelousas owes his campaign nearly $4,000. Dubos says, as the only Democrat in the race, Holden may have sizable support that will offset his lack of financial resources…

Cut 5  (10)  “governor’s race”

Dubos feels the candidates for Lt. Governor will keep a tight grip on their cash until we get to qualifying in early September. He says this race will be definitely be one to keep your eye on this fall…

Cut 6 (07)  “Attorney General”


The Humane Society of Louisiana issues a statewide heat advisory for pets after learning of a dog fatality in Franklin Parish. Director Jeff Dorson says during the hot summer months they start to receive a lot of calls from around the state regarding people not taking proper care of their pets,especially dogs and leaving them out in the heat.

CUT 7 (06)  “of them”

Dorson says in the case in Franklin Parish, they got a call from neighbors about a gray pit bull tired up outside without any shade or water for several days. He says the dog wrapped itself around a poll and ultimately died of heat exhaustion and the owner, who was not present when officers arrived, will be charged with cruelty to animals.

Cut 8  (11)  “fur coats” 

Dorson says the key is to prevent heat stroke rather than treat it by making sure your pets are comfortable. He says dogs are social animals and want to be inside and a part of the family.

Cut 9 (10) “of it”


In a recent study by WalletHub, Louisiana ranks near the bottom in the nation when it comes to the quality of its school systems. The state came in at No. 47 overall with low data rankings in School System Quality at No. 43 on the list and School Safety at 44. Baton Rouge Rep. Steve Carter is the Chairman of the state House Education Committee..:

Cut 10 (11) “is concerned”

The study ranks Louisiana number 48th in both math and reading test scores, but Carter says there are a lot of good things happening in our schools which are turning that trend around…:

cut 11 (10) “being made”  

Louisiana also ranked second to last on the study in the safest schools category which looked at the percentage of public school students who reported being threatened or injured. In the bullying incidents rate our schools came in at number 30 and Carter says this really bothers him…:

cut 12 (10) “going to school”


State Health officials have found another water system in Louisiana that contains a deadly brain eating amoeba. The Department of Health and Hospitals says the presence of the amoeba was found during surveillance testing of a water system that serves 18-hundred residents near Donaldsonville in Ascension Parish. State Health Officer Dr. Jimmy Guidry…

Cut 13 (10)  “your nose”

This is the same amoeba found in St. Bernard Parish last week. Guidry says the water is safe to drink. He says it’s not a surprise that they’ve detected the presence of this amoeba in two water systems within two weeks.

Cut 14 (08) “as well”

Guidry says the amoeba thrives at this type of year and the warm water dissipates the chlorine, making it hard to get rid of. He says they plan on keeping surveillance up and conducting a chlorine burn.

Cut 15  (05)  “at bay”


Training camp begins today for the Saints who are required to report to the team’s facility in West Virginia. The team is ready to put behind last season’s disappointing 7-and-9 campaign. NFL analyst Mike Detillier says the Saints spent the offseason trying to improve their offensive and defensive lines and that’s where you’ll find your big training camp battles

Cut 16  (12)  “Drew Brees”

Detillier says it will be interesting to see if the Saints top draft pick, offensive tackle Andrus Peat, can perform well enough to earn a starting spot. He says the team’s second-round pick, Hau’oli Kikaha (ha-OH-lee key-KAH-hah) will be asked to fill the role of the departed Junior Galette…

Cut 17 (09) ” University Washington” 

The Saints defense struggled last season, but Detillier likes the additions that have been made to the defensive secondary

Cut 18 (11) “Jairus Byrd”

LRN PM Newscall July 28

The July campaign finance report shows that Republican David Vitter has more campaign dollars on hand than his three gubernatorial opponents combined. Eric Gill has more…

CUT 1 (30) “I’m Eric Gill”


The Republican Party of Louisiana officially endorses Jeff Landry for Attorney General in the upcoming election, instead of incumbent GOP Buddy Caldwell. Emelie Gunn has more…

CUT 2 (30) “I’m Emelie Gunn”


There have been three fatal police shootings in the last three days in Louisiana. The latest occurred in Houma where a theft suspect was shot and killed by officers Monday afternoon. State Police Trooper Evan Harrell says a pursuit ensued after a failed traffic stop. He says eventually, officers were able to stop the suspect’s vehicle…

CUT 3 (08)  “at the officers”

He says the traffic stop was initiated after a Terrebonne Parish deputy recognized the 45-year-old white male from the Houma area as someone wanted for theft. Harrell says the subject emerged from his vehicle pointing a gun at the officers and they were forced to take lethal action…

CUT 4 (07)  “on the scene”

Officers fatally wounded the suspect and he was pronounced dead at the scene. Harrell says the State Police investigation is ongoing. He says it’s always difficult when police are forced to fire their weapon…

CUT 5 (08) “involved in”


The July campaign finance report shows that Republican David Vitter has more campaign dollars on hand than his three gubernatorial opponents combined. Vitter’s campaign reports more than $5 million in cash on hand for this fall’s election. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says this clearly shows Vitter’s advantages over the rest of the field…

CUT 6 (08)  “rest of them”

Republicans Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle report $1.8 million and $1 million in cash on hand respectively, while Democrat John Bel Edwards reports $1.1 million. Pinsonat says, at this point in the race, Vitter is the guy, but the others are hoping that will change…

CUT 7 (07) “making a difference”

Despite all of this fundraising activity, Pinsonat says you probably won’t see a lot of ads or activity from these campaigns until Labor Day weekend. He says that’s when this governor’s race will really kick off…

CUT 8 (08)  “September the 4th”


The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries have cited two men accused of stealing over 500 alligator eggs valued at over $10,000. LDWF spokesperson Gabe Giffin says agents observed 24-year-old Christopher Trahan of Lake Charles and 47-year-old Paul Canick of Grand Chenier taking alligator eggs from the marsh…

CUT 9 (10)  “to be on”

Giffin says Canick does have an alligator egg collector’s permit, but is not authorized to collect eggs from the area where he was caught. He says agents seized the eggs from the pair. Giffin says the department sold the eggs to an alligator farmer at market value…

cut 10 (07)  “into their pocket”

Trahan and Canick are cited for illegal possession of alligator eggs and not following refuge rules and regulations. First offense for taking unpermitted alligator eggs carries up to a $900 fine and up to 120 days in jail. Giffin says LDWF agents put in a lot of work to ensure cases like this are brought to justice…

cut 11 (05)  “and out there”


The Louisiana Republican Party is officially endorsing Jeff Landry for Attorney General rather than the GOP incumbent, Buddy Caldwell. Party Chairman Roger Villere says they noticed how Landry performed in Congress and feel comfortable he is the right candidate to move forward with in the race.

cut 12 (09)  “better job”

Neither Landry or Villere would directly explain why Caldwell was not getting the endorsement.  Landry’s campaign says he is honest, ethical and hardworking. He says he has 80 days before the election to give reasons why he will be a better A-G than Caldwell.

cut 13 (11)  “government”

The Louisiana Republican Party says this is the first time since 1991, when the party didn’t support the Republican statewide incumbent. That year they endorsed Clyde Holloway over Governor Buddy Roemer. Villere says Landry’s always been a strong supporter of the Republican party.

cut 14 (11)  “best candidate”


The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s office says an 81-year-old man is booked
on child rape charges which allegedly occurred in the mid-1980s. Warren Danos of LaRose is booked with Aggravated Rape. Sheriff’s Office spokesman Brennan Matherne says they were contacted by a woman who claimed she was victimized by Danos as a child about 30 years ago…:

cut 15 (11) “under the age of 10” 

Matherne says a woman claimed the rapes took place between 1984-1986 when she was less than 10 years of age. He says detectives investigated and obtained a warrant for Danos’ arrest…:(Danos was released after posting $5,000 bond.)

cut 16 (08) “for the warrant” 
