11:30 LRN Newscast

The US Senate Health Committee has voted to subpoena the CEO of Steward Health, Dr. Richard de la Torra. Committee Co-Chair Senator Bill Cassidy says they are investigating what led to Steward’s bankruptcy which is severely impacting care at hospitals across the country including West Monroe’s Glenwood Regional Medical Center.
Cut 3 (11) “…West Monroe.”
Due to limited resources at Glenwood, the state forced the facility to operate at one-third of its capacity, which has put a strain on other Monroe area hospitals.

Legislative leaders say they will not hold a constitutional convention this year. Governor Jeff Landry along with GOP megadonor Lane Grigsby says changes are desperately needed to the constitution to give lawmakers more budget flexibility. But Jeremy Alford of Lapolitics-dot-com says the legislative will is not there…
cut 7 (10) “…a constitution”

A new study finds that construction of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project will produce a huge economic impact to the New Orleans region. Sean Richardson has more.
Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”

If you like flying Southwest Airlines out of New Orleans, Houston, Dallas or Jackson, Mississippi, the airline announced today it will soon begin assigning seats to passengers instead of having open seating. The Dallas-based carrier says 80-percent of its customers prefer assigned seats. An end date for open seating has not been announced.

10:30 LRN Newscast

A new study finds the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion would create one-point-nine billion dollars in new sales for Plaquemines Parish and two-point-eight billion dollars for the New Orleans region. The Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion will use the Mississippi River to create more land and the Director of Restore the Mississippi River Delta Simone Maloz says the project will not only create land but also economic opportunities…
cut 5 (09) “….work as well”
But there are concerns this coastal restoration project will have a negative impact on fishing and oyster industries.

Training camp is underway for the the Saints in Irvine, California, and running back Alvin Kamara is at practice, even though he’s looking for a new contract. There was speculation Kamara would not practice until he got a new deal, but the veteran says he did not want to get fined for missing practices
Cut 25 (05) “…be here.”
Kamara is hopeful he’ll sign a new contract before the regular season starts in September.

President Joe Biden addressed the nation last night about his decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Race. Biden spoke for about ten minutes and talked about preserving democracy and he boasted about his accomplishments. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley …
Cut 13 (08) “…Kamala Harris”

The Council for the Development of French in Louisiana says 81 teachers from seven countries will teach French and Spanish immersion programs in public schools across the state this school year. CODOFIL spokesperson Matt Mick….
cut 8 (10) “….all over”
Mick says some immersion programs have been around for more than three decades.

9:30 LRN Newscast

Talk of a special session next month so that lawmakers can then vote to hold a constitutional convention…is dead. Lapolitics.com publisher Jeremy Alford says the House Speaker has told Representatives there are no plans to reconvene in Baton Rouge anytime soon…
cut 6 (12) “…this fall”
Alford says Senate leaders have shown no interest in holding a constitutional convention this year.

Louisiana will have 81 international teachers scattered across the state this upcoming school year to teach French and Spanish immersion programs. CODOFIL spokesperson Matt Mick says this will help continue to promote the French language in Louisiana…
cut 9 (06) “…next generation”

A Northshore physician has been found guilty of conspiring to illegally distribute 1.8 million doses of controlled substances, including oxycodone and morphine.
Cut 3 (31) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Bastrop police is seeking the public’s help in locating two teenage sisters reported missing yesterday afternoon. Keyshia and Ceddrell Jackson were last seen at Southpoint Loop apartments.

The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s office is asking for clues as deputies investigate the death of Gary Normand, found dead at a home on LA Highway 11-92 in Marksville. Investigators call the death suspicious.

8:30 LRN Newscast

State education officials say LEAP scores from the last school year show third through eighth graders improved their overall mastery rate by one percent in English. But Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says math and science scores held steady after consecutive years of improvement
Cut 23 (11) “…those gains..”
Brumley says in an effort to increase outcomes, the state will make tutoring more available.

Louisiana’s law that requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every classroom is facing a legal challenge and a federal judge will hear oral arguments on September 30th. State Attorney General Liz Murrill believes the lawsuit against the newly signed law is premature…
cut 11 (12) “…constitutionally applied”

A new study finds that construction of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project will produce a huge economic impact to the New Orleans region. Sean Richardson has more.
Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”

Despite wanting a new contract, running back Alvin Kamara is with his teammates as training camp is underway in southern California for the Saints. Kamara’s contract runs through 2025 and he believes he still has a few more years left. A-K turns 29 today.

7:30 LRN Newscast

President Joe Biden addressed the nation last night about his decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Race. Biden spoke for about ten minutes and talked about preserving democracy and he boasted about his accomplishments. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley …
Cut 13 (08) “…Kamala Harris”

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill is preparing to defend the state’s Ten Commandments Law, which faces a legal challenge. The Ten Commandments are to be displayed in every public school classroom starting January first. Murrill says the Ten Commandments represent the foundation of our laws and that’s the argument she’ll make to a federal judge…
Cut 12 (12) “…historical context.”
The ACLU says displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms is an unconstitutional religious coercion of students.

Council for the Development of French in Louisiana welcomes 81 teachers from seven different countries to the Bayou State. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (33) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

The state department of Education has released LEAP scores and there was a little improvement in English scores, but math and science held steady in the percentage of students who scored at mastery or above. Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says the state will put more of a focus on improving math scores.

6:30 LRN Newscast

The nation heard from President Joe Biden last night. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley…
cut 14 (10) “…re-election”
The President says the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation and make for room new voices, fresh voices and younger voices. He believes this is the best way to unite our nation.

A new study shows the construction of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project will produce $1.9 billion in new sales for Plaquemines Parish alone and more than three thousand jobs for the New Orleans region. Campaign Director of Restore the Mississippi River Delta Simone Maloz (ma-laz)…
Cut 4 (12) “…land-loss crisis.”
The Mid Barataria Sediment Diversion will redirect the flow of the Mississippi River to rebuild coastal land, but there are concerns it will not work and there are also concerns it will harm the oyster and fishing industry.

U.S. District Judge John deGravelles has set a hearing for September 30th on Louisiana’s law that requires the Ten Commandments to be placed in every public school classroom. Nine Louisiana families of different faiths filed a lawsuit claiming the law is unconstitutional because it violates the separation of church and state. Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill disagrees
Cut 10 (09) “…illustrate that.”
deGravelles has told several school systems to not display the Ten Commandments in any classroom until at least November 15th.

Council for the Development of French in Louisiana welcomes 81 teachers from seven different countries. Theses native language educators will teach French or Spanish in public schools for the upcoming school year. Spokesperson Matt Mick says the teachers are from France, Belgium, Canada, Senegal, Cameroon, Spain, and Mexico.
Cut 7 (11) “…the classroom.”
Immersion education is a teaching method where students learn all subjects in a foreign language.

AM LRN Newscall July 25

A new study finds that construction of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Project will produce a huge economic impact to the New Orleans region. Sean Richardson has more.

Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Sean Richardson.”


Council for the Development of French in Louisiana welcomes 81 teachers from seven different countries to the Bayou State. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 2 (33)  “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 


A Northshore physician has been found guilty of conspiring to illegally distribute 1.8 million doses of controlled substances, including oxycodone and morphine. Brooke Thorington has more.

Cut 3 (31) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.” 


A new study shows the construction of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project will produce $1.9 billion in new sales for Plaquemines Parish alone and more than three thousand jobs for the New Orleans region. Campaign Director of Restore the Mississippi River Delta Simone Maloz (ma-laz)…

Cut 4 (12) “…land-loss crisis.”

Maloz says they are looking at the direct environmental benefits of the construction but also the economic impact on how money will be spent in and around the parishes. Estimates show sales will increase by more than $2.8 billion for the New Orleans region.

Cut 5 (09) “…work as well.”

However, the Louisiana Oyster Task Force says the project will damage the oyster, fishing, and tourism industries. The region is home to 70 percent of all commercial oyster, crab, and shrimp landings.

Maloz says that it’s been one year since the project broke ground and once completed it will deliver sediment, freshwater, and nutrients from eh Mississippi River into the Mid-Barataria Basin to build and nourish wetlands for the next 50 years.

Cut 6 (11) “…state and parish.”

Statewide, the oyster industry alone earns around $317 million annually and provides nearly 4,000 direct jobs, according to the Task Force.

The study did not analyze the economic benefits of the project once it begins operating. However, it states around $54 million within this budget has been earmarked for building new oyster beds and expanding old ones, along with gear improvements and marketing for the seafood industry.


Council for the Development of French in Louisiana welcomes 81 teachers from seven different countries. Theses native language educators will teach French or Spanish in public schools for the upcoming school year. Spokesperson Matt Mick says the teachers are from France, Belgium, Canada, Senegal, Cameroon, Spain, and Mexico.

Cut 7 (11) “…the classroom.”

Immersion education is a teaching method where students learn all subjects in a foreign language. Mick says the immersion programs began in communities that requested them and some have been around for more than three decades.


Cut 8 (1) “…all over.”

Mick says because the French language and culture play such an important role in our state’s history, that’s the motivation for French immersion programs.

Cut 9 (06)  “…next generation.

The Council for the Development of French in Louisiana is part of the Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism task to promote the French language in Louisiana.


U.S. District Judge John deGravelles has set a hearing for September 30th on Louisiana’s law that requires the Ten Commandments to be placed in every public school classroom. Nine Louisiana families of different faiths filed a lawsuit claiming the law is unconstitutional because it violates the separation of church and state. Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill disagrees

Cut 10 (09) “…illustrate that.”

Murrill believes the lawsuit filed that seeks the block the implementation of the law was filed prematurely, because the Ten Commandments have not been displayed in any of the classrooms yet…

Cut 11 (12) “…constitutionally applied.”

Murrill says the Ten Commandments represent the foundation of our laws and that’s case she’ll make to Judge deGravelles…

Cut 12 (12) “…historical context.”


President Joe Biden addressed the nation last night about his decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Race. Biden talked about his plans for his final few months in office as well as a look back at his legacy. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley…

Cut 13 (08)  “…Kamala Harris”

The decision came after strong political pressure from Democrats and after Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19 for the third time in the past two years. Biden reiterated he believes it’s in the best interest of the democratic party and the country to focus solely on fulfilling his duties as President for the remainder of his term.

Cut 14 (10)  “…re-election”

Biden officially endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and said that he will support Harris and be by her side now until November.


U-L Lafayette football coach Michael Desormeaux is set to begin his third season as the head coach of the Ragin Cajuns. U-L is coming off back-to-back six and seven campaigns and Desormeaux wants to get back to having a powerful rushing attack…

Cut 15 (17)  “…those games.”

The Cajuns will enter preseason camp with a battle for a starting quarterback between Ben Woolridge and Chandler Fields. Fields finished as the starter last year and Desormeaux says the former Rummel standout seems determined to have a great senior season…

Cut 16 (16) “…the year.” 


ULM has seven quarterbacks on its roster as it heads into fall camp, led by Oklahoma transfer General Booty. Warhawks coach Bryant Vincent is excited to see the competition for Q-B 1 play out

Cut 17 (17) “…show.”

Vincent takes over a program that won just two games this year and like most new coaches has a honeymoon period. But Vincent expects to win right away in Monroe…

Cut 18 (16)  “…year one.”


Saints running back Alvin Kamara is seeking a new contract, but does not plan on holding during training camp. Kamara is signed through the 2025 season, but next year’s money is not guaranteed. The Saints could wait to see how Kamara performs this year after averaging less than four yards a carry last season.

Cut 19 (11) “…four or five more years”

Kamara turns 29 today.

The Saints have not made the playoffs the last three seasons. Quarterback Derek Carr says the level of urgency is high…

Cut 20 (13) “…higher results.”

5:30 LRN Newscast

The state department of education released LEAP scores for this past school year and third through eighth graders maintained their previous overall mastery rate in math and science. There was a decline in mastery rate for eighth graders in both subjects. Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says high dosage tutoring sessions could help boost those scores…
cut 4 (10) “…relatively quickly”
Brumley says falling math scores is an issue across the country.

The Saints held their first training camp practice today in Irvine, California, and running back Alvin Kamara participated, even though he’s looking for a new contract. There was speculation Kamara would not practice until he got a new deal, but the veteran says he did not want to get fined for missing practices
Cut 12 (05) “…be here.”
Kamara is hopeful he’ll sign a new contract before the regular season starts in September.

The Boston Consulting Group is reviewing the State Department of Transportation to find ways to make it more efficient. This after Governor Landry issued an executive order to optimize operations. DOTD Secretary Joe Donahue….
Cut 29 (09) “…responsibilities.”
Donahue says they’ll present a plan to the governor and the legislature next year on how to make the state agency run more efficiently.

The EPA has awarded the city of New Orleans with 50-million dollars to pay for greenhouse gas reduction measures over the next five years. New Orleans Congressman Troy Carter says the dollars will go towards a Blue Bike expansion, an e-bike rebate program, the construction of bikeways and the planting of 75-hundred trees…
cut 11 (09) “…cleaner community”

4:30 LRN Newscast

The state department of education released LEAP scores from the last school year and the results show progress has stalled after a couple of years of improvement. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 1 (30) …I’m Jeff Palermo.”

LDWF cited 26-year-old Hunter Herrington, 35-year-old Damien Corville, 34-year-old Skylar Robichaux, 25-year-old Jessie Reece, and a juvenile for theft of crawfish. Agents obtained video showing the men checking and keeping crawfish from traps, which didn’t belong to them four times between July 5-10. Penalties for crawfish theft are up to a $2000 fine and two years in jail.

A survey of 700 childcare workers by the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children says the majority make around $15 an hour or less, about $28,000 annually. Executive Director Libbie Sonnier says retaining credentialed workers is hard because of the low pay. Still, it’s so important for building a solid foundation for children.

Cut 6 (12) “…to benefits.”

The survey indicated public school pre-K teachers average $20 an hour in Louisiana. And according to the institute, a living household wage with two adults and two children is $23 an hour for each adult.

The Saints held their first training camp practice today in Irvine, California, and running back Alvin Kamara participated, even though he’s looking for a new contract. Kamara is hopeful he’ll sign a new contract before the regular season starts in September….

Cut  13 (05) “…I do.” 

Kamara rushed for a career 694 yards last season.

3:30 LRN Newscast

State education officials say LEAP scores from the last school year show third through eighth graders improved their overall mastery rate by one percent in English. But Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says math and science scores held steady after consecutive years of improvement
Cut 3 (11) “…those gains..”
Brumley says in an effort to increase outcomes, the state will make high-dosage tutoring more available.

The EPA has awarded the city of New Orleans with 50-million dollars in grant funding to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. New Orleans Congressman Troy Carter says the grant will fund an expansion in bike sharing, the planting of 75–hundred trees and subsidies for solar installations…
cut 10 (07) “….safer environment”

The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children says they surveyed more than 700 child care workers and a majority of them said they make 15-dollars or less…
Cut 2 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

Running Alvin Kamara was with his teammates as training camp kicked off today for the Saints. Kamara is looking for a contract extension. He’s under contract for next season, but the money is not guaranteed and he would like to retire as a Saint…
Cut 14 (06) “…means.”
Kamara rushed for a career 694 yards last season.