A law that changes oversite and the number of pharmacies for the state’s medical marijuana program is now in effect. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 1 (32) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
The Louisiana Department of Education says public school students performed better on LEAP tests last school year. Jeff Palermo has the story…
Cut 2 (31) “…I’m Jeff Palermo”
Legislation to enhance and change oversite of the state’s medical marijuana program went into effect this month. Houma Representative Tanner Magee’s legislation allows existing marijuana licensed pharmacies to have satellite pharmacies so the product is more accessible for those with cannabis prescriptions.
Cut 3 (07) “…access.”
Instead of the State Department of Agriculture regulating medical marijuana, oversite is transferred to the Louisiana Department of Health. Magee says LDH has more labs which should speed up the process of getting the product to the pharmacies.
Cut 4 (07) “…a lot of delays.”
In addition, to the current nine licensed pharmacies, a tenth one will be added. Magee says it will be awarded in the greater New Orleans area. Magee says with more satellite pharmacies the hope is that it will increase competition and decrease prices so it’s more affordable for those who need it.
Cut 5 (11) “…same time”
The law doesn’t increase the number of licensed growers and pharmacy operators, but it does allow licensed pharmacy operators to open more than one location.
New Orleans Congressman Troy Carter is a co-chair of a new Bipartisan Congressional Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Caucus. Carter says they will work to improve the federal government’s response to natural disasters.
Cut 6 (10) “…the storm.”
Carter says the goal is to be more proactive in the response to natural disasters.
Cut 7 (06) “…recovery.”
Carter says with natural disasters increasing all over the country, it’s time to hold federal agency heads more accountable.
Cut 8 (09) “…major storm.”
Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins addresses his disqualification from the fall election and says he will not take the Caddo Parish court’s decision lying down. A lawsuit filed by a Shreveport resident alleged Perkins did not live at the address he listed on qualifying papers, and the judge agreed. Perkins says he is not out of the race yet…:
Cut 9 (08) “…fight for our democracy.”
Louisiana law dictates that unless a candidate is in a nursing home, veterans’ home, or is running for the U. S. House or Senate, they must be registered to vote from the same address where they claim a homestead exemption. The lawsuit claims Perkins lives in a downtown condo; not the address he listed. Perkins says he is being targeted by a political foe…:
Cut 10 (10) “…to steal your vote.”
Perkins says polling shows him as a sure thing for re-election, and there are those who seek to block him from another term in office, by preventing supporters from voting for him…:
Cut 11 (06) “…of your rights.”
Perkins has filed his appeal of Judge Brady O’Callaghan’s decision with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
The Louisiana Department of Education says public school students performed better on LEAP tests during the 2021-22 school year after seeing test scores fall in the previous school year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says mastery rates for students in grades three through eighth improved three points in both math and English
Cut 12 (07) “..back north”
Brumley says 80-percent of Louisiana school systems improved their mastery rate when compared to 2020-21. He says fewer Louisiana students scored unsatisfactory, including a three-point decrease in students scoring unsatisfactory in math…
Cut 13 (11) “…in math”
Brumley says K-12 education is on the rise in Louisiana because schools were mainly open last school year and kids are in the classroom despite COVID concerns…
Cut 14 (09) “…upcoming year.”