A Calcasieu Parish man is dead, after being shot late Monday night by a homeowner as he tried to force his way into a house. Calcasieu Sheriff Tony Mancuso says the Lake Charles homeowner, who has not been identified, became alarmed when 21-year-old Joseph Tezeno tried to get in through his front door, then the back door too…:
CUT 12(12) “…chain of events.”
Mancuso says Tezeno seemed very drunk (or high) and was perhaps unaware of where he was. No charges are planned against the homeowner, but Mancuso says the Calcasieu DA will make that call.
In a radio interview, District 6 congressman Garret Graves says small business is getting the worst end of the economic downturn and labor shortages left over from the pandemic. He says they suffer the consequences of public policies that discouraged people from re-entering the workforce…:
CUT 09(08) “…to work.”
Bomb threats were called in to six Louisiana community & technical colleges this morning. Authorities in each community scoured the campuses and found no explosive devices. No one is reported hurt. The source of those threats is now being investigated.
The recently hired Grambling State University volleyball coach who famously cut the entire team has been fired and the students are reinstated. Michelle Southern reports…:
CUT 02(33) “…Michelle Southern.”