The high school graduation rate saw a slight decline from 2018 to 2019, but Louisiana schools graduated a record number of students.
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Matt Doyle”
Eleven Louisiana bar owners in Acadiana filed a lawsuit against Governor Edwards over his order that has closed bars. The plantiffs argue only a small number of known cases can be traced back to bars. A spokesperson for Edwards says the governor did what was legal and necessary to protect the health of Louisiana residents.
Business Facilities Magazine ranks Louisiana Economic Development’s FastStart program as the top workforce development program in the nation for the eleventh consecutive year. Executive Director of the FastStart program Paul Helton, says there is no secret to the success, they just produce results.
Cut 10 (12) “…delivers on that.”
The magazine also ranks Louisiana number one for best industrial electricity rates.
The state is reporting another Department of Corrections officer has died as a result of COVID-19. Governor John Bel Edwards..
cut 13 (09) “….worker at Angola”
The Department of Corrections says Sergeant Rosa Thomas died on Sunday and the Natchez, Mississippi native spent nearly 13 years working at the State Penitentiary. She leaves behind three children.