Louisiana has moved to number one in the country in per capita COVID-19 cases. Governor John Bel Edwards….
Cut 7 (07) “…this pandemic is.”
The state health department announced 11-hundred more cases yesterday and the number of COVID-19 deaths has reached 37-hundred, but the number of coronavirus patients has fallen below 16-hundred, which Edwards hopes is a positive sign.
The state revenue department says they’ll begin sending one-time 250-dollar payments this week to front-line workers who had to work during the governor’s stay at home order….
cut 15 (07) “….coming days’
Revenue Secretary Kimberly Robinson says they have received 205-thousand applications and you can apply at frontline-workers-dot-la-dot-gov.
The 600-dollar a week federal unemployment benefits are coming to an end Friday. Matt Doyle spoke with the Louisiana Workforce Commission about what that means for those without a job…
Cut 2 (30) “…I’m Matt Doyle”
Three people are in custody and Ouachita Parish Sheriff deputies are searching for a fourth person in the 2018 disapppearance of Donald Atkins. Danniel Barrett is wanted for second-degree murder. Joseph Hendricks, Thomas Davis and Paige Williams have already been booked on murder charges.