The ongoing rift between Governor Bobby Jindal and Senator David Vitter is getting national press. In a recent interview with the National Journal, Jindal told a reporter to turn the recorder off and he’d say what he really thinks about Vitter. Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat says voters in Louisiana do not want to see these two fighting…:
CUT 3 (09) “public trust”
He says if anything the dispute could benefit Vitter in his quest for Governor as most rural Louisiana Republicans don’t care for Jindal.
The embattled comedian Bill Cosby, aka Dr. Huxtable, is appearing tomorrow night at the Heymann Performing Arts Center in Lafayette. There are some who aren’t happy about that due to allegations recently surfaced accusing Cosby of sexually abusing women. The comedian released a statement thanking fans for love, support and trust and added he can’t wait to warm the hearts of the audience with the gift of laughter. The performance is set for 8pm.
The snow that impacted north Louisiana yesterday has moved out of the area, but some of the roadways are still slick. Scott Carwile has more…:
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Lots of students have been missing school for snow days and many northeast Louisiana districts are still out as they have been all week. Officials say they need to make up the time off which could mean either extending the school, shaving time off spring break or adding to the school year. Talks are underway to determine how the minutes need to be made up.