LRN Newscast 2:30

The number of Coronavirus cases rose sharply today to nearly 14-hundred and the death toll is up to 46.

State Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon issues an emergency rule designed to expand access to telehealth services during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Donelon says the rule means that insurance agencies must cover a telemedicine visit as they would for an in-person visit…
Cut 12 (12) “…rural areas”

Many Lousiana residents are at home obeying the governor’s stay at home order. Office of Public Health Medical Director Doctor Jim Hussey says stay away from consuming large amounts of alcohol…
cut 8 (09) “…health”

Some breweries have begun producing hand sanitizer that will be given to local doctors and retirement homes.…
Cut 2 (32) “…I’m Kevin Barnhart”

Cynthia Albert with the Better Business Bureau of Louisiana is warning residents not to respond to emails that say you are receiving a government check…
cut 5 (10) “…in there”
Albert says fraud schemes are running rampant with the COVID-19 outbreak.