Congressman Ralph Abraham announces he will not seek re-election this fall. Brooke Thorington has reaction from a political analyst…
Cut 2 (29) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates says the nephew of New Orleans native and Hollywood filmmaker Tyler Perry hung himself inside his jail cell. Twenty-six-year-old Gavin Porter pleaded guilty to manslaughter in April 2017 for the shooting death of his father in October 2016. The sheriff says Porter’s death is under investigation.
President Donald Trump says the country is ready for whatever the coronavirus outbreak brings to the United States. The illness has killed 27-hundred worldwide. LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine Chief of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Julio Figueroa, says when you compare the coronavirus to the common flu and worldwide mortality rates, yes more people do die from the common flu but that could change.
Cut 6 (12) “…know yet.”
The number infected in the U-S is 60, none in Louisiana.